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Posts posted by UnKwicks

  1. On 10/30/2022 at 11:53 PM, mgutt said:

    3.) If the source path is set to /mnt/cache/appdata or /mnt/diskX/appdata, the script will create a snapshot to /mnt/*/.appdata_snapshot before creating the backup. This reduces docker container downtime to several seconds (!).

    Thanks for your awesome script @mgutt which I am currently testing. Just running my first backup. Since I added "/mnt/user/appdata" as source path I thought my docker downtime would be only a few seconds, but it took as long as all appdata files were copied.


    Do I have to use "/mnt/cache/appdata" instead of "/mnt/user/appdata" to make the snapshot feature work?


    What happens when I run the script again at the same day after it finished the first run?


    Thank you very much!!

  2. 11 hours ago, dlandon said:

    Post diagnostics.

    Sure, I appreciate your support.

    Whats interesting is is that the only time a spin down attempt is visible in the logs when I clicked the green circle the first time ever:

    Jan  7 16:06:42 Tower  emhttpd: WD_Elements_25A3_324C47365244344B-0:0 (sdh) 512 39063584768
    Jan  7 16:06:42 Tower  emhttpd: read SMART /dev/sdh
    Jan  7 16:17:55 Tower  emhttpd: spinning down /dev/sdh
    Jan  7 16:18:03 Tower  emhttpd: sdspin /dev/sdh down: 1

    It did not spin down but the attempt is visible. After that I clicked the green circle in the following troubleshooting process for sure another 5-10 times. But non of those attempts is visible in the logs.


  3. 33 minutes ago, dlandon said:

    Can you click on the green orb next to the drive and spin the drive down manually?  If not, the drive probably won't spin down.

    Thanks for your help. Clicking the green button does not spin down the drive.

    When I attach the drive to my Mac the drive spins down after very short time when it is not mounted.

  4. Hello together,

    Maybe someone can help me out.

    I have a WD Elements Desktop (20TB) Drive attached via USB to my Server do do Backups.

    But the Drive does not spin down, no matter what I do.

    I tried to unmount -> still spinning

    I tried to detach -> still spinning

    I tried to unbind the usb port -> still spinning

    What else can I do?


    I read in some Threads that I may not be able to spin down the drive manually (hdparm gives me an error though). But nevertheless the drive should go to sleep due to inactivity anyway.


    Thanks for any advice.

  5. On 11/27/2022 at 12:23 PM, mgutt said:

    Verbrauch. 15W

    Mag sein dass das jetzt ne doofe Frage ist: Ich bin (noch) nicht so tief drin in der Board Thematik aber wenn das c246n-wu2 nur knapp 5W zieht, was macht dann hier den Unterschied zum 3-fachen? Nur wegen IPMI?

    Gibt es schon Infos wann das Board zu kaufen sein wird?


    Wie ist eure Erfahrung mit Oculink? 

    On 11/27/2022 at 12:23 PM, mgutt said:

    Ich stelle mir vor, dass man den mit einem i7-13700(K) paart

    In der Liste der unterstützen CPUs führt Asrock aktuell noch keine iX-13… werden sie die eventuell erst später supporten?


    Gepaart mit einem i3 sollte der Stromverbrauch auch ganz sexy sein, oder?


    Bin auf jeden Fall sehr gespannt was du berichten wirst.  


  6. Hallo zusammen


    ich möchte gerne meinen Server upgraden und bin auf der Suche nach Alternativen zum Gigabyte C246M-WU4 (nicht lieferbar) auf das Supermicro X11SCH-F gestossen.



    Das Board hat alles was ich mir wünsche (8xSATA, 2xM2, IPMI, ECC) und dennoch zögere ich etwas, da man sehr wenig über dieses Board liest. Sowohl was reviews angeht findet man nichts, als auch hier im Forum wird es nur mal ganz knapp erwähnt.


    Kann mir jemand etwas zu dem Board im Vergleich zum C246M-WU4 sagen? Klar das Supermicro ist recht teuer, aber übersehe ich sonst etwas das gegen dieses Board spricht?





  7. @Adeon, I have the same issue since 3 month.


    My setup is completely different beside the PSU. I have a 

    Seasonic FOCUS PX as well (with 550 Watt).

    Did you already change the PSU and did that help?


    As MoBo I run a ASRock J5005-ITX with embedded Celeron.

  8. On 9/26/2022 at 9:13 PM, lilfade said:

    Had the issue of not being able to open anything and the web ui not working. Made the associated changes for the nginx in my swag container, deleted collabora container and image, reinstalled from the app store (no domain needed as it's now setup as "first come, first serve" and bam... documents are opening again.

    did you configure the aliasgroup1 variable?

  9. If this solution is not working for you anymore when you did an update of unraid OS then open


    and remove the old host entry to your sftp server there


    After that, start over with these two commands from the description above.

    Then it should work again.

    On 6/7/2020 at 7:02 PM, TexasUnraid said:

    This is the command to copy the keyfile to the server, be sure to update the IP address to yours:

    sftp -v -P 2785 -o identityfile=/boot/config/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key unraid@FTP_IP_Address_Here:key.7z /root/key.7z

    Run this at least once directly on the server as it will ask you to confirm the connection and we need the file it creates

    Type "yes" at the prompt to remember the connection otherwise it will not work at boot.


    Now we need to copy the known_hosts file to the USB drive so it can be restored at boot

    cp .ssh/known_hosts /boot/config/ssh/known_hosts 
  10. Hello


    I have an array of 5 disks and I am not sure if maybe my drive temperatures are getting too hot.

    These are my drives:

    Parity - WDC_WD120EFAX-xxxx (sdf) - active 52 C (disk is hot) [NOK]
    Disk 1 - WDC_WD120EFAX-xxxx (sde) - active 51 C [OK]
    Disk 2 - WDC_WD120EMFZ-xxxx - active 52 C (disk is hot) [NOK]
    Cache - WDC_WDS500G1R0A-xxxx (sdb) - active 46 C [OK]
    Cache 2 - WDC_WDS500G1R0A-xxxx (sdc) - active 44 C [OK]

    The WDC_WD120EFAX is designed to operate between 0 and 65 degree celsius.


    What do you think,

    May I increase the warning threshold and still be safe?

    Is it ok to run at an average of about 50 to 55 degrees on the long term?


    Thanks for your advice :)

  11. Is it possible to have the Backup not in a .gz or .tar.gz file but just 1:1 copied?

    Also without the folder with current date.

    This would save a lot of disk space when backing it up further with duplicati.

    To let duplicati do the versioning magic I just need a copy of the appdata folder as it is

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