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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Already done Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Thank you. Except the fix is in the .plg file and won't change anything for people who already had that installed (since its part of the one-time conversion from the old version of the plg to the new). You just have to make a change (any change) on the plugin settings schedule.
  2. Already done Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. unRaid version? 6.2 or 6.3 Over my morning coffee I tore through the code for dockerMan and looks like there's a single line of code that's changed between the two. Just released an updated that should take into account the differences.
  4. My fault. Fixed a *very* minor error in the .plg about an hour ago, and I continually forget that you can't have a "&" in an xml. Check for updates and do it again.
  5. Nice work mate, can I delete that container now then? Sure
  6. Added: Ability to have CA Backup automatically call CA Autoupdate to check for updates to (and install if selected within Auto Update Settings) docker applications after a backup is done. Added: Ability to leave selected Docker Applications still running throughout the backup procedure. The ability to not stop certain docker applications, you get to by hitting "Show Advanced Settings" on the main Backup Settings page. Any app which you check off will not get stopped by the backup system. This is an advanced setting, because in a perfect world you should also set that particular docker app's appdata folder to be excluded from the backup so that any files which happen to be open for writing etc at the time of backup are not going to mess up with the integrity of the backup. * Side Note: This feature actually now turns CA Appdata Backup / Restore into a general purpose backup / restore system for any particular share on your server as it is now possible to not have it stop any docker apps at all when running. Not what its designed for, but it will now work outside of the box. If CA Auto Update is also installed (and presumably up to date), then you also have the ability to have the backup system check for and then automatically install any updates available for the docker apps which you have selected under Auto Update Settings (Docker Section). There's a new option of the Backup Settings page dealing with this. Presumably, since your appdata backup runs on a schedule, you could safely disable the schedule for docker auto updates. * Thanks to CHBMB I can release this a week ahead of schedule
  7. Done. Pretty sure it works, but I'll wait until Friday's lsio updates before I release Decided to add it into the GUI under a hidden advanced section. Will be released next update (ie: Friday / Saturday)
  8. What's the output of crontab -l Try just changing the verify time settings in the plugin for those shares.
  9. Probably a network issue or something on your end. Try rebooting the server, switches, and router. Could also be a transient issue in your geography communicating with dockerHub or DNS settings on your server
  10. No. I'll add it, but won't add it to the GUI, as the odds of a non-successful backup rise significantly because of files being open, and don't want the people who just want their nzbGet running all the time to think that they can simply exclude it and have a successful backup done. I'll make a hidden method of selecting which apps to stop and we'll go from there.
  11. Had a better look at the script you posted, and you added in #!/bin/php which is incorrect. Should be #!/usr/bin/php (which is what it was originally as shown a couple of lines down)
  12. Ah ok I now saw what you're seeing. There were a couple of references in there, and I had previously fixed 2 of them, but missed the one in the .plg file which converted from the old frequency system to the new one. I've issued an update, but it won't fix the issue except on new updates that missed yesterdays. Solution is to just change any setting on the frequency / time of execution.
  13. Does this script still work for you? It'd be perfect for my setup, but it never seems to kick in and move files #!/bin/php #description=Run mover at a certain threshold of cache drive utilization. #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP $moveAt = 75; # Adjust this value to suit (% cache drive full to move at) $runDuringCheck = false; # change to true to run mover during a parity check / rebuild $diskTotal = disk_total_space("/mnt/cache"); $diskFree = disk_free_space("/mnt/cache"); $percent = ($diskTotal - $diskFree) / $diskTotal * 100; if ( $percent > $moveAt ) { if ( ! $runDuringCheck ) { $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( $vars['mdResync'] ) { echo "Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover\n"; exec("logger Parity Check / Rebuild Running - Not executing mover"); } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); } } else { exec("/usr/local/sbin/mover"); } } ?> Yes it works fine (just tested) You don't see anything in the syslog about mover running, but it does. Couple of notes: If you have the "description" file present (which was included with the script), then your description= comment is ignored. Any comment lines with PHP scripts should come after the <? or <?PHP line. While it doesn't actually affect execution having them in there before, those excess lines are actually echoed to the console (ie: they go to the script's log) and are not treated as comments. Just the way PHP works. I included an exception for PHP scripts (since that's how I do the vast majority of my scripts) that the comment variables can come immediately after the <? or <?PHP unlike bash scripts where it must be immediately after the #!/usr/bin/bash
  14. Anythings possible. But can't do it until next Friday when lsio's next round of updates is released...
  15. Check for updates. Already fixed Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  16. Ah luck of the draw on the names it chose Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  17. You are correct. RP is placing bait files within the root of the backup share when in fact it shouldn't be (but it doesn't traverse any sub folders within that which is correct). Will fix later today
  18. In the docker engine sub board. It's a sticky Sent from my SM-T560NU using Tapatalk
  19. Without you posting your diagnostics after it happens (and before you possibly reboot), we don't know.
  20. Added: Ability to auto update docker application Added: User selectable time of execution for plugin updates and docker updates Enhanced: Dynamix webUI no longer *required* to itself check for updates for either plugins or docker apps Fixed: Under very specific circumstances, it was possible for a plugin to get upgraded even if it violated the age requirement. Going forward, this module is now unRaid 6.2+ compatible only Plugins and docker updates both have separated installation times. The frequency is selectable by Daily, Weekly, Monthly (time and date all configurable), or custom. Custom setting takes a standard Cron setting to allow you to fine-tune further the update checks and installs. If you are utilizing CA's Appdata Backup, then you should ensure that the time of day when CA's Backup runs does not overlap with docker updates. Because of the now integrated selection of time of execution, plugin updates by default are going to take place Daily at midnight.
  21. There's an entry in the docker FAQ about layers from manifest...
  22. memory that is cached is released when another process requires it. VMs preallocate their memory and it is theirs and theirs alone. I think a better response however to your initial question is to justify it. Where exactly are you seeing the 84% utilized and what version of unRaid are you on? What is the output of free -m
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