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Everything posted by pinion

  1. Sounds like I'll have to setup sabnzbd to figure out where the issue is. I'll try my best to do that tonight (in about 12 hours).
  2. That looks good to me. Or at least what I see in my logs. You're not trying to visit https are you? SSL isn't on by default and it sounds like it might not be working anyway. So you should visit or whatever the IP of your unraid host is. Have you tried a different browser?
  3. I'll go ahead and kickoff a build now which will grab the newest from github just in case your issue was fixed. Sorry, I guess I spaced the specific sabnzbd integration error when testing things out on my own.
  4. I'm not really sure. Did you change the port or anything while you were installing it? It should be installed at http://tower:8090 or whatever the name/ip of your unraid box is. Under the Docker tab in unRaid do you see that Mylar is started? All the way to the right is what looks like a piece of paper which is the log. Is there anything in that log for Mylar?
  5. Thanks for looking into it! I could just go the nginx route, maybe that's better in the long run. I reloaded and I'm still having issues, now I'm getting an error on the cert. I reset the perms of the directory to 777 but didn't matter. The cert and key exist in the root of /config 07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Retrieving latest version information from github /opt/mylar/lib/requests/packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:90: InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available. This prevents urllib3 from configuring SSL appropriately and may cause certain SSL connections to fail. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.org/en/latest/security.html#insecureplatformwarning. InsecurePlatformWarning 07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - WARNING :: MAIN : Could not get the latest commit from github 07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Remapping the sorting to allow for new additions. 07-Jul-2015 23:52:01 - INFO :: MAIN : Sucessfully ordered 3 series in your watchlist. 07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - ERROR :: MAIN : Error creating SSL key and certificate: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'server.key' 07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Unable to create certificate and key. Disabling HTTPS 07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - WARNING :: MAIN : Disabled HTTPS because of missing certificate and key. 07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Starting Mylar on 07-Jul-2015 23:52:02 - INFO :: MAIN : Initializing the DB Updater. Edit: it appears even with ssl disabled I'm now also having trouble pulling nzbs from mylar->sab gets stuck fetching. Was working before update, I'll look at it more tomorrow. I see the same things in my log. Not being able to pull the latest github version doesn't really matter to me. I have to update the container in order for the version to update anyway as updating from github never worked for me. As far as SSL I think you have to provide the files because they won't generate for me either. Although reading again it sounds like you are setting the path. So I'm not sure... I just removed the container and image and started over. I was able to add my comic vine api and set the comics and downloads directory. I set it up to use a blackhole. The permissions on the folder created on my cache drive are drwxrwxrwx 5 nobody users 83 Jul 19 20:43 mylar Furthermore that directory looks like this: root@unRaid:/mnt/cache/apps/appdata/mylar# ls -hal total 44K drwxrwxrwx 5 nobody users 83 Jul 19 20:44 . drwxrwxrwx 38 root root 4.0K Jul 19 20:36 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users 56 Jul 19 20:02 cache -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 3.7K Jul 19 20:44 config.ini drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody users 58 Jul 19 20:26 logs -rw-r--r-- 1 nobody users 33K Jul 19 20:44 mylar.db drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 95 Jul 19 19:57 post-processing root@unRaid:/mnt/cache/apps/appdata/mylar# I wouldn't think you'd need to check permissions since this is how it seems to default for me but it's worth a shot. EDIT: One thing if you haven't done so yet is to make sure you delete the config folder from your cache drive when you're starting fresh. Before I did this test I mode sure to move my config folder off so that any past permissions or other junk weren't going to interfere.
  6. I'm not sure. I actually run everything exposed to the outside world through an nginx proxy and ssl and don't run the actual apps with ssl. Give me a minute though. EDIT: Update and try now?
  7. Based upon gfjardim's original modifications (his 1st commit) to the Community Repositories plugin. i probably shouldn't mention about them being in reverse order alphabetically.... Since my last name starts with a "Z", I always felt that reverse alphabetical is the way to do things. That way I wind up on top of the list. i used to work with someone whose girlfriend's name was zaber zia quoreshi Possibly more interesting is that is an anagram for A Bizarre Shoe Quiz
  8. You just had to prove you're better than me and my crappy command line handbrake docker didn't you?!
  9. Just updated it. Changes should propagate soon.
  10. Keep in mind that when you go to do an upgrade of his container that what you did will be wiped out. Heck, it might be wiped out if you stop the container. I can't remember now if it will persist.
  11. RE: Adding Apps. I think the long term solution is to ask really nice if gfjardim will add the /var/www/owncloud/apps directory to a Volume in the DockerFile. Or you could fork it yourself and do that pretty easily. However, what will probably be easiest for you guys if you're comfortable with the command line is to get a shell in the docker and wget the app you want and place it in the apps folder yourself. To connect to the docker run docker exec -i -t OwncloudDockerName bash replacing OwncloudDockerName with whatever you named the Docker. Doing a docker ps should list it if it's running and a docker ps -a will list all of the ones you have running or not. You can also see the name in the configuration page of the gui.
  12. Can't speak for nginx, but this is what I had to add to my apache config http://www.seandion.info/unraid/apache-reverse-proxy-info-for-smdions-dockers/#owncloud Thanks, I suspected it might be in the config for own cloud but it's still not working for me. I assume you put it in $CONFIG = array ( like the docs say but I tried both ways and no dice. I might start with a fresh own cloud install since I don't have anything synced anyway
  13. After reading through I'm still confused. I have a separate nginx install and I just want to know what I need to put in my nginx config to get it to work. Currently own cloud tries to auto forward to port 8000 instead of just going to domain.tld/owncloud. I get domain.tld:8000/owncloud and nothing works. Most of my other forwards look like: location ~ ^/owncloud($|./*) { proxy_pass; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; }
  14. When you tell the container that /mnt is pointing to /mnt/user/Books in unraid then the container will see the contents of /mnt/user/Books under /mnt. In other words, in ubooquity you should set the share location of your books to just /mnt because you've already told the container that /mnt is pointing to /mnt/user/Books and ubooquity will see all of your content under /mnt. Does that make sense? If you wanted you could set /mnt to /mnt when creating the docker and then in ubooquity you would have to specify the full path. But the ubooquity container would also be able to see everything which I guess could be less secure. Especially if you expose ubooquity to the internets.
  15. YOU CAN UPDATE IT YOURSELF! LOL! I know you weren't meaning it that way but I couldn't help but read it like that. Cracking me up. Anyway, you can ssh in and go to the config directory. Then do a wget http://vaemendis.net/ubooquity/downloads/Ubooquity-1.7.0.zip And then you can unzip it. I moved my old jar to jar.old and then unzip Ubooquity-1.7.0.zip The download died on me a couple times. I don't know if it's me or that guys server but it was slow.
  16. When do we get the photoshop docker?!
  17. Thanks sparklyballs! It's working! I had an old template not even in my new repo. I think it was jacking things up. Deleting the one out of /dockerMan/templates-user didn't help but once I removed that extra template url from my docker repo list in the gui it worked. I should remove those from github... Anyway, Thanks!
  18. I may not be as cool as some of the docker heroes on here but here's my contribution: https://github.com/noinip/container-templates/tree/master/pinion What's inside? Mylar - An automated Comic Book downloader pyTivo - an HMO and GoBack server. Similar to TiVo Desktop CherryMusic - A music streaming server written in python: Stream your own music collection to all your devices! Changes: Mylar: 20151015 - Updated python to 2.7.10 although pushbullet still seems broken. 20151014 - Updated Baseimage to Phusion 0.9.17. Added needed csv files to /config 20150707 - Updated Mylar to latest and added openssl for python 20150306 - Added initial templates for Mylar and pyTivo. Updated Mylar to current development branch. pyTivo: 20170809 - updated phusion baseimage and version of pytivo. 20150306 - Added initial templates for Mylar and pyTivo. Updated Mylar to current development branch. CherryMusic: 20211023 - Updates, cleanup, moved to devel branch with latest changes (from 2020), and rebased to phusion focal baseimage. 20150308 - Added template for CherryMusic. TODO: If anyone can tell me why the Mylar template won't display the thumbnail or the WebUI link I would appreciate it. sparklyballs ftw!
  19. I'm trying to do a fresh install of Koma. When running docker exec Koma createuser kodi kodi I'm seeing this Enter password: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) Any help would be appreciated. I was trying to do separate containers for Kodi and mariadb and everything appeared to install fine for Kodi and I had the database setup but when I installed Kodi on my Mac and dropped in the advancedsettings.xml and added a library I didn't see it show up under the Kodi Docker:8080 Movies section. And I went into Mariadb and did a select on the movies table and nothing was there. So I assume Kodi on my laptop wasn't actually connecting to the unraid mariadb. That's when I nuked it all and started over with Koma but I'm stuck here.
  20. Thanks for confirming. It kind of sucks but at least the majority of important stuff isn't gone since it was on my unRaid shares.
  21. Well... I think I screwed up. I had all my VMs on /mnt/cache/apps/virtualbox. I upgraded to 6.0 beta 3 and started fresh. I installed this plugin and none of my vm's were showing up obviously. So I changed the setting for the symbolic link to /mnt/cache/apps/virtualbox... and now everything that was there is gone. Am I screwed?
  22. Working great, thank you! Is there any benefit to deleting the swap file when I stop the array? Can I continue to use the one I already created? And I would assume I want "Start Swap file during array mount" on that way it's enabled when I start up?
  23. I'm having an issue with this, perhaps it's on my end since my power went out twice today... installing plugin: swapfile file /tmp/swapfile-cleanup: successfully wrote INLINE file contents /bin/bash /tmp/swapfile-cleanup ... success file /boot/config/plugins/swapfile/swapfile.cfg: successfully wrote INLINE file contents file /etc/rc.d/rc.swapfile: successfully wrote INLINE file contents successfully changed file mode file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/swapfile/event/disks_mounted: successfully wrote INLINE file contents successfully changed file mode file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/swapfile/event/unmounting_disks: successfully wrote INLINE file contents successfully changed file mode file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/swapfile/swapfile.page: successfully wrote INLINE file contents file /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/swapfile/swapfile.png: Warning: copy(/boot/config/plugins/swapfile/swapfile.png): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/sbin/installplg on line 42 unable to copy LOCAL file
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