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Posts posted by AceRimmer

  1. Your scsi card is in IT mode? Do you know is it on the latest firmware?


    Since you said "most" of your drives are in the netapp I would start by disconnecting that from your pc and try spin up what's in the pc first.


    If that works then pull some drives out of the netapp to reduce the load and see can you get less drives to spin up on Unraid without crashing. 

  2. Check cabling going to sas controller.


    Run lsscsi on terminal and ensure all drives are showing up.


    Check smart status of each disk if you can.


    My sas controller cables aren't great, a small bit of flex on the cable and my disks start throwing CRC errors. 


    Also assuming your PSU is large enough to handle all the drives and the rest of the system? 



  3. The logs suggest that your Unraid server is experiencing issues related to device resets and network connectivity.


    Areas to investigate:


    1. SAS/SCSI Devices: Several devices are showing "Power-on or device reset occurred" messages. This could indicate a problem with the SAS controller, cabling, or power delivery to your drives. Check connections and ensure all drives and enclosures are securely connected.


    2. Network Interface (eth0): There's a recurring "Link is Down" and "Link is Up" cycle for the eth0 interface. This could indicate network instability, a cable issue, or a problem with the network card. Verifying the network cable, switch, or network card could help.


    3. mpt2sas Log Entries: The "mpt2sas_cm0: log_info" messages might indicate a hardware issue related to your SAS controller. Consider checking the controller's health, firmware, and updating if necessary.

  4. If you don't have a separate syslog server then enable syslog mirroring to flash, that will write all events to the log directory and will hopefully help you help you figure out whats causing the shutdown. 


    Just remember to turn it off again and delete the logs from your flash when you are done. 

  5. 8 minutes ago, John Savage said:

    Experiencing the same issue here. I'm facing an issue where my wireguard server (plugin) is not working, and I guess that the "two devices with the same IP" may be the cause. If anyone finds a solution, please share.


    Are you using the VPN manager in settings? I thought the wireguard plugin got depreciated a long time ago. I'm running WG without issues. If you are using the sam check your config against mine. Also assuming you've done your port forwarding on your router as well? 



    I keep getting an error on my appdata backup (errors below). Tar files are being made, I see 80GB files in the backup directory. When i go to restore my appdata it only allows me to select the non errored backup from 2022-08-01. Any folder names that contain 'error' can't be used. I assume if i rename the folder it will take but im curious if someone could advise what the error is or how to investigate this? I dont need the backups at the moment, just doing some housekeeping on the server. 


    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] AdGuard-Home set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Stopping binhex-krusader...  done! (took 0 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Not stopping binhex-minidlna: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Stopping binhex-prowlarr...  done! (took 0 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Not stopping changedetection.io: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Stopping EmbyServer...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:05] Stopping MariaDB-Official...  done! (took 1 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:06] Stopping nextcloud...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:10] Stopping Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:14] Stopping overseerr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:18] Not stopping Portainer-CE: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:18] Stopping qbittorrent...  done! (took 8 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:26] Stopping radarr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:30] Stopping Sonarr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:34] Not stopping syncthing: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:34] unifi-controller set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping
    [20.03.2023 03:00:34] Stopping unpackerr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:38] Stopping Unraid-API...  done! (took 1 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Not stopping wikijs: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Backing up libvirt.img to /mnt/user/system/libvert/
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Using Command: /usr/bin/rsync  -avXHq --delete  --log-file="/var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log" "/mnt/user/system/libvert/libvirt.img" "/mnt/user/system/libvert/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    2023/03/20 03:00:39 [3469] building file list
    2023/03/20 03:00:39 [3469] sent 68 bytes  received 12 bytes  160.00 bytes/sec
    2023/03/20 03:00:39 [3469] total size is 1,073,741,824  speedup is 13,421,772.80
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user0/backups/appdata backup/[email protected]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file.
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Backing Up
    [20.03.2023 03:17:35] Verifying Backup 
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.2023-03-19T00-01-15Z-00000: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.2023-03-19T00-01-15Z-00000: Size differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.interim: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.interim: Size differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.turtle: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.turtle: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000468: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000468: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/sizeStorer.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/sizeStorer.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-101--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-101--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-215--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-215--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-179--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-179--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-323-3780217339629934391.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-323-3780217339629934391.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-206--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-206--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-186--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-186--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-190--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-190--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-36--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-36--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-102--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-102--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-103--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-103--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-104--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-104--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-105--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-105--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-106--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-106--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-107--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-107--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-158--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-158--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-165--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-165--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-180--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-180--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-187--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-187--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-188--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-188--632181887443358492.wt: Size differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-189--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-189--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-191--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-191--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-192--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-192--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-193--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-193--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-207--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-207--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-208--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-208--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-209--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-209--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-216--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-216--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-217--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-217--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-218--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-218--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-41--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-41--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-42--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-42--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-0--8116669766152780928.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-0--8116669766152780928.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1--8116669766152780928.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1--8116669766152780928.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-2--8116669766152780928.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-2--8116669766152780928.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1-622574346060731590.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1-622574346060731590.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-15-622574346060731590.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-15-622574346060731590.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-16-622574346060731590.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-16-622574346060731590.wt: Size differs
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] tar verify failed!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] done
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] Starting qbittorrent... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:36:52] Starting Unraid-API... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:53] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:36:55] Starting Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:55] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:36:57] Starting unpackerr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:59] Starting binhex-prowlarr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:59] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:01] Starting radarr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:02] Waiting 1 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:03] Starting Sonarr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:03] Waiting 1 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:04] Starting overseerr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:05] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:07] Starting EmbyServer... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:10] Starting MariaDB-Official... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:10] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:12] Starting nextcloud... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:12] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:14] Starting binhex-krusader... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:15] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:17] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
    [20.03.2023 03:37:17] Backup / Restore Completed
  7. I keep getting an error on my appdata backup (errors below). Tar files are being made, See screenshot 2. When i go to restore my appdata it only allows me to select the non errored backup from 2022-08-01. I assume if i rename the folder it will take but im curious if someone could advise what the error is or how to investigate this? I dont need the backups at the moment, just doing some housekeeping on the server. 






    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Backup of appData starting. This may take awhile
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] AdGuard-Home set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Stopping binhex-krusader...  done! (took 0 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Not stopping binhex-minidlna: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Stopping binhex-prowlarr...  done! (took 0 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Not stopping changedetection.io: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:01] Stopping EmbyServer...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:05] Stopping MariaDB-Official...  done! (took 1 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:06] Stopping nextcloud...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:10] Stopping Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:14] Stopping overseerr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:18] Not stopping Portainer-CE: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:18] Stopping qbittorrent...  done! (took 8 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:26] Stopping radarr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:30] Stopping Sonarr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:34] Not stopping syncthing: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:34] unifi-controller set to not be stopped by ca backup's advanced settings. Skipping
    [20.03.2023 03:00:34] Stopping unpackerr...  done! (took 4 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:38] Stopping Unraid-API...  done! (took 1 seconds)
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Not stopping wikijs: Not started! [ / Created]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Backing up libvirt.img to /mnt/user/system/libvert/
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Using Command: /usr/bin/rsync  -avXHq --delete  --log-file="/var/lib/docker/unraid/ca.backup2.datastore/appdata_backup.log" "/mnt/user/system/libvert/libvirt.img" "/mnt/user/system/libvert/" > /dev/null 2>&1
    2023/03/20 03:00:39 [3469] building file list
    2023/03/20 03:00:39 [3469] sent 68 bytes  received 12 bytes  160.00 bytes/sec
    2023/03/20 03:00:39 [3469] total size is 1,073,741,824  speedup is 13,421,772.80
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Backing Up appData from /mnt/user/appdata/ to /mnt/user0/backups/appdata backup/[email protected]
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Separate archives disabled! Saving into one file.
    [20.03.2023 03:00:39] Backing Up
    [20.03.2023 03:17:35] Verifying Backup 
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.2023-03-19T00-01-15Z-00000: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.2023-03-19T00-01-15Z-00000: Size differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.interim: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/diagnostic.data/metrics.interim: Size differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.turtle: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.turtle: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000468: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/journal/WiredTigerLog.0000000468: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/WiredTiger.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/sizeStorer.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/sizeStorer.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-101--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-101--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-215--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-215--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-179--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-179--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-323-3780217339629934391.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-323-3780217339629934391.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-206--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-206--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-186--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-186--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-190--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-190--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-36--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-36--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-102--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-102--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-103--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-103--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-104--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-104--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-105--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-105--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-106--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-106--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-107--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-107--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-158--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-158--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-165--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-165--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-180--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-180--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-187--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-187--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-188--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-188--632181887443358492.wt: Size differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-189--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-189--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-191--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-191--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-192--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-192--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-193--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-193--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-207--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-207--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-208--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-208--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-209--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-209--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-216--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-216--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-217--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-217--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-218--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-218--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-41--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-41--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-42--632181887443358492.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-42--632181887443358492.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-0--8116669766152780928.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/collection-0--8116669766152780928.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1--8116669766152780928.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1--8116669766152780928.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-2--8116669766152780928.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-2--8116669766152780928.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1-622574346060731590.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-1-622574346060731590.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-15-622574346060731590.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-15-622574346060731590.wt: Contents differ
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-16-622574346060731590.wt: Mod time differs
    ./unifi-controller/data/db/index-16-622574346060731590.wt: Size differs
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] tar verify failed!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] done
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] Starting qbittorrent... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:50] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:36:52] Starting Unraid-API... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:53] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:36:55] Starting Nginx-Proxy-Manager-Official... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:55] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:36:57] Starting unpackerr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:59] Starting binhex-prowlarr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:36:59] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:01] Starting radarr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:02] Waiting 1 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:03] Starting Sonarr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:03] Waiting 1 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:04] Starting overseerr... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:05] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:07] Starting EmbyServer... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:10] Starting MariaDB-Official... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:10] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:12] Starting nextcloud... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:12] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:14] Starting binhex-krusader... (try #1)  done!
    [20.03.2023 03:37:15] Waiting 2 seconds before carrying on
    [20.03.2023 03:37:17] A error occurred somewhere. Not deleting old backup sets of appdata
    [20.03.2023 03:37:17] Backup / Restore Completed
  8. 1 minute ago, Ahmad said:

    is there a way to make the address fixed for the br0 network?

    I keep getting a bunch of random mac addresses in my Unifi UDMP and I'd rather label them accurately.


    I also have an issue with my Unifi Controller flagging multiple devices are using the same IP because the shim is using the same IP as my Unraid server IP. 

  9. 1 minute ago, Andrew Young said:

    yes - but just cracked the issue for me, the USB controller settings for the VM defaulted to USB2 controller (not USB3). I've changed it and I'm up to 100MB/s now.


    Oh ok, I must check the XML. Maybe the same had happened in the XML but it's displayed differently in the GUI dropdowns. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Andrew Young said:

    In A Win11 VM - I'm only seeing 10MB/s transfers from an unraid share -> USB 3.0 attached USB hard drive. Wondering if this is a similar issue?

    It sounds a bit similar. Have you tried testing the transfer speed in Unraid only (not the VM) with the same usb device & port? I never found an issue to this problem. 

  11. Could there be any way to code in an option to move the "view" column where you open "file browser" (hilighted in yellow in IMAGE1) over to the left side of the shares and disks tables.

    Its not too bad on my test server (IMAGE1) but its annoying on my production ultrawide with the Unlimited Width plugin (IMAGE2). In a traditional sense you would open a folder by clicking the name or the folder icon which is beside the name. Having the entry point to the folder for browsing all the way on the other side of the window is a slow. My eyes constantly have to drift across the screen to verify if im hovering on the correct entry point. 





  12. 6 hours ago, RyanServer711 said:

    I had some issues with my server. Longs story short, I now have a seemingly corrupted qcow2 image file.


    Every time I try to use it it either doesn't load or crashes my system. Tried to copy it to my windows machine but it fails part way through.


    Is there any way to open it up or search through the files? I'm desperately trying to get my backups hidden inside and really don't want to start from scratch again.


    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I've had loads of trouble in the past with the HA qcow2 image corrupting. I've always kept a spare backup qcow2 after i've set HA how i need it, and while you are at it run the Google drive backup pluygin on HA. Its also saved me before to load back an old config. On a few occasions its been the boot config which got messed up on the VM, so diving into the virtual bios and resetting the boot device has fixed it, but normally i just blow away the old qcow2 and recover from the backup image. 

  13. I have an Asus Rog Crosshair VIII Hero motherboard with a boatload of USB ports available. Generally my only usecase for the USB ports has been to plug in a mouse, keyboard or other dongle device.

    I've recently purchased a VR headset and its upon plugging that in and using Oculus quest that i realized im not getting USB 3.0 speeds. When i run the cable test during Windows Oculus setup it keeps reporting as USB 2.0 speeds. I've tried plugging into my rear Type-c and front panel Type-c, I've also tried plugging in a USB Type A to Type C into various ports and still get the same result. I've tried 2 type c to type c cables and 2 type a to type c cables. 

    I have stubbed everything in Group 22 to pass USB for VM's and left 1 remaining group 35 (4 usb ports) for the Unraid host to hold my boot flash and so i have a few more USB inputs if i need to keyboard/mouse to the host. Below is all USB thats bound to vfio so passed through to my Win vm.

    IOMMU group 22:[1022:57a4] 03:08.0 PCI bridge: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Matisse PCIe GPP Bridge
    [1022:1485] 09:00.0 Non-Essential Instrumentation [1300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Starship/Matisse Reserved SPP
    [1022:149c] 09:00.1 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Matisse USB 3.0 Host Controller
    This controller is bound to vfio, connected USB devices are not visible.
    [1022:149c] 09:00.3 USB controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Matisse USB 3.0 Host Controller
    This controller is bound to vfio, connected USB devices are not visible.


    In Windows Device manager you can see my USB 3.0 devices. It also mentions Type-C for my GPU (A MSI 2070 Super Gaming X Trio) but the card doesn't have a Type-C port. I assume its for controlling the LED's. Device manager shows no issues with the drivers, and i've ran "Snappy driver installer" on the machine and it hasn't reported any driver issues either. 



    Any thoughts on why im not seeing 3.0 speeds? 

  14. I just want to check before I proceed. I ran check without any options and got the below output I assume I re-run check with -L this time?


    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
            - reporting progress in intervals of 15 minutes
    Phase 2 - using internal log
            - zero log...
    ERROR: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which needs to
    be replayed.  Mount the filesystem to replay the log, and unmount it before
    re-running xfs_repair.  If you are unable to mount the filesystem, then use
    the -L option to destroy the log and attempt a repair.
    Note that destroying the log may cause corruption -- please attempt a mount
    of the filesystem before doing this.


  15. While cleaning up old VM templates I accidentally hit start all and it knocked my sata controller off Unraid. After a reboot I have 1 drive displaying "Unmountable: Wrong or no file system"


    I've put the array into maintenance mode and run check on the disk and it's returned the following. Can someone advise what's the next step? 


    Diags also attached. 


    Phase 1 - find and verify superblock...
            - reporting progress in intervals of 15 minutes
            - block cache size set to 3023256 entries
    Phase 2 - using internal log
            - zero log...
    zero_log: head block 3555296 tail block 3555280
    ALERT: The filesystem has valuable metadata changes in a log which is being
    ignored because the -n option was used.  Expect spurious inconsistencies
    which may be resolved by first mounting the filesystem to replay the log.
            - 01:26:17: zeroing log - 521728 of 521728 blocks done
            - scan filesystem freespace and inode maps...
    sb_fdblocks 165905622, counted 170614505
            - 01:26:18: scanning filesystem freespace - 32 of 32 allocation groups done
            - found root inode chunk
    Phase 3 - for each AG...
            - scan (but don't clear) agi unlinked lists...
            - 01:26:18: scanning agi unlinked lists - 32 of 32 allocation groups done
            - process known inodes and perform inode discovery...
            - agno = 15
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 30
            - agno = 31
            - agno = 16
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 17
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 18
            - agno = 3
            - agno = 19
            - agno = 4
            - agno = 20
            - agno = 5
            - agno = 6
            - agno = 21
            - agno = 22
            - agno = 7
            - agno = 8
            - agno = 23
            - agno = 24
            - agno = 9
            - agno = 25
            - agno = 26
            - agno = 27
            - agno = 28
            - agno = 29
            - agno = 10
            - agno = 11
            - agno = 12
            - agno = 13
            - agno = 14
            - 01:26:26: process known inodes and inode discovery - 60864 of 60864 inodes done
            - process newly discovered inodes...
            - 01:26:26: process newly discovered inodes - 32 of 32 allocation groups done
    Phase 4 - check for duplicate blocks...
            - setting up duplicate extent list...
            - 01:26:26: setting up duplicate extent list - 32 of 32 allocation groups done
            - check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks...
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 5
            - agno = 6
            - agno = 7
            - agno = 9
            - agno = 10
            - agno = 12
            - agno = 11
            - agno = 13
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 3
            - agno = 16
            - agno = 8
            - agno = 4
            - agno = 18
            - agno = 14
            - agno = 22
            - agno = 20
            - agno = 19
            - agno = 21
            - agno = 15
            - agno = 17
            - agno = 24
            - agno = 23
            - agno = 25
            - agno = 26
            - agno = 27
            - agno = 28
            - agno = 29
            - agno = 30
            - agno = 31
            - 01:26:26: check for inodes claiming duplicate blocks - 60864 of 60864 inodes done
    No modify flag set, skipping phase 5
    Phase 6 - check inode connectivity...
            - traversing filesystem ...
            - agno = 0
            - agno = 30
            - agno = 15
            - agno = 31
            - agno = 16
            - agno = 1
            - agno = 2
            - agno = 17
            - agno = 3
            - agno = 18
            - agno = 4
            - agno = 19
            - agno = 5
            - agno = 20
            - agno = 6
            - agno = 21
            - agno = 7
            - agno = 8
            - agno = 22
            - agno = 9
            - agno = 23
            - agno = 24
            - agno = 10
            - agno = 25
            - agno = 26
            - agno = 11
            - agno = 27
            - agno = 12
            - agno = 28
            - agno = 13
            - agno = 29
            - agno = 14
            - traversal finished ...
            - moving disconnected inodes to lost+found ...
    Phase 7 - verify link counts...
            - 01:26:32: verify and correct link counts - 32 of 32 allocation groups done
    No modify flag set, skipping filesystem flush and exiting.
            XFS_REPAIR Summary    Fri May 20 01:26:32 2022
    Phase		Start		End		Duration
    Phase 1:	05/20 01:26:16	05/20 01:26:17	1 second
    Phase 2:	05/20 01:26:17	05/20 01:26:18	1 second
    Phase 3:	05/20 01:26:18	05/20 01:26:26	8 seconds
    Phase 4:	05/20 01:26:26	05/20 01:26:26
    Phase 5:	Skipped
    Phase 6:	05/20 01:26:26	05/20 01:26:32	6 seconds
    Phase 7:	05/20 01:26:32	05/20 01:26:32
    Total run time: 16 seconds







  16. 1 hour ago, bonienl said:

    The shim-br0 interface is derived from the main br0 interface and has the same MAC address as the interface br0.


    This interface is created when the setting "Host access to custom network" is enabled and is used to circumvent the default protection of Docker.

    If you don't have containers which need access to the host, you can disable the setting (default).


    Cool, I'll give disabling it a go and see how I fair out 

  17. 2 hours ago, JorgeB said:

    Check the passed-through devices, the SATA controller is not being passed through as far as I can see, but it is/was that would also explain your issue, when the VM was started Unraid would lose connection with all the disks on that controller, it's this device:


    0b:00.0 SATA controller [0106]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode] [1022:7901] (rev 51)
        Subsystem: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] FCH SATA Controller [AHCI mode] [1022:7901]


    GPU has been pulled. Machine is rebooted into GUI safe mode. VFIO looks good, SATA controllers are not stubbed so all drives are showing up on Unraid OS. I've started the array and all disks are displaying and showing zero errors, shares are also all showing again.


    I'm going to reboot into headless mode now and activate Docker & VM's. Pending that goes well should the next step be a parity check or is it all good since the drives are not showing any error?


    I've saved the diags to the Unraid flash drive from safe mode so i can post them here if needed. 


    It's strange though because the sata controller wasn't on the VFIO stub list and it wasn't showing as a device that could be passed through to a VM. The only thing I can think of is if an old VM template had 0b:00.0 which was previously for another device but became a sata controller after the 3rd GPU was installed (since my VFIO move about any time I make a hardware change) then maybe if that VM started the sata device could be pulled away from Unraid. But then I don't remember starting any other VM's and nothing was set to start on a schedule. All I done was fired up my GPU before bed and woke to find a mess. It had worked fine for a few days prior. 

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