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Posts posted by flyize

  1. On 3/13/2024 at 7:41 PM, ronia said:

    Hey thanks for this!  This was pretty much exactly what I needed the mover to do with some slight modifications.  I've attached my version below in case this is useful for anyone else:


    START_TIME=`date +%s`
    # Define variables
    MAX_SIZE="500000000000"  # 500 gigabytes in bytes
    #EXTENSIONS=("mkv" "srt" "mp4" "avi" "rar")
    # Ensure the output directory exists
    mkdir -p "$OUTPUT_DIR"
    # Ensure the moved log exists
    touch $MOVE_FILE
    # Cleanup previous temporary files
    rm -f "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt" "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_all_files.txt"
    rm -f $OUTPUT_FILE
    # MOVE_FILE and LOG_FILE intentionally kept persistent
    for target_dir in "${TARGET_DIRS[@]}"; do
        # Step 1: Change directory to the target directory
        cd "$target_dir" || exit
        # Step 2: Find files with specified extensions and obtain metadata (loop through extensions)
        #for ext in "${EXTENSIONS[@]}"; do
        #    find "$(pwd)" -type f -iname "*.$ext" -exec stat --printf="%i %Z %n\0" {} + >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt"
        # Step 2(alt): Find all files.  No filter.
        find "$(pwd)" -type f -iname "*" -exec stat --printf="%i %Z %n\0" {} + >> "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt"
    # Step 3: Sort metadata by ctime (second column) in descending order
    sort -z -k 2,2nr -o "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt" "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt"
    # Step 4: Get the newest files up to the specified size limit
    while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' line; do
        read -r inode ctime path <<< "$line"
        # Keep track of all files
        echo $path >> $OUTPUT_DIR/temp_all_files.txt
        # Skip if the inode has already been processed
        if [[ "${processed_inodes[*]}" =~ $inode ]]; then
        size=$(stat --printf="%s" "$path")
        if ((total_size + size <= MAX_SIZE)); then
            if $VERBOSE; then
                echo "$DATE: Processing file: $total_size $path" >> $LOG_FILE  # Debug information to log
            #echo "$path" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"  # Appending only path and filename to the file
            total_size=$((total_size + size))
            # Mark the current inode as processed
            # Step 4a: List hardlinks for the current file
            #hard_links=$(find "$TARGET_DIR" -type f -samefile "$path")
            #if [ -n "$hard_links" ]; then
            #       echo "$hard_links" >> "$OUTPUT_FILE"
            #   echo $path >> $OUTPUT_FILE
            # Step 4a(alt): Script does not support hardlinks, but is significantly faster and supports multiple TARGET_DIR
            echo $path >> $OUTPUT_FILE
            if $VERBOSE; then
                echo "$DATE: Moving file: $move_size $path" >> $LOG_FILE  # Debug information to log
            move_size=$((move_size + size))
            # Do not add to the move file log if previously added
            if ! grep -q "$path" $MOVE_FILE ; then
                echo "$DATE: $path" >> $MOVE_FILE
    done < "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt"
    # Step 5: Cleanup temporary files
    rm "$OUTPUT_DIR/temp_metadata.txt"
    END_TIME=`date +%s`
    if $VERBOSE; then
        echo "$DATE: File list generated and saved to: $OUTPUT_FILE" >> $LOG_FILE
        echo "$DATE: Execution time: $(($END_TIME - $START_TIME)) seconds." >> $LOG_FILE

    - Removed hardlinks from step 4a.  I will not have hardlinks in my share, and it significantly improves execution time

    - Removed looping over an extension list.  I didn't feel like there was anything in my share that couldn't be moved between cache and array

    - Added execution time logging

    - Added a 'temp_all_files.txt" file.  This was useful in convincing myself that the ignore.txt was capturing everything on the share and nothing was missed.  You can just diff the two files together when the cache is below MAX_SIZE and there should be identical.

    - Added a verbose logging mode

    - Added a 'moved.log' for tracking what has been moved between cache/array

    - Changed TARGET_DIR to TARGET_DIRS to loop over all potential shares.  At the moment this is just my plex library, but I have some ideas where else this could be used.

    - Moved the output directory to /dev/shm.  My mover is setup to run on the hour, so this reduces the number of read/writes on my cache drive

    I finally got around to adding this. I used this version. I have 1.3TB on my 'cache_media' drive and set the script MAX_SIZE at 1000000000000 (1TB). Right now its at 600GB used. It made a list of files to ignore, and has then started moving files anyway. What am I missing here?


    edit: Oops, I think it was self inflicted. I see that by default using the Move Now button does not use the Mover Tuning settings.

  2. 1 hour ago, JorgeB said:

    It's not logged as a disk problem, and SMART looks fine, a lot of CRC UDMA errors so the SATA cable would be the main suspect.


    P.S. lots of OOM errors logged, they appear to be caused by Frigate.

    Someday, I'd love to not have to bother you guys, and maybe be able to help. Where do I go to see that those CRC errors in the diagnostics?

  3. You're an angel! That's wonderful news, as I'm about to be travelling for a week and didn't want this thing to die while I was gone! I'll get the cable swapped out.


    Yeah, the OOM errors are annoying. It just started happening with the latest version of Frigate. I've notified the devs, but its pretty much just me with the problem. For some reason, ffmpeg likes to occasionally try to grab 80GB+ of RAM. It was bringing down the whole server before I limited the RAM available to the container.

  4. So in your example, if it gets over 750GB, the script will make a list of files from newest to oldest. Then remove the oldest file from the list and recalculate total space used, and do this over and over until it gets under 750GB. Then pass all this off to the Mover, with a list of files it can't touch. Am I understanding correctly?

  5. 7 minutes ago, trurl said:

    Of course, because they are being emulated by parity.


    That does at least answer this question though:


    But probably better if you post new diagnostics after you get hardware fixes done.

    I went in an mounted /dev/sdk. It's actually emulating the whole device? If so, how will I know when I get it fixed?


    edit: Added diagnostics


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