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  1. What is the best course of action (DIsk 16) in this scenario? I had a power issue, disk was rebuilding. Server was rebooted. I haven't started the array. Thank in advance.
  2. I have been running binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn:libtorrentv1 since suffering fairly frequent unraid crashes with the latest tag. It has been fine since the switchover. Should I still be running this or can I now move to binhex/arch-qbittorrentvpn:latest? Running 6.12.6
  3. This looks promising. I'll give this a go! Thank you @JorgeB.
  4. I wasn't quite sure where to post this support request, here or in the support group for the docker container I believe is causing the issue. Every month or so, binhex-qbittorrentvpn causes problems and completely freezes my unraid web ui. Meaning I can no longer get into the unraid web ui at all. I can get into the CLI via SSH, but there are even some really strange things happening there too (htop wont load being one, diagnostics not being able to be collected being another). As soon as I send a command "docker stop binhex-qbittorrentvpn" the unraid webui will load. However, now binhex-qbittorrentvpn container continues to show running (docker stats, and unraid ui) but I cannot access the UI for the qbit application. If I try to kill the container in any way (unraid UI, cli, PID, pkill etc), it throws an error. The only way to return to a fully functioning server, with working qbittorrentvpn container for another ~month, is to hard reboot the server (server will not gracefully shutdown as it believes binhex-qbittorrentvpn is running, and it cannot end it). I even have a script to restart the qbit container every night at 12PM which I thought may help. Any ideas, diags attached. Thanks! buzz-diagnostics-20231127-1117.zip
  5. Getting a strange fullscreen set of syntax coming up during boot. Boot completes and nothing seems to be untoward during operation? Any ideas if I have anything to worry about? buzz-diagnostics-20231031-1418.zip
  6. @JorgeB This seems to have resolved it! I don't remember ever manually selecting all the disks and wasn't aware that unselecting all the tickboxes would mean they'd all be apart of the share (if that makes sense? UI could be better in that regard). I realise this a corner case but would be great if a fix could creep into the next release.
  7. I have a 16disk array (inc 2x parity). One of my disks (disk 7, sdi) has been showing errors for about a week. I did the short smart test which came back fine and took the disk out, connected to PC and ran Seagate diagnostics which came back fine. I think it's probably on it's way out but any way I be a bit more confident? Could it be something else like the connection from HBA to Backplane or similar? Thanks, buzz-diagnostics-20231006-1347.zip
  8. @JorgeB Unfortunately issue has started again. Attached fresh diags. Same message in syslog "No Space left on device". 2 disks have 7TB free. buzz-diagnostics-20230924-2137.zip
  9. thanks. EDIT: So I changed the minimum space on the share from 50GB to 160GB and that seems to have solved the issue. buzz-diagnostics-20230919-1611.zip
  10. Thanks for the info. I have changed all shares split levels to "automatically split any directory" and allocation to "most-free". unraid is still trying to move to disks with 50GB free instead of disks with 8TB free. Anything else I should check? Syslog still showing "No space left on device" during move process.
  11. As per title, mover is saying disks are full (log) but I have disks with available space? Why is mover trying to copy to full disks instead of those with available space? Diag attached. Appreciate any assistance. buzz-diagnostics-20230917-1351.zip
  12. Hi, I'm struggling with high CPU load and server becoming unresponsive occasionally. Any ideas? I do have Sab do direct unpack (unpacking whilst download etc), might I need to CPU pin certain applications to prevent them making the system sluggish? Nothing writes to the array directly (Mover runs daily at 11AM), everything writes to 4TB NVME. buzz-diagnostics-20230724-1625.zip
  13. My USB key was failing. I replaced it (followed official guide) and got the same "SyntaxError: Unexpected number in JSON at position 1" error when trying to replace the key. I have logged a support case. My NAS is unusable for an indeterminate amount of time. Poor process that needs improving.
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