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Everything posted by Goobaroo

  1. @Lyraik Seems like the install didn't happen. Can you delete everything in the vault hunters directory except the world directory and start the container up, it should reinstall. @BrainlessDude It has to be a different container. Each of the modpacks have their own issues to work through to get working. The core of the docker container is to download and install the version of the mod that is tagged as the version in the docker container. Swapping out files may work, but it's not 100%. I'm also playing ATM7 To the Skies, I'll look into it.
  2. Hi @bsherman, you should be safe simply stopping the container.
  3. @elokaynu Can you send me a long listing of your directory with the docker data? If you open a terminal on your server you can run this and send it back. Just trying to understand the state of things. ls -lah /mnt/user/appdata/skyfactoryone @RedRobo It is indeed an unraid thing. You should be able to open the file in a terminal on your server as you'll be logged in as root. When you browse to the appdata share in windows, the permissions are probably set to read-only.
  4. @ToyRoBoHoBo & @elokaynu Both look like local permission issues. The correct ownership for the directory under /mnt/user/appdata should be nobody:users So for SevtechAges it is chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/sevtechages SkyfactoryOne chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/skyfactoryone
  5. @Nio9345 Ownership of the files changed in the latest update. I suspect that prevented the install from properly cleaning up the last version. There was also an issue with the FTB installer that was generating bad paths. 1. On your unraid run: chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/ftbskyfactory3 2. Delete the file /mnt/user/appdata/ftbskyfactory3/serverinstall_25_123 3. Start the server up again, it should get everything going.
  6. Is ATM7 throwing errors, because I can confirm that it has the user gid/uid fix that I just put in SevTech.
  7. I just pushed and updated version of SevTech. It has a change for the user in the container that runs the service. It should now match the nobody user. Seems that container got missed. See if choosing advanced in your docker and forcing an update solves it.
  8. I can see a permission denied when trying to download and save the installer. Make sure the /mnt/user/appdata/sevtechages is writable to all.
  9. Well, nothing really relies on BAT files. Those are just windows script files, to run a bunch of commands. Docker containers are linux based, so they use .sh files that are similar but run linux commands. In the case of Direwolf20, there was a bug with the FTB installer that generated unusable startup scripts, so I don't use or at all. The only thing you need to run is the correct java command. When the container is running, you can exec into it and take a look at the script. But that script is immutable, meaning you can't change it as it is part of the docker container when it was built. I'm not familiar with Pterodactyl.
  10. 9.0.5 is the latest *server* version on CurseForge. I did see 9.0.6. There isn't always a corresponding server release with the client release.
  11. 9.0.5 is the latest version on CurseForge. If there was an update it may be client side only.
  12. Check that the `/mnt/user/appdata/pixelmon/` directory exists and that it is owned by nobody and 777 permissions are set.
  13. Order doesn't matter because those are now two completely independent Minecraft server instances. One is the base vanilla Minecraft and the other is ATM7. Good little overview of a docker container here: That 12345 port number can be pretty much anything you want in the range of 1024-65535. Modded Minecraft servers are pretty resource heavy. So depending on how powerful your Unraid server is, it will determine how many different instances you can run simultaneously.
  14. @hoss Docker containers are fully contained with everything they need to run the application that they are meant to run. I don't know what support the binhex Minecraft container has, but you don't need it to install my ATM7 container. Once ATM7 is installed on your unraid server, you have two options. By default the ATM7 should be configured to run in bridge network mode and you can set a different port number using the PORT config item in the ATM7 container settings. Do not change the port in the The Host port will be used by clients for connecting to the server. You can see in the screenshot that docker is forwarding the network traffic from the bridge docker network to the unraid server IP and the configured port. You can change the networking in the ATM7 container to use your br0 network. This should allow the container to acquire it's own IP address from your local network and you can connect on that. You can even set a static IP as part of the container configuration.
  15. @DarthLlama I'm looking into it, there is something funky happening with the FTB installer. I'm having similar issues on my end. I'll see if I can fix it.
  16. @MVLP In a console, change the ownership of the files in /mnt/user/appdata/ftbdirewolf20_118. chown -R nobody:users /mnt/user/appdata/ftbdirewolf20_118 @Z-Server I don't know which container you're running but try fixing the ownership like above, but the directory that is configured for which ever container you're running. Longer explanation. All the original containers were running the server inside using a user running under UID 1001. For anyone who created a new account on their unraid server this would have matched up with a user on the unraid host. Containers should be running as the nobody user (UID 99). So all the containers now map to the correct user on the unraid server when running in the containers. This is really only an issue when you have to write out persistent files like the Minecraft files.
  17. @MVLP You upgraded docker itself? What container are you trying to run? @galdor709 Which server are you trying to launch? How much memory do you have, it looks like 32GB. You may be out of memory, that server is trying to allocate 4GB on startup.
  18. Hi @diogotr7, that is precisely what I'm doing when building the containers, using the APIs both through and from Curseforge. While the FTB modpacks do come with that universal installer, there have been bugs that I've fixed on my end when installing the servers. You also have to take into account the Java version that the container is based on and that could change between modpack versions. I think I've found the issue with the permissions I'm in the process of republishing all the current versions of the modpacks to apply the fix. From my tests it now correctly writes out the files as nobody:users
  19. @DarthLlama This may help with your TED talk. It is a good overview how networking works in docker. handles communication between containers,the only option you have. For what it's worth. I use the br0 network to allow my Minecraft containers to get their own IP from my main network, and address them all by IP rather than port.
  20. The solution is to change the network to bridge instead of host and set the Port value in the config. Bridge network is the default for docker. I had inadvertently changed the default networking to host when it should have been bridge in the unraid template for the containers. When the network is set to host it will use the IP of the Unraid server and try to attach the port and that is where you get collisions and can be blocked. When the network is set to bridge, docker will port forward from the internal docker network from 25565 inside the docker container to the Port defined in the config also to the IP of the Unraid server. This is the correct method for running a docker instance on another port.
  21. No worries. Usually those minor mod pack updates are not as critical, but I strive to keep them as up to date as possible.
  22. Should be there now as the latest version. If you ever want to pin to a particular version of a mod pack, you can check the versions available on at
  23. @DarthLlama change the network from host to bridge and the port setting will apply. Or use the br0 network and assign your Minecraft server another IP entirely.
  24. @DarthLlama You should be setting the PORT in the config for the application under Unraid. The port that the server runs on inside the container is static at 25565. When docker containers start up, they map the port defined in the config from docker to the containers internal port. That is configurable in the docker container settings.