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Everything posted by binhex

  1. you dont need to use the pia wireguard generator at all, i do all the hard work for you, all you need to do if you wish to switch endpoint is change the 'Endpoint' entry in the file /config/wireguard/wg0.conf, if you have edited this file or replaced it with a generated version then i would recommend deleting the file and restarting the container to get you back to a working state, then edit the file /config/wireguard/wg0.conf and change the line ENDPOINT to be the endpoint you want to connect to, e.g.:- Endpoint = slovenia.privacy.network:1337 not true, you can use either, the recommendation is always hostname, servers get shutdown all the time and if you tie yourself to an particular server (specify ip) then sooner or later you are in for a bad time.
  2. looks to me like you don't yet understand how bind mounts work in docker, have a read of this:-
  3. its defined in the file /config/wireguard/wg0.conf
  4. Plex database corruption is sadly quite common, so no worries about asking for help, your options are (in descending best order):- 1. Restore the Plex database from CA backup and restore (plugin) 2. Use the database backups from Plex built-in Scheduler to roll back - see https://support.plex.tv/articles/202485658-restore-a-database-backed-up-via-scheduled-tasks/ 3. Repair the database ** ** I have written a bash script that attempts to make the procedure for repairing SQLite databases more user friendly, its based off this article:- https://support.plex.tv/articles/repair-a-corrupted-database/ If you wish to give the script a go then please let me know and I will show you how to use it.
  5. you need to repair the database first before you consider switching over, you could ask on the plex forums for how to do this, there are steps you can try to take to repair the database.
  6. it looks to me like you aren't running the latest image, go to unraid/docker then toggle basic view to advanced view, then click on 'force update' for the container, this will then force download the latest image.
  7. my bad, the slashes are only required when entering the commands in-game, if you are using the server console then omit the slash, so for help page 10 you would enter 'help 10'.
  8. yep you need to supply a forward slash at the beginning of the command so try '/help', for a full list of commands with descriptions check out https://minecraftbedrock-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Commands/List_of_Commands
  9. i applaud you sir!, im no expert when it comes to bedrock but i know enough to be dangerous, any problems/questions let me know.
  10. try clearing down cookies and/or trying a different browser, also post a screenshot of what you are seeing.
  11. Sorry, i'm unable to reproduce this, i have just pulled down the latest deluge image, changed the paths for completed, incomplete and torrents clicked ok, went back into preferred and the paths are still set, restarted the container, check preferences and the paths are still set correctly, so unless you can give me steps to reproduce this then i cannot fix it. Please keep in mind i have literally millions of downloads of this image, if there was an issue with the image i would expect more than 1 person complaining, i suspect there is something going on here that is local to your setup, Try resetting permissions by deleting /config/perms.txt then restart the container and try setting paths again.
  12. thanks for letting me know, i will rebuild the image, the issue was due to the switch from python 3.10 to 3.11, it caused me all sorts of fun and games i can tell ya!. try pulling the image in about 30 mins from now.
  13. Ok and I assume none of your missing data is found in that path is this correct? If this is the case then I can only assume file system corruption of some manner if you have a backup of your app data then I would suggest a restore. Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  14. It's this or sabnzbd, those are the only two mainstream options Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  15. this is what i was referring to, ok that sounds fine, next thing to check is that the path set for /config is set to the location of your config files on the host, perhaps for some reason this got reset, data corruption or pebkac perhaps:- left click icon and select edit, scroll down to show more settings and confirm the host path for /config is set to the location you store your config files in e.g. /mnt/cache/appdata/delugevpn/ if its set wrong then correct and apply.
  16. probably Q4 but hard to tell from that pdf:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/plex.md
  17. check cache shares, if they arent set to cache only then its possible files/folders will be moved via the 'mover' to the array.
  18. the known issue is triggered when running PAR and/or unrar, if you haven't downloaded anything then this is a different issue. sounds like an out of date self signed cert, you would need to re-generate a new cert - one thing to note is that development of nzbget has stopped (github repo archived), not sure what the future of this application is yet but things like certs expiring is def going to happen going forward.
  19. Correct Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  20. in your screenshot its show as 'Incoming Port'. btw the yo-yo speeds is probably more related to other settings in deluge, see Q6 deluge related settings:- https://github.com/binhex/documentation/blob/master/docker/faq/vpn.md
  21. yep, so use the command shown on that page to download and execute that script:- TF=$(mktemp) && wget "https://hndl.urbackup.org/Client/2.5.23/UrBackup%20Client%20Linux%202.5.23.sh" -O $TF && sudo sh $TF; rm -f $TF once you have gone through the prompts you will end up with the urbackup client being on the path, if you want it to persist reboots then copy the binary file created by the script to persistent storage and then add a line to your 'go' file to copy it from persistent storage to somewhere on the path, e.g. /usr/local/bin/
  22. nope, no need, simply follow the install instructions for heading 'Binary Linux client (command line only; with auto-update; x86/AMD64/ARMv6+/ARM64) from the following url:- https://www.urbackup.org/download.html it worked for me (tested inside a docker container for safety).
  23. Not required, this has already been discussed in this thread, you simply download the static binary client and run it on unRAID. Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  24. Ignore it, it's a non issue Sent from my 22021211RG using Tapatalk
  25. left click urbackup icon select console then type:- nano /etc/default/urbackupsrv change:- LOGLEVEL="debug" save and then restart the container.
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