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Everything posted by jay010101

  1. Found my Unraid server today with all CPUs pegged. Looks like the process had been going for a while (Screenshot). From the Unraid command line it looks like Unassigned Devices was port scanning on port 445. the 20.220 was an old VLAN I had setup but not currently in use and not an active interface on my Pfsense gateway. I went into Unraid and removed the VLAN. Seems like odd behavior. Maybe it was stuck because it couldn't reach that 20 network. Looked for that script as well under BIN but found nothing. Why would unassigned devices do this?
  2. This seems like a basic question. I've seen a lot of examples of guys doing a wireguard site to site connection then using RSYNC via SSH to backup data to a remote Unraid server. Wireguard is an encrypted tunnel. I don't see a reason to use SSH at all. Am I missing something? example setup with SSH..... https://www.spxlabs.com/blog/2020/10/2/unraid-to-remote-unraid-backup-server-with-wireguard-and-rsync
  3. Figured it out. I have been running plex on vlan for the last year or more but apparently something changed or that was an issue. Changed it back to host and now it works.
  4. I do see this error in the Plex logs....
  5. left click the docker image and select. This has worked in the past. then it takes you to the site and you click "Your Media". This was never there before. Normally it would just show a icon for my Plex server and I would select it. Now it says "Get Plex Media Server"
  6. not sure why it says "Get Plex Media Server" when that'sa the docker I'm running. I believe I'm using the Official Container.
  7. Anyone having issues with the Plex Media Server? I logged in and all it says is add your media, then it says Get Plex Media Server. Kind of funny but the Media Server is what i'm running. Trying to google but not finding this.
  8. That's awesome! I'll give it a try. I didn't notice this until a recent plex update. Thought it was fixed.
  9. Only have 3 dockers: plex, unifi and binhex-krusader. The reason I think its plex is that if I stop the container the writes go to something small0-100KB/s. with Plex running i'm getting spikes of 500 KB/s and in iotop seeing [loops2] writes on the top of the list. Similar problem as in the past. I believe plex was the issue last time, or its docker in general. maybe i should up grade to the latest version . I'm on the stable branch right now 6.9.2
  10. Anyone see this happening again? I looks like plex is continuously writing to the cache.
  11. This guy was great. Older thread but maybe it will help someone looking later. https://www.ebay.com/usr/theartofserver
  12. Good deal. Thank you for letting me know. I was scratching my head for a bit.
  13. Opened up the command line today and it appears the font is off or the resolution of the windows is low. Any ideas why this is? I don't remember changing anything that would cause this. Thanks.
  14. I'm trying to figure out how to have a script run when an external drive is plugged in to backup data. I cant find any documentation that describes this screen below. I looks like I should be able to add a script to the "Script Content" section. Is there a resource that describes this page?
  15. I have an Unassigned Device external drive that I've attached to my unraid server that I want to encrypt. Everything seems to work fine as I click the FORMAT button under UD on the MAIN screen. I select XFS-ENCRYPTED and it asked me for my password. I used a long 26 character password, which I have used with LUKS before. No error messages and the format goes through. I go into the settings for UD and set the disk password so unraid can mount it with no error message, but when I attempt to mount it will not mount. In the log settings is says this So I re-partitioned the drive again setting a new password in case there was an error in entering the password the first time. I tried mounting and it gave the same error message. I tried mounting using the command line which gave the same error No key Found. So I re-partitioned again using a 16 character password and it worked fine. I've used LUKS encryption before with very long password lengths, is there a reason unraid is restricting the number of characters? What is the max password length? Thank you.
  16. Hey guys. I had this issue and moved to the newest beta and it was fixed. You can also use the below command but its not persistant after boot. mount -o remount -o space_cache=v2 /mnt/cache I hope this helps
  17. Any thought on using Crontab to schedule it? Didnt see anything in the APPs when I did a quick search.
  18. I'm trying to rsync a few directories to an external drive. The main concept I'm trying to understand is that these shares are spread across multiple drives. Now I do see using the command line (df -h) a mount called "/mnt/user" and "/mnt/user0" I would like to run one command using rsync like (rsync --archive --delete /mnt/user/SourceFolder/ /mnt/"external drive" its a little confusing because there is the two separate mounts "User" and "User0" Is there one mnt that contains all the data of those shares? I hope this makes sense. separate question.... can I use the crontab of one of my authorized users to schedule this backup? Or is there an APP for that? Thank you.
  19. I've read some more and have a better understanding why this is happening. I looked at the APP for Turbo Write Schedule and that looks interesting. But as the Mover is doing its work at midnight on this might not be an issue for me. Its only when I'm doing an intentional move that it becomes an issue. Thanks for the reply. Jay
  20. Thank you. Saw another post of someone suggesting a procedure to upgrade. Looks like I can just backup my USB and update my plugins and move forward.
  21. Same thing here. Writes to the cache as full speed (max spinning drive speed reads). Then when I hit the Mover button (below image) I only get 25MB/s. is this normal? the system isn't doing anything else such as a parity check. though the parity drive is active.
  22. I'm currently using 6.8.3 and I'm seeing the issue in docker where the loop2 process is doing mass writes to my cache while the server has no usage. One of the users suggested running this command (mount -o remount -o space_cache=v2 /mnt/cache) after boot, which has reduced my IO down on Loop2 to 0.49%. So a temporary fix. I'm told the new version 6.9.0-rc2 should fix this problem. Is there anything I should do prior to doing an upgrade other than backup my USB drive? I'm in the testing phase so I have not purchase a key yet. I am loving it so far.
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