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Everything posted by Squid

  1. ok... (or anyone that wants it) download this to your flash drive https://github.com/Squidly271/community.applications/raw/master/archive/community.applications-2016.09.06beta.txz then installpkg /boot/community.applications-2016.09.06beta.txz rm -rf /tmp/community.applications Has the cumulative fixes for what you've found (I'm in the process of testing them anyways right now) More curious about just using CA proper. Does it send the right xml's to dockerMan to be installed (ie: when you hit add is the template that shows up match what you hit add on any app that you pick out of a hat?) Need testing due to two test containers that I've got buried away in the Uncategorized section (feel free to add them to see what I'm doing, but they won't actually install via dockerMan).
  2. I should add you as a beta tester You're finding stuff that no one else has... Fixed a typo.
  3. If you've got the destination set to same as appdata, then the process is to actually backup into the appdata share and then the appdata backup takes places. Net result is that yes you do wind up with that folder in your appdata share (backup of a backup ) Understood. After backing up, wouldn't be better to delete them? It'd look cleaner [emoji6] Sent from my SM-G901F using Tapatalk Not a big deal to me. Consider it done.
  4. If you've got the destination set to same as appdata, then the process is to actually backup into the appdata share and then the appdata backup takes places. Net result is that yes you do wind up with that folder in your appdata share (backup of a backup ) If the VM service is disabled, then the XML's don't actually exist anywhere (they are mounted in a loopback image) and can't be retrieved. Only if the service is enabled is access to the xml's available. As far as running or not it won't matter Top of my head, not easily without creating an image to store everything in. Initial problem I see (with something like zip) is that of the symlinks / hardlinks / special files which I don't know if zip supports. Couldn't even tell you if CrashPlan supports symlinks / hardlinks. And if any of those are missing, then the backup is incomplete. Thanks. That's been there for months. EDIT: It will run at 12am, but when reloading the backup settings it will display as 3am. Another minor little bug found relating to the VM xml's. If VM's were enabled, a backup was run, and then disabled and another backup run, you actually wind up losing the xml backups in latest backup set. Both fixed for next maintenance release (this week sometime)
  5. Check your network settings. Dns and gateway. I doubt if anything on the server can communicate with the outside world Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Thanks for your answer! I think I found something weird inside unRAID . I'm using static IP address and I have also to add manual DNS. I used my router's IP ( but the moment I mount the shares it changes to a different DNS server (, maybe provided by my ISP, but it's different from the one my Mac is using, being in the same network). Also, if I manually set and as the DNS servers, it keeps using just I don't know what's going on here . It has been working without problems since 2 years ago . Some dockers are failing too now . Not sure. I recall seeing something like this in the last month or so and it had something to do with the bonding setup. Only suggestion I can come up with initially is to delete config/network.cfg from the flash drive and reboot and try it all again (may have to connect back to the gui via the ip address which you'll be able to get from the router as unRaid'll be set back to dhcp) IMO the best way to set up static IPs is to leave the IP address in unRaid as dhcp, and set up the static via the router (that way if you ever replace the router and it hands out addresses on a different subnet everything in your network will still work). You may still have to assign DNS addresses however
  6. Check your network settings. Dns and gateway. I doubt if anything on the server can communicate with the outside world Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  7. Fixed Backup/Restore Settings Added in selectable display for apps of day
  8. Not that I have any clue about this container or its setup, but host port 80 is definitely already in use (by unRaid's emhttp) unless you've changed the port unRaid operates on.
  9. I would think that --env-file /rust.env goes into the extra parameters, not the environment variables, since it is a file that contains all the environment variables. Barring that, you can take all those entries in the env file and add them individually as separate environment variables. Beyond that, I'm not quite sure where exactly /run.env is actually stored. The example has it in the root folder. But the root of what? the containers image (probably) or the root of unraid (unlikely). Myself, playing around I would add another volume called something like /Environment mapped to /mnt/user/appdata/rust and then reference the file as /Environment/rust.env. But like I said, your easiest course of action may be to just take those variables and toss them all into separate environment variables.
  10. One of the new features enabled by CA's rewrite of its rendering engine is user-selectable Branches to install. If the template supports this, when the user installs (or defaults) a supported template, they will be presented with a pop up asking them which branch of the application to install. Add this in to the template: <Branch> <Tag>tag#1</Tag> <TagDescription>This is the description of tag #1</TagDescription> </Branch> <Branch> <Tag>tag #2</Tag> <TagDescription>This is the description of tag #2</TagDescription> </Branch> and so on... When the user selects a branch, the tag (if any) that is already included in the <Repository> entry will be overwritten with the selected tag prior to the xml being sent to dockerMan. The user will also be presented with a Default option which will send to dockerMan the xml with an unaltered <Repository> entry with whatever tag is already present in it (if no tag is present, dockerMan automatically appends :latest as a tag) I don't really recommend adding more than a few branches to any container, as the user can ultimately still change the branch themselves in dockerMan, limited screen real estate, and who wants to add the 100 or so branches that something like MySQL offers to a template. Additionally, this feature is not going to be back-ported to legacy mode in CA (ie: if you hit Update Applications, you will not see the popup) This feature will be available within CA sometime the week of September 5 Advanced Each branch also has the ability to replace any of the xml tags from the main template. EG: If the default tag requires an environment variable of LAN=1, but the branch requires VMLAN=1, then you would have the xml set up something like this: . . . <Environment> <Variable> <Name>LAN</Name> <Value>1</Value> </Variable> </Environment> . . <Branch> <Tag>SomeTag</Tag> <TagDescription>This is the description</TagDescription> <Environment> <Variable> <Name>VMLAN</Name> <Value>1</Value> </Variable> </Environment> </Branch> Note that ANY of the template schema can be replaced by the branch this way (including the repository - If replacing the repository, specify the full repo including the tag, as the tag identified by the <Tag> entry will not get appended in this case Also note that if the template is a v2 template (ie: has the <Config Name..... > entries, you should include both the <Config entries AND the v1 legacy sections to be replaced for compatibility for 6.1.x Also, note that for <Config> entries within Branches, ALL configs must be included in the Branch, not just additional ones. For a couple of examples, look here: https://github.com/Squidly271/docker-test-repo
  11. There is none... Never particularly thought it was a big deal. Just filled up the empty screen. I can add it in should you choose
  12. Interesting. Either someone at lsio was playing around with the template, or the download got corrupted somehow. (Or you have memory issues with the server) What I would do is uninstall Plex, then reboot the server and then reinstall again via CA. Not saying that it'll fix the issue(s), but if the template shows up correct then at least we're on the right track and the lsio/Plex experts can take over
  13. Sorry. What I mean is how did you get the basic template in the first place to edit? Via CA and hitting Add there or via another means. Trying to determine if its CA's fault somehow that those wonky entries came into being.
  14. I trust that the next time I decide to do a major rewrite, you'll be first in line to convince me to not do it...
  15. According to a new install of Plex via CA, Key 1 (PUID) should be 99, not {9} {0} I don't have that key existing at all. Key 3 Version I don't believe that you can use plexpass as a version anymore How did you install the template?
  16. This problem may have started when I "upgraded" my PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I have also noticed, that when installing Docker updates or checking for plugin updates, the pop-up status window is more often than not blank until the process finishes. I am fairly certain that started around the time of the upgrade as well. Just for kicks, I'll check it out on my laptop which has a fresh Windows 10 install. I doubt this has anything to do with it, but, just to eliminate a variable, I will try it. Well, what do you know? It appears that is, in fact, the root of the problem. On my laptop with fresh Windows 10 install, no issues with FCP and text shows up in update windows in plugins and docker tabs. Why my "upgrade" installation of Windows 10 causes this functionality/display issue in FCP, I have no ideas; however, that appears to be the cause. No errors or warnings were found with the FCP scan from my laptop, so, that is also good news It may infact be a bug. While I can't recreate it your behaviour, I would hazard a guess that your desktop has adblockers installed, while the laptop does not. FCP throws up a popup if an adblocker is detected, but if its never been run before on top of that it throws up the Scanning popup. On mine under those circumstances, both the popups wind up being closed at the conclusion of the scan, but for some reason yours might be different (no idea why). I'll rearrange the order of the tests. Hmmm.... interesting theory. I do have Adblock+ installed in Firefox; however, it is installed on both the laptop and the desktop. My successful run of FCP on the laptop was with Firefox with ABP installed and enabled. No popup blockers were manually installed for Chrome or Edge on the desktop and FCP failed in the same way on both of those browsers as well. I also disabled the Edge built in popup blocker and saw the same behavior. I then disabled ABP in Firefox and ran FCP again on the desktop; same result. Then I don't have any good answers. I'll still rearrange the order of things being done however.
  17. One of the backup option fields isn't populating itself with a default value on the new settings. Looks like all you have to do is select a value for Save Log To Flash and then everything should begin working. I'll update tomorrow. One of the problems with major rewrites is that you sometimes miss stuff :'( EDIT: You also won't be able to set the days to keep backups, but that isn't the show stopper here, and can be set later
  18. You guys are right. Don't worry about the diags...
  19. What setting are you trying to change? Seems to work perfectly for me when I vpn into the server Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk Sorry Squid, I meant the backup setting. It saves nothing, 'Appdata Share', 'Save to disk #', etc. I click on 'Apply' but setting aren't saved. Post your diagnostics, but I'd hazard a guess that your flash drive is set to be readonly or something (Or you've got some "bread" errors in the logs). Turn off the server and pop the flash into your computer and let it run its checks (chkdsk) against it. Technically rebooting the server is also supposed to run these checks.
  20. They are part of the /usr/bin/run-parts /etc/cron.daily (as an example) Install the dynamix scheduler plugin to adjust the actual time of execution (once installed, you'll see under settings - scheduler - fixed schedule a user.script.start.daily.sh (as an example) that in turn executes any scripts that are scheduled to start daily
  21. This problem may have started when I "upgraded" my PC from Windows 7 to Windows 10. I have also noticed, that when installing Docker updates or checking for plugin updates, the pop-up status window is more often than not blank until the process finishes. I am fairly certain that started around the time of the upgrade as well. Just for kicks, I'll check it out on my laptop which has a fresh Windows 10 install. I doubt this has anything to do with it, but, just to eliminate a variable, I will try it. Well, what do you know? It appears that is, in fact, the root of the problem. On my laptop with fresh Windows 10 install, no issues with FCP and text shows up in update windows in plugins and docker tabs. Why my "upgrade" installation of Windows 10 causes this functionality/display issue in FCP, I have no ideas; however, that appears to be the cause. No errors or warnings were found with the FCP scan from my laptop, so, that is also good news It may infact be a bug. While I can't recreate it your behaviour, I would hazard a guess that your desktop has adblockers installed, while the laptop does not. FCP throws up a popup if an adblocker is detected, but if its never been run before on top of that it throws up the Scanning popup. On mine under those circumstances, both the popups wind up being closed at the conclusion of the scan, but for some reason yours might be different (no idea why). I'll rearrange the order of the tests.
  22. What setting are you trying to change? Seems to work perfectly for me when I vpn into the server Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  23. Works fine for me. What browser are you using? Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  24. I've actually been thinking about hiding it altogether somehow (but still keeping it available) as there tends to be never a real reason to hit it) Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
  25. Looks like an improvement in the speed at least. Sorry about having to do the power down. I ran that code for 3 weeks and the right set of circumstances never hit me until earlier today. Sent from my LG-D852 using Tapatalk
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