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Posts posted by burgess22

  1. On 4/4/2021 at 1:11 PM, Partition Pixel said:

    Hi there, loving the docker so far and it came right on time ! (I started mining monero like yesterday)


    One issue I'm having is that I only get around 7 mh/s when I'm supposed to get more like 11-12 mh/s. My CPU is a Ryzen 3900X. I have 11/12 cores mining and I tried switching privileged mode on/off. I'm also seeing the msr FAILED TO APPLY MSR MOD, HASHRATE WILL BE LOW like you mentioned, I'm thinking this is what is causing my hashrate loss. I'm guessing the kernel is absent from the base image and you would need to add it ? I have some docker experience if that can be of any help, none regarding kernels tho lol

    hey @Partition Pixel did you end up getting you hash rate any better? I've the same processor and getting around 7 mh/s as well

  2. 11 hours ago, Trinity said:

    Hmm, okay. I am at ~190 Plots and will max out at ~360 Plots when I fill my whole free space. While plotting I am working actively on killing the SSD... If the chances to farm any coin are so unlikely, what's the point in continuing. As far as I know, pools require to throw away all plots and start over again to kill another SSD...

    Funny how "Independant currency for everybody" turned into "Rich become leveraged Richer"

    I am farming on HPool I figure I have to re plot anyway so once official Farming pools come out I will start plotting from a new wallet address and discard the others which are compromised from giving the seed phrase out. 

  3. On 5/18/2021 at 4:34 AM, zer0ed said:



    For the fullnode sync issues many people are having with the docker, I've moved my farmer to a separate ubuntu server VM with dedicated resources 4 core, 2 GB RAM. Shortly after it started syncing like a dream and has been staying in sync while plotting on the docker and using it as a harvester.  Watching htop from within the vm, I have seen it use 100% of 3 cores at times while syncing and it's just being a fullnode, farmer, wallet (no plotting or harvesting).


    The full node not only maintains a copy of the blockchain, but also validates it which I assume is fighting for resources when plotting from the same machine. I can't be sure, but I've seen a few people mention in the chia reddit suggest not to plot from the same machine as the full node when they were having sync issues.


    After I moved my fullnode to the vm, changed the forwarded ports on the router to the new ip (don't forget about that).. it only took a couple hours to catch up the sync and has been holding steady.  More info about the different jobs (farmer, harvester, wallet, full node) can be found here: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Network-Architecture  Help on how to setup different machines to do different jobs: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Farming-on-many-machines.


    After all this I like to use Chia Harvest Graph to keep an eye on challenge response times on my harvester.  You can check the logs with INFO level set but this is a lot easier on the eyes :)  Just follow the install instructions on the github, it should build fine in the docker without having to apt-get anything.



    how did you get the cert into the harvester im trying to follow Farming on many machines · Chia-Network/chia-blockchain Wiki (github.com) and i cant work out Run chia init -c [directory] on your harvester, where [directory] is the copy of your main machine /ca directory that you put in a temp folder. This command creates a new certificate signed by your main machine's CA. all i get is  


  4. On 5/18/2021 at 4:34 AM, zer0ed said:



    For the fullnode sync issues many people are having with the docker, I've moved my farmer to a separate ubuntu server VM with dedicated resources 4 core, 2 GB RAM. Shortly after it started syncing like a dream and has been staying in sync while plotting on the docker and using it as a harvester.  Watching htop from within the vm, I have seen it use 100% of 3 cores at times while syncing and it's just being a fullnode, farmer, wallet (no plotting or harvesting).


    The full node not only maintains a copy of the blockchain, but also validates it which I assume is fighting for resources when plotting from the same machine. I can't be sure, but I've seen a few people mention in the chia reddit suggest not to plot from the same machine as the full node when they were having sync issues.


    After I moved my fullnode to the vm, changed the forwarded ports on the router to the new ip (don't forget about that).. it only took a couple hours to catch up the sync and has been holding steady.  More info about the different jobs (farmer, harvester, wallet, full node) can be found here: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Network-Architecture  Help on how to setup different machines to do different jobs: https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Farming-on-many-machines.


    After all this I like to use Chia Harvest Graph to keep an eye on challenge response times on my harvester.  You can check the logs with INFO level set but this is a lot easier on the eyes :)  Just follow the install instructions on the github, it should build fine in the docker without having to apt-get anything.



    So ..you run a VM will a full install of chia client and point you PF to that IP then turn your docker into a harvester? And point that at your VM to sync?

  5. 12 hours ago, zer0ed said:


    Don't start the manager until you figure this out or else you will fill the docker to 100%.  It's irreversible, you won't mess up plots or anything. Just you will have to clean up the mess made to gain back free space.


    Not sure what's going on there, the /plotting and /plots directories should point to their respective directories in unraid (outside of the docker).  You could put a fake file or folder in there from outside of the docker then see if you can see that file from within the docker at /plots and /plotting.


    cd /plotting


    what's your output of the df command

    crisis averted =D I didn't have that space in line 6




  6. On 5/15/2021 at 11:06 AM, zer0ed said:

    So I have swar plot manager running, had time to play with it today.

    This setup isn't elegant and probably isn't following best practices but it works for me. Please be mindful of this, if you break something, lose plots, etc.. don't come cryin'


    Open the docker console (click on the docker --> console) NOTE: not the unraid main console

    We are going to pull swar's git and install its python dependencies.  Installing into /root/.chia in the docker which points to /mnt/user/appdata in unraid.


    cd /root/.chia
    git clone https://github.com/swar/Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager
    cd Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager
    /chia-blockchain/venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
    cp config.yaml.default config.yaml


    You can now edit the config.ymal file using an editor supported within this docker OR from the appdata/chia/Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager folder within unraid (unraid console, krusader, a windows share if you set that up)


    Here are some values to be used along with whatever else you set in the config...

    chia_location: /chia-blockchain/venv/bin/chia
    folder_path: /root/.chia/logs/plotting
      temporary_directory: /plotting
      destination_directory: /plots


    now test if it's working

    . /chia-blockchain/activate
    python manager.py view


    make sure the drives look like they have the correct space and used space values (if not then your probably mapping to a folder inside your docker image. /plotting and /plots are the mappings used during the default chia docker setup, that's why we used them here.  If you start a chia plotting process and these aren't right you will fill your docker to 100% usage!  If you're running "fix common problems" plugin, you will see warnings in the unraid GUI.  You'll have to clean up the mess you made buy deleting whatever incorrect folders you created in the docker.


    CTRL+C to get out of view mode

    If everything looks good lets start swar manager


    python manager.py start


    Now whenever you want to use the swar manager open the chia docker console and view (or replace which ever command you need.. start, restart). You need to activate the python virtual environment everytime before your manager.py command as stated by the swar documentation. This is the second line you see here..


    cd /root/.chia/Swar-Chia-Plot-Manager/
    . /chia-blockchain/activate
    python manager.py view


    Want to use the main unraid console instead of being stuck inside the docker console, heck even use tmux?  Do the following then repeat the commands directly above...


    docker exec -it chia bash


    I look forward to any suggestions for improvement, I'm sure there are better methods. 




    when trying to set this up it doesnt show me any drives im pretty sure its right in the .yaml





  7. 8 hours ago, unririd said:

    I try to follow all replies here, but different answers seem to be contradicting - is fixing the timezone solving the sync issue for most of the cases?


    And a supporting question: I copied all plots to unraid share, but I'm still using the full node on my PC to farm these plots (via network directory on unraid) until the docker will sync. What will happen when 2 devices with the same synced full node (the same mnemonic) will farm the same plots? I assume that I will not have 2x chance to win...

    I found out today if I am plotting I don't sync...then when i stop plotting it's syncs and when you plot again it stops again...so...seems chia can only do one thing at a time 

  8. 1 hour ago, dandiodati said:

    Thanks for the details just one thing I'm not clear on is that with this command line how to you chose your plotting sizes ? Basically I saw in the UI the ability to choose different plotting sizes but with this command line tool does not seem to indicate it. I need to determine how many I can run on a SSD and not run out of space?

    it will default to the 32k one or what ever it is using about 300ish GB for a plot with final size being about 106GB

  9. 1 hour ago, tjb_altf4 said:

    I've managed to solve my wallet not syncing issue by using the windows client in a VM and throwing a VPN client (PIA) to bypass all my current double NAT'd badness.

    Chia docker is still doing the hard work of harvesting, but now everything is synced up and working as normal in the windows client (pointing to chia smb share)


    I'm sure this can be done with docker networking, but I wanted a quick solution to tide me over.

    if you just wanted to run a container through a VPN  and you have a docker with a VPN already running its quite easy to route the traffic through that dockers VPN the master him self space invader one shows how to do it...ill find the clip. save you having to run the VM just for that 


  10. 1 hour ago, guy.davis said:

    Yes, this is a good reason to have a plotting manager bundled into the Docker image.  In that case, the plot manager runs plotting in the background even if an Unraid (or other) terminal window is closed.  However, if entire Docker container is restarted/updated, then all plots are killed.


    I'm working on this with Machinaris, which bundles Plotman + a basic WebUI along with everything in the main Docker image.  I hope to have Machinaris listed in the Unraid CA repo soon.  Any feedback is appreciated.


    If you guys want to try this champions @guy.davis docker with plotman inside jump on his discord channel he has a walk through for template setup and it works well so far...or actually i just saw he has added it to get approved by CA so u can wait a little bit if you want and do it from there

    • Like 1
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  11. 5 hours ago, Warwick Price said:

    Haven't seen mention of this error/issue in this thread, so maybe it's just me!


    I have been running Chia on a windows machine for a few weeks and so already have a key. When I saw that we had a CA version I quickly loaded it. Followed the instructions and created my mnemonic.txt file and pasted by 24 words. Whenever I try and start the app I get the error that it can't find the file. I've checked the spelling.... I've tried moving it to another folder and changing the entry in the setup page and still the same issue.  FYI... I have windows set to always show file extensions.


    Any ideas?



    is the mnemonic.txt file just plain no punctuation or anything like just the 24 words.   cat dog mouse farm chia and so on and so forth? 

  12. 10 hours ago, guy.davis said:


    First off, a big thanks @Partition Pixel for getting the official Docker image added to Unraid as an application! Plotting is good fun, but tricky to get going well.  


    @Footlocker_ Yes, Plotman is great!  In fact, I am working on a single Docker image that includes this official docker image along with Plotman and a basic Web UI, all wrapped up as an Unraid application template. Right now, the Plotman CLI is invokable via the container CLI, but I hope to wire control into the Web UI shortly.  


    The primary goal is to make plotting on Unraid as easy as the official Windows GUI application.  I've called it Machinaris and it's available for early beta testing now.  I'm using it for plotting on Unraid 6.9 and welcome anyone interested in trying the beta and helping out with the project.   


    As you an see below, I'm just starting out too and still a member of 0 XCH gang.  Plot on!






    @adminmat there is a docker coming with plotman in it

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