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Everything posted by Squid

  1. Nothing special required. Just include the space in the name eg: /mnt/user/Movies/BluRay Movies,/mnt/user/Downloads Have 2 folders with a space on the name that I couldn't get exculsions to work. Thought maybe it was the space causing the problem. I just tried it and it worked no problems. Is it possible there are orphaned files (creation errors) for those folders? If you'll have to manually delete the files if they are present in there (they aren't monitored). But, stop the service first to be safe. But, you can always upload your diagnostics (actually only need the syslog), and /boot/config/plugins/ransomware.bait/filelist, and the settings.ini file (or PM if you want) Can't recreate the issue now. Must be operator error. Any chance hidden folders could be excluded by default? I'm seeing lots of bait file creation errors, all for hidden folders. One situation I honestly never checked out. I'll look into it Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  2. For your situation, tossing bait files into every folder is not a good thing because of what you're noticing. As to the severity of the thread I will leave that for you and others to research and decide for themselves. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  3. Nothing special required. Just include the space in the name eg: /mnt/user/Movies/BluRay Movies,/mnt/user/Downloads Have 2 folders with a space on the name that I couldn't get exculsions to work. Thought maybe it was the space causing the problem. I just tried it and it worked no problems. Is it possible there are orphaned files (creation errors) for those folders? If you'll have to manually delete the files if they are present in there (they aren't monitored). But, stop the service first to be safe. But, you can always upload your diagnostics (actually only need the syslog), and /boot/config/plugins/ransomware.bait/filelist, and the settings.ini file (or PM if you want)
  4. Nothing special required. Just include the space in the name eg: /mnt/user/Movies/BluRay Movies,/mnt/user/Downloads
  5. Yeah, I think eschultz thinks I'm on glue because I was commenting on the commit that clearly showed incorrect code and he's looking at something else. And I also use a ton of the my_ functions. Easy to remember and handle. Easier to put in a conditional declaration rather than rename everything, since ultimately both your's and mine do the same thing (although I prefer mine ) (And the conditional allows me to maintain compatibility with previous versions of unRaid) Just joking around about blaming Dynamix for my very minor little woes You can always blame ME Nah. I assume that dynamix is like RP and CA and has a mind and will of its own and pretty much does what it wants on its own accord during development Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  6. Yeah, I think eschultz thinks I'm on glue because I was commenting on the commit that clearly showed incorrect code and he's looking at something else. And I also use a ton of the my_ functions. Easy to remember and handle. Easier to put in a conditional declaration rather than rename everything, since ultimately both your's and mine do the same thing (although I prefer mine ) (And the conditional allows me to maintain compatibility with previous versions of unRaid) Just joking around about blaming Dynamix for my very minor little woes
  7. http://66.media.tumblr.com/d58f132dad2007f858ebadfb4bac2445/tumblr_mxc6g6ZP8Y1shp46wo1_500.jpg[/img] - Added in the manual - Fixed compatibility with Dynamix Bleeding Edge (but since I was first with the my_parse_ini_file fix, shouldn't Bleeding Edge have to fix compatibility with RP and CA since it also had the fix prior to Bleeding Edge??)
  8. Fix is in RP to check for that function before declaring it now. But really glad you posted that github link, as there is a major issue with the code as posted... Once I finish the manual, I'll update RP
  9. But I was first with that update to handle the potential issue! But, no problems... I'll change the name of the function I'm using within the .page file. Working on the manual for this right now anyways
  10. You can't do #2. Because a write to the drive failed, the data contained upon the disk is invalid, and at the very least, something is corrupted, so merely doing a new config is going incorporate that corruption into the array. The disk was disabled... Feel free to run the tests on another computer all you want, but once you're satisfied that the disk is OK, rebuild onto itself. Don't do a new config.
  11. Ideally you should post your diagnostics, which will include the SMART report for that disabled disk, for people here to analyse if the drive should be replaced (it was disabled in the first place because a write operation to the drive failed) But, if you truly believe the disk is A-OK and it was a cabling issue, then to rebuild the emulated disk back onto the physical disk (no way around this because a write did fail, which means that the contents of that disk are not up to date) here's how you do it. Stop the array Set the disk to be not installed Start the array Stop the array Set the disk to be the appropriate disk Start the array unRaid will now commence the rebuild operation.
  12. You don't actually specify what your problem is, but from your settings, I'm surmising that sonarr is telling you that it can't import such and such folder as it doesn't exist and/or doesn't have permission The problem is within your settings for sab. If you look closely, it says that the default base folder is /config (which is mapped to /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd The completed downloads you have as Downloads/completed Sonarr is probably telling you that it can't import the folder /mnt/cache/appdata/sabnzbd/Downloads/completed/whateverItIs Problem is the completed downloads setting in Sab. You're using a relative folder (no beginning slash) so its stored within /Config as per the docs for sab If you change it to /downloads/completed, then everything will work correctly Further info that might shed some more light is here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40937.msg488507#msg488507
  13. Would depend upon the plugin. (And the result would be no different than if you manually updated the plugin). To be 100% safe in that situation, I would disable the update for preclear, as I don't know how gfjardim handles updates while a preclear is in progress (Any of my plugins, during an update I completely stop and restart any processes that are running 24/7 so that they get the latest version)
  14. Run A Custom Script At Parity Check / Rebuild Start And Stop Use it to run a custom script to (as an example), shut down various docker applications, etc. Adjust the variables within the script file. Note that you either need to run this in the background or at array start. Running this in the foreground will not work. #!/usr/bin/php <?PHP # A simple script to allow you to run a custom script when a parity check starts or stops # Adjust the following variables to suit: $checkInterval = 300; # Number of seconds in between checks $startScript = "full path to the script"; # The full path to the script to run when a parity check starts $stopScript = "full path to the stop script"; # The full path to the script to run when a parity check stops # Don't touch anything below while (true) { $vars = parse_ini_file("/var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( $vars['mdState'] == "STOPPED" ) { break; } if ( ($vars['mdResyncPos'] != 0) && $vars ) { echo "Parity Check / Sync / Rebuild in progress. Executing the start script ($startScript)"; exec($startScript,$output); foreach ($output as $line) { echo $line."\n"; } while (true) { $vars = parse_ini_file("var/local/emhttp/var.ini"); if ( ($vars['mdResyncPos'] == 0) && $vars ) { echo "Parity Check / Sync / Rebuild finished. Executing the stop script ($stopScript)"; exec($stopScript,$output); foreach ($output as $line) { echo $line."\n"; } break; } else { sleep($checkInterval); } } } else { sleep($checkInterval); } } ?> custom_script_parity_check_start_stop.zip
  15. Did you try clicking in the destination box. Should bring up a directory browser. Works for me...
  16. http://www.relatably.com/q/img/funny-quotes-about-life-getting-better/1375690139173477_tall.jpg[/img] - Improvements in stop services - Fixed: Depending upon settings, an attack on user shares could trigger multiple attacks on bait shares - Added: Optional preserving of folder modification time when creating bait files - No longer log smb status if smb wasn't enabled - Set UD mounted shares to be read-only in case of attack
  17. Its not bleeding edge (I don't use it) I just saw it on CouchPotato (but none of my others) (but can't get CP to do it again even with a force update) Affects stock unRaid (http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=53153.msg510949#msg510949)
  18. Won't help you now, but going forward, this weekend's update will have this in there (optional, defaults to preserving the date/time of the folder) (Actually an awesome idea as I work with my shares the same way, and it never really popped into my head)
  19. Really? You want me to issue an update to change the word share to folder? And then you're not going to rub it in my face?
  20. This is the key thing here, and I know what's going on. Gotta further increase the safeguards to prevent this situation. (Its also why I had that messed up upgrade routine)
  21. Because its true. There's a replacement. Follow this procedure: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=52462.msg510326#msg510326
  22. I'll check it out after work. Are the backup copies of the share cfg files on the flash drive (/config/plugins/ransomware.bait/can'tRemember) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. What are you seeing? This is what I see....
  24. CA always installs whatever plugin URL the author has set. (In this case, its identical to the one that gfjardim just posted above). Whatever the .plg decides to install is set by the author and it makes no difference as to whether or not its installed via CA or manually via the plugins tab. The result is always the same between them both. (CA calls the plugin manager to install the URL). As to whether or not the script(s) are installed, I'm not sure, as I haven't had a need to run preclear for a while now....
  25. Don't know what you saw, but just tried it and CA installs the correct version (2016.10.26)
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