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Everything posted by binhex

  1. do the following:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/help.md
  2. No cloudflare at all, i simply use a port forward for the few apps that need exposing for people outside of my family, as in Plex and Minecraft and then everything else is accessible via wireguard running on my pfsense router. I think as long as you have regular backups of your world and force microsoft authentication then the risks are low, i have never had a griefer or hacker attack my server to date, you could employ 'wihte-list' of players so that only set accounts can connect for added security.
  3. im assuming you are talking about urbackup here not unraid, in that case you would:- 1. stop the urbackup container 2. delete all backup data stored on unraid 3. delete all files and folders located in the /config folder for this container 4. start container and reconfigure
  4. Nope, i run this myself, no disconnection issues, maybe network related, try a hard wired minecraft client to rule out wi-fi being the issue.
  5. OK so you have had your server hacked and are being held ransom (ransomware) for decryption, this is a bigger issue!, please firstly identify the cause of the server being hacked and fix it, then consider your next move.
  6. This is a terrible idea, i'm just highlighting this for the next person, please do NOT do this, there is a Web UI for urbackup for a reason, please delete images and backups using the UI, otherwise urbackup will be unaware of your manual deletion. This is the wrong path, the urbackup databases are located at /config/urbackup/ TBH i would recommend you try asking for help on the urbackup forum, they should be able to guide you on the best way to fix this.
  7. you can see the versions as tags for the images, you can see the ful list of images here:- https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/binhex/arch-minecraftbedrockserver/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated if you want to use a specific version then append :<tag version> to the repository for the container.
  8. Ha yes you are quite right, it does appear that qbittorrent process has not started, the config of the port was fooling me here, OK so most probably a config related issue, you could try restoring your config from a backup from when it was working, or simply let qbittorrent re-create the default, if you want to do this then simply rename the file /config/qbittorrent/config/qBittorrent.conf and then restart the container to re-generate the file, you will then need to reconfigure again of course but i expect it will get you access again.
  9. that SHOULD get you access to the web ui as long as you didn't change the value for env var 'WEBUI_PORT', this is set to 8080, correct?.
  10. nope, nothing wrong with port forwarding according to your latest attached log, that is working as expected. Incoming port is not defined at the container level, it is defined by your VPN provider, port 6881 is included as a incoming port if you do NOT use the VPN part of the image, i.e. VPN_ENABLED = no, which is not the case for you. What is the IP address of the machine running the web browser that you are using to attempt connection to the web ui? is it 192.168.178.xxx ?
  11. Do this:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/help.md
  12. looks like permissions related issue, from your snippet above:- cannot touch '/tmp/dnsfailure': Permission denied from your supervisord log i think you have dns set to an internal name server which results in name lookup failure:- nameserver set NAME_SERVERS to the default values:- NAME_SERVERS=,,,,,
  13. See this is why I know I will never work for LT I simply don't own one of these shirts [emoji16]...... Unless you give them out for free when joining? Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  14. Nice clear instructions on setting up i2p for qbit https://strict3443.codeberg.page/i2p-info/hugo/public/posts/how-to-use-i2p-on-qbittorrent-nox/ Disclaimer: not tested it yetl Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  15. My wish list (voted other), in no particular order:- Native Docker Compose support and incorporate new functionality into the Web UI. Create mobile friendly Web UI. Create official API so that third party apps can link and control unRAID (Android/IOS app).
  16. Im also on Gigabit and I run this docker image myself, latest backup stats for me reveal:- Writing new file list... All metadata was present Transferred 760.776 MB - Average speed: 36.7041 MBit/s So yeah, not lightning fast, but that is probably more to do with the speed of the Windows filesystem and the fact it has to scan and backup lots of little files (not something Windows is particularly good at), i would suspect if i was backing up large files my speeds would be significantly higher.
  17. You can restore if you have a backup, you have a backup right?, if not then for next time install the plugin from CA called 'Appdata Backup/Restore v2.5'. So if you don't have a backup (i kinda suspect this is the case) then your best bet is manually record what your current container settings are and then delete the container and re-create from a blank template.
  18. no doubt you had STRICT_PORT_FORWARD set to 'yes', this env var when set to yes forces the connection to try to acquire a incoming port, if it cannot get a incoming port it will retry until failure. In your case you don't care about port forwarding, so setting this to 'no' will allow you to connect to any vpn endpoint.
  19. that looks like a real bug to me, from my newbie brain it looks like a failure to handle utf-8 characters correctly, please raise an 'issue' on sonarr github repo.
  20. Sorry, last time i checked it looks stalled, then i went onto other things, i shall take another look, pinky promise 🙂
  21. And don't forget protonvpn support has been added, so that should work out of the box too including port forwarding.
  22. I would suspect when the machine is freshly booted then the Patriot SSD has a clean cache (onboard of the SSD) and as you use the SSD more the cache fills up causing read/writes to slow down, I mean it could be a firmware bug for the Patriot SSD, worth investigating if there is an update available, failing that ditch that sucker an get yourself something a little faster - the Samsung Evo series are always solid, I have an Evo 850 that has been going strong as my download drive for literally years!, then i use a Samsung 970 Po for Docker image, VM's and appdata - I cannot guarantee it will work for your specific use case, but it should.
  23. If the yo-yo speeds happen when unpacking or par running andthe yo-yo stops when you pause the unpack/par then it most probably is IO or CPU related, check your CPU and IO usage next time it happens, you could also try downloading and unpacking to different locations, so download to SSD and unpack directly to the array for instance, or even to RAM if you have enough.
  24. thanks for the heads up guys, nopurge option removed and new image currently building, check for an updated image in around 30 mins.
  25. the docker container is designed to work in bridge mode, the only alternative to this is to assign the docker container a static ip on a different network to your LAN, setting the container to use a static ip in your LAN (as you have done) will not work.
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