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Posts posted by AceRimmer

  1. I've recently installed a Ubiquiti network at home and im identifying every device on my network. My home assistant server is getting hit daily with brute force attempts so im keeping a close eye on my network clients. I plan to deal with this issue in a few weeks after the network build is finished, i still have some more cables to run. Everything on my network is identified on my USG-Pro4 except after a server reboot yesterday my Unraid server's shim-br0 MAC address changed.

    Is this standard for this MAC address to change on reboot (asking because i did add some more hardware to the server in the form of another HDD & a 3rd GPU so my VFIO moved about after the hardware installs, not sure if that could have triggered a change)

    If the shim-br0 MAC address changing is normal after a server reboot is there any way to make that MAC static so i can easily identify it on the network without doing an "ifconfig" on the server to try hunt down the network after every reboot.

  2. I've been investigating this further and it seems the device uses USB Attached SCSI Protocol (UASP) which still hasn't been implemented into Unraid. Hopefully in some near future update support will be added. I've found posts from 2018 looking for help with UASP devices so its not like its a new topic. 

    If anyone has further input please do let me know. 

  3. 2 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Doesn't look like Linux recognizes the disks.  Unraid is not showing any unassigned disks for UD.


    Yes i can see that. Is there a work around to get Unraid to mount the drive without using UD?

    I have since tested it on Ubuntu and it mounts without issue so it does work on Linux based OS's. 


    I've successfully used 2 devices like the one below without issue on UD so i don't see why this device would be much different in its mounting methods. I'm using the StarTech device because the below devices can't pull enough voltage from a USB port to spin up a 3.5" drive but in principal they shoud be pretty much the same. 



  4. Anyone have any advice on making one of these StarTech HDD Dock's show hard drives on Unassigned Devices on Unraid?

    Device: https://www.startech.com/en-ie/hdd/satdocku3s


    Its brand new out of the box and confirmed working on Windows 11. 


    It shows up on Unraid on the VFIO page as below but no drives show up on "Unassigned Devices" when i plug them in. Its on the same USB host controller as my Unraid flash drive (ie: not stubbed). 


    Bus 010 Device 015 Port 10-2        ID 174c:55aa ASMedia Technology Inc. Name: ASM1051E SATA 6Gb/s bridge, ASM1053E SATA 6Gb/s bridge, ASM1153 SATA 3Gb/s bridge, ASM1153E SATA 6Gb/s bridge


    My Unassigned Devices settings are below:



  5. 3 hours ago, Xaero said:


    Just leave the core count untouched. As long as you aren't isolating those CPU cores from Unraid, Linux should be able to use the cores even though there is a VM running on them (since the VM is idle). Changing memory should not trip the WGA activation message.


    Ok I'll give that a go. I'm more so worried about Unraid causing stutter or lag if it's using the VM cores during gaming but from what I gather from your post Unraid had been using them anyway without me realising. Thanks for that advice mate. 

  6. So I have a Windows 10 Pro VM. It is fully legit, licenced & activated.

    I typically run it as a 10 Core, 24GB RAM VM when im gaming. When im not gaming i run it in a less resource hogging mode of 4 Core, 8GB RAM VM.

    The problem is when i swap to the lower Core & RAM count it breaks the Windows Activation because its such a drastic change in hardware. This in turn has me left staring at the "Activate Windows" watermark on the lower right side of the screen when I run it in the less resource hogging mode. 

    Has anyone else has faced this issue? Any clever solutions to get around it?

  7. So I've tried a few things. I can't boot into GUI (in safe mode or not), the GUI doesn't display on my screen. It may be trying to output through my new transcoding GPU. 


    I've tried renaming all my vdisks to break the XML so that the VM's don't auto start but that hasn't worked. I've tried removing the bonding setting from my NIC as well. That didn't help either. I've also unstubbed my second Ethernet nic just because why not. 


    I managed to save the syslog to my flash so I'm attaching it below. This was done in safe mode without plugins over the web interface  I start the array, Dockers auto start then I turn on the VM manager and I get locked out. The log gets flooded with a disk0 read errors until I done a hard shut down. Syslog was over 300mb's so I've chopped it down to size. 


    UPDATE: So ive swapped over to my MB's secondary Intel NIC and the VM Manager is booting up without crashing the system so im continuing with the rebuild. I dont understand why adding a secondary Nvidia GPU and my NIC drops out but prior to adding the new GPU i ran a secondary AMD GPU for months without any issue. If anyone can decypher the logs please do let me know.



  8. 22 minutes ago, JorgeB said:

    Forgot to mention, cache filesystem is corrupt, for btrfs is best to backup and reformat, I see that you're running Ryzen with overclocked RAM, that's a known cause of data corruption, see here and adjust RAM speeds accordingly.


    Ok I'll clock back the ram.


    As for the data Loss is there any way to rebuilt with the parity disk and remaining disks or would the changes have already been written to parity? 


    And in regards to my cache do I format it and start fresh or do I restore my docker image backup? 

  9. Hi folks


    I need help, i have about 8TB of data loss.


    It started yesterday morning, i recieved a new Nvidia T400 GPU (for transcoding). I added it to the server and noticed i couldn't get to the web interface. I thought that

    maybe the new PCIE device had reordered my stubbed PCIE devices so to cut a long story short i went along and removed everything from the VFIO config from the flash. I still couldn't get to the web interface.


    I then thought it could have been a script hanging the boot (the unlock nvidia script) so i disabled that on the flash as well. I still couldn't get in. My only way in was

    via safe mode no pluggins with the array off. When the array started it immediatly locked me out again. I shut down and pulled out the Nvidia GPU and reboot to safe mode.


    I then noticed my disk 4 had an error (device disabled, contents emulated). I shut down, swapped the SATA cable and rebooted to safe mode but it didn't change.


    I checked the forums and there was mentions about doing a smart check on the disk so i done that and the disk came back

    in perfect health. Forums then mentioned the only way to rebuild it was to stop the array, remove the disk, start the array, stop the array, attach the disk, start the array and rebuild. So thats what i done

    and i could see all the drives spin up for reads and disk 4 max out on writes. Cut forward say 18 hours and the pricess is completebut the disk is only showing as having around 100GB of data on it.


    Last night my docker system was functioning so i was able to watch Emby. Towards the end of the night Emby threw a server error on my TV. I checked the server and there

    were several BTRFX error- device loop2 errors in my log. I tried to reboot emby but it won't come back, it throws a 403 error.


    Im lost at this point and i really need some advice.

  10. On 11/11/2021 at 7:37 PM, ich777 said:

    Sell the card and buy a Nvidia T400, you should get them brand new below MSRP, I payed for mine about 135,-

    Then you can use the card for transcoding <- this card is also very power efficient, is based on Turing and has a few RTX cores from what I know.


    Try to uninstall the plugin and reload the Dashboard page if you have a tab with it open.

    It is more than possible that the GPU Statistics plugin is causing that.


    Ok ill uninstall and monitor the logs. 

    Thanks for the GPU advice, i'll check it out now. 





    Uninstalling the GPU Statistics plugin cleared up the log. I also found a good price for a Nvidia T400 coming in at €137.10 so im going to go with that card. Benchmarks look good, it seems to perform close to the Nvidia P620 so its great value for money considering its only a 30w card. Thank you @ich777

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, ich777 said:

    No, that's for example one thing why I don't recommend using one card with Docker and VMs, but I think you are running into this issue because of something else.


    • Do you have the GPU Statistics plugin installed?
    • Do you still use Tadarr currently to convert files?
    • Do you still use any other container that uses the card when the VM is not turned on?


    I understand, my other card is an AMD and its not great for gaming, hence using my Nvidia card for pretty much everything. 

    • Do you have the GPU Statistics plugin installed? Yes
    • Do you still use Tadarr currently to convert files? Tdarr and Tdarr node dockers are installed but both are turned off and not set to auto run
    • Do you still use any other container that uses the card when the VM is not turned on? No
  12. i've zipped all the logs in that folder and attached. Whats jumping out at me is the following error from the catalina.out log. I would be happy to try trial and error it but i don't know where to start with increasing the client timeouts or adding "autoreconnect=true" to the configuration. Do i need to log into the SQL server to make those changes or can they be made from the docker parameters?

    <4>Execution of ping query 'SELECT 1' failed: The last packet successfully received from the server was 20,713,706 milliseconds ago.  The last packet sent successfully to the server was 20,713,706 milliseconds ago. is longer than the server configured value of 'wait_timeout'. You should consider either expiring and/or testing connection validity before use in your application, increasing the server configured values for client timeouts, or using the Connector/J connection property 'autoReconnect=true' to avoid this problem.



  13. On 8/28/2021 at 3:20 PM, alturismo said:

    anything in the logs ? i know this error message when access to database is not working, so i wonder what it could be ...


    So I jut tried to log in and work and it failed. The usual error. This is on today's docker log. 


    User UID: 99
    User GID: 100
    Using existing properties file.
    Using existing MySQL extension.
    Using existing TOTP extension.
    No permissions changes needed.
    Database exists.
    Database upgrade not needed.
    2021-08-30 09:07:15,315 INFO Included extra file "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/supervisord.conf" during parsing
    2021-08-30 09:07:15,322 INFO Set uid to user 0 succeeded
    2021-08-30 09:07:15,362 INFO supervisord started with pid 28
    2021-08-30 09:07:16,363 INFO spawned: 'guacd' with pid 31
    2021-08-30 09:07:16,364 INFO spawned: 'mariadb' with pid 32
    2021-08-30 09:07:16,365 INFO spawned: 'tomcat9' with pid 33
    guacd[31]: INFO: Guacamole proxy daemon (guacd) version 1.3.0 started
    guacd[31]: INFO: Listening on host, port 4822
    2021-08-30 09:07:17,820 INFO success: guacd entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2021-08-30 09:07:17,820 INFO success: mariadb entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)
    2021-08-30 09:07:17,821 INFO success: tomcat9 entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 1 seconds (startsecs)


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