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  1. Hi, I'm experiencing issues now with /etc/resolv.conf. Seems like unraid always adds %br0 at the end of the ipv6 nameserver. Seems to happen even when it's running, not only after reboot. nginx complains that it's not a valid adress, unless I remove the %br0. Is there any way to either tell nginx to ignore the file or tell unraid to not put the br0? I've looked in all folders for nginx but I cannot even find any reference to /etc/resolv.conf, so I wonder if it's even using this file. It seems to point to /etc/nginx/conf.d, but there is no resolver.conf file... Any ideas?
  2. Hi, is there a way to obtain the ipv6 adress of the pihole in order to also set it as default ipv6 dns in the router? Network information is gone from the GUI as of recently. Also, commands like ip -6 addr do not work in the docker terminal. thanks!
  3. Would be great to know if someone gets transcoding working with AMD and emby. It seems that emby is not recognizing any GPU still. I also did the modprobe thing mentioned in the OP.
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