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Everything posted by Rysz

  1. Sorry, it doesn't seem like this UPS manufacturer is supported by NUT at all. It's also not listed in the hardware compatibility list: https://networkupstools.org/stable-hcl.html
  2. I'm just happy there's multiple solutions for multiple use cases (and user groups), a lid for every pot. ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. nut-2.8.2-x86_64-2debug.txz Here we go - current master with debug symbols, same procedure as before. Please do report back again with your findings - thanks in advance! ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Thanks for the detailed write-up, I'll build a new debug package as soon as possible (most likely tonight). ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. There's three priorities in the GUI: Green - nothing out of the ordinary is happening (OL, CHRG, CAL) Orange - something out of the ordinary is happening (OB, BYPASS, DISCHRG, TRIM, BOOST) Red - something critical is happening (LB, HB, RB, OVER, OFF, FSD) So orange is not necessarily bad, it's just that the UPS is doing something for the user to notice in the GUI.
  6. The last active topic seems too cramped in comparison to the huge part with the forum name (having lots of unused white-space). Removing the width: 100% on .ipsDataItem_main it'd look like this (better in my opinion): I know it's a work in progress and I love the new forum software, but I'm not too happy about some changes myself. I think the light mode is too bold (better lower font-weight?) and bright (better light gray instead of full white?), while some layout (example see above), font and color choices still look a bit hacked together rather than feeling "native" yet (in lack for a better word). Perhaps a better choice would have been to keep the fonts and color palettes that people were used to, while upgrading mostly the forum software and the layout around it. Nonetheless thankful for all the (ongoing) hard work put into improving the website and community. ๐Ÿ™‚
  7. Not working for me either!
  8. Light Mode does not seem to work at the moment - otherwise looking good!
  9. You need to stop NUT, change the setting and then start NUT again - it cannot be changed when it's running.
  10. pollonly Just put this in UPS.CONF on line 8 using GUI configuration editor and restart NUT afterwards. But if all works as it should, I'd just ignore these messages in syslog and not mess around with extra settings.
  11. I have no information about multi array support or how it will be implemented, sorry about that. mergerFS basically can pool multiple disk mount-points together, so regardless where the data is residing physically it can then be accessed through one single folder (the mergerFS mount-point). Some users use this functionality to pool data on the array and data residing in the cloud together (e.g. for Plex), others use it to pool multiple disks mounted through Unassigned Devices together for better accessing through a single custom share/location on the server. I'm not sure how well it would perform pooling already pooled data (if I understood you correctly there, since array pools and cache pools already are pooled you'd be pooling pooled data) and if or how that would interfere with Unraid. Regarding SnapRAID, that's not really got anything to do with mergerFS. Basically SnapRAID provides parity for multiple individual disks (mounted in their individual disk mount-points), but doesn't pool array data by default (as Unraid does with the user shares). So mergerFS could be used to pool a SnapRAID array (consisting of a bunch of individual disk mount-points) into one folder (the mergerFS mount-point) for e.g. later sharing through a custom SMB/NFS share. Hope that makes sense a bit. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. LLDP broadcasts on all eth* (so eth0, eth1, eth2 ...) interfaces, so both on eth0 and eth1 in your case. It seems to be advertising as the management IPs both the IPv6 IP of your eth0 interface (as you have IPv6 enabled there) and the IPv4 IP of your eth1 interface (as you have IPv6 disabled there). I think that it's doing what it should, considering you have two physical interfaces (eth0, eth1) and it's advertising both with the respective default IP of each respective interface. Would you have liked for it to advertise the IPv4 IP of eth0 (even if you're using IPv6)? I can try to add a setting to manually override the advertised management IPs, but I'll have to look how to implement that so might take a while.
  13. SnapRAID on UNRAID A plugin for advanced users installing SnapRAID onto UNRAID systems. Possible Use-Cases: Parity protection and a degree of corruption detection/repair for custom-mounted (e.g. using UD), possibly mergerFS-fused/pooled, unassigned disks outside of the primary Unraid array - either due to not always being online (cold backups) or exceeding the maximum possible array size of 30 disks, as commonly seen with large mixed disk JBOD/DAS solutions not wanting or being able to go full ZFS (primary use-case). A degree of corruption detection/repair for rarely changing large file libraries (e.g. on media or backup servers) in conjunction with Unraid parity, sacrificing an Unraid array data disk for SnapRAID parity to leverage the advantages of both Unraid and SnapRAID (experimental use-case). You tell me - post here if you have another exciting use case that worked well for your specific storage needs. General Usage Warning: As with any software interacting with your data, only ever use it on backed up data and in combination with a solid backup strategy. Read the manual and help-texts before acting and if you do not understand a 100% what you are doing, please just do not do it... ๐Ÿ™‚ This thread is not really for teaching how to use SnapRAID. It is primarily intended for reporting and solving problems around the plugin itself. If the detailed SnapRAID manual and amply provided hover/F1 help-texts are not enough to bring clarity on using the software, this plugin will most likely have no real benefit for you (no offense). It was made for advanced users with very specific storage needs, not to just play around with without purpose (if you value your data). Installable via Community Applications
  14. Another thing to try apart from NUT would be the default "UPS Settings" (which use APCUPSD) if you haven't already tried that.
  15. I'm sorry, the only thing I can think of is going through these settings again with another USB port or cable (keep the bus, device, busport commented out though to not fix NUT on a specific USB port). Otherwise unfortunately we seem to be out of luck.
  16. Thanks, any luck with the blazer_usb driver on the 2.7.4. backend?
  17. Ok let's try something else, remove the subdriver line again. Then set NUT Backend Switch to "legacy (2.7.4 stable)". Uninstall and reinstall NUT (or reboot server) and make sure the backend actually changed to 2.7.4. Then start NUT again with the same settings (without subdriver). Also try another USB port it that doesn't work.
  18. Can you try adding this line to your UPS.CONF using the NUT configuration editor under NUT Settings? Then restart NUT. subdriver = "hunnox"
  19. Not sure to be honest, this is definitely not normal behaviour for a UPS. It should be available because system boot takes long enough, did you try another USB port or cable?
  20. It seems your UPS takes longer to get ready for a USB connection than it should. I'm not sure what is causing this, as a workaround you can put this in your /boot/config/go file: at now + 3 minutes <<< "/etc/rc.d/rc.nut restart 2>&1 | logger" Which will restart the NUT services 3 minutes after system boot and it should be ready by then. You can also try before on another USB port or with another USB cable, that could also help. ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Please post the NUT Debug Package (can be found in NUT Settings) in the NUT Support Thread:
  22. On most firewalls (like pfSense) you need to open the port 3493 from/to LAN devices.
  23. The monitor password is using incompatible special characters, that's also why you're getting the error and red hand. Change it to something simpler on the master, best without special characters at all, and then use that on the slave as well and it should work. ๐Ÿ™‚ Please report back if that solved your problem.
  24. I haven't tried it but it is compiled into the plugin package and present on user's systems at: /usr/lib/mergerfs/preload.so So in theory it should be usable as explained in the README, if anyone tries it please let me know if it works... ๐Ÿ™‚
  25. Regarding UD, I'm not sure if you can hide drives from there - I don't know how that plugin selects the drives to display or not. Looks like there is no way at the moment: Regarding Globbing, you need to escape the globbing characters as follows: mergerfs -o cache.files=partial,dropcacheonclose=true,category.create=mfs /mnt/disks/OfflineBU\* /mnt/addons/BUPool See also here for more details: https://github.com/trapexit/mergerfs#globbing
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