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  1. Hello! I'm having this super weird issue with the Ghost container. Strangely enough, this also happens with bitnami's Ghost container. Issue: When I start the container, it fails to connect to the DB because it connect using 'ghost'@'Ghost_testwebsite.br4' which is the right username, but it uses the container name.interface instead of the ip passed though "database__connection__host": config: Also, I tried to add "PUID" & "PGID" arguments to troubleshoot why the container is trying to write as the wrong user: Granted, techknowcase is my username on a few website on the internet, but never that username is passthough to the container. I'm not sure how Ghost was able to get that username somehow... if I reset the permissions to noody:users and launch the container again, it change it back to techknowcase:1000 when it boots. Even when I delete the ghost folder and everything in it. Thanks in advance!
  2. Hello all, I have encountered a bug with Unraid, where emhttpd has issues creating the nginx config file when using a ecdsa-with-SHA512 certificate (RSA certs do not seem to have this issue). This cert was self signed with a CA trusted on a few of my devices. After a bit of digging, I saw that running the nginx command gave the following error: nginx: [emerg] invalid number of arguments in "return" directive in /etc/nginx/conf.d/emhttp-servers.conf:39 At line 39, we can see the following (where XYZ Unraid is the CN of the certificate) : server { # # Redirect http requests to https # listen *:80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; return 302 https://XYZ Unraid:443$request_uri; } The issue, in the meantime, can be fixed by replacing XYZ Unraid with $host: server { # # Redirect http requests to https # listen *:80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; return 302 https://$host:443$request_uri; } And then running nginx command again to apply the changes Anyone who has a better idea of how this nginx file is created can take a look at this issue? Thanks!
  3. Update: moving the Nerdpack folder away from /boot/config/plugins/ fixed the issue. I'm currently testing which package is causing this.
  4. Hello all, I'm having some issues accessing the unraid webgui. I had issues before where this would happen, because of my ssl cert. I've come to the habbit of running the nginx command to see it's status (if I need to modify the /etc/nginx/conf.d/emhttp-servers.conf file). Now, I simply can't access the gui anymore, since that file is empty (0B). I'm not too sure where to look and what I can try next to throubleshoot the issue. Just before this, I had a warning that my cache drive was full. I shut down my deluge container to prevent data from being written to the cache, I ran mover and then set the share's cache setting to No to prevent this being an issue in the future. At that point, I had issues where none of my containers could run (error 403). I told myself it might be because the cache was full. Nothing a good old reboot can't fix, right? That's where I am now. I can connect to the webgui, but I have access to SSH, my VMs are working, the dockers are still not functioning. the shares are also mounted (/mnt/user/...). I have unraid V6.9.2, with the following plugins installed: I have the following Nerdpack packages: I've attached the logs to this post. Restarting into safe mode does not fix the issue. Thanks for the help!
  5. Hello all, Here my setup: I have Unraid 6.9.2; I'm using a custom Cert for SSL. That certificate has a custom CA (internal CA for my home lab) and is using ecdsa-with-SHA512 (secp384r1) by pfsense; I follow this tutorial to install the cert:; After a reboot, NGINX doesn't load up (no webgui); When I type nginx in the console, I have the following error: nginx: [emerg] invalid number of arguments in "return" directive in /etc/nginx/conf.d/emhttp-servers.conf:39; When I go to line 39 using nano /etc/nginx/conf.d/emhttp-servers.conf, I'm able to change the line to return 302 https://$host$request_uri; Before the change, the line had return 302 https://HOSTNAME hostname$request_uri or something arounds the lines, when hostname is the actual server hostname; It's unclear at this point what caused this, but here's an easy fix for anyone having the issue! Also, I'm not too sure if this will get erased at every reboot, maybe there's a way to write that change to the flash drive? Have a good day!
  6. How did you guys managed to make it work? I followed Z3RO's instructions. This is what the page looks like: Any idea?