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Rick Sanchez

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Posts posted by Rick Sanchez

  1. Hi,


    I've come back from a holiday and I've found that my Windows 10 VM is refusing to start. - It was in lock mode.


    The error is:


    VM creation error

    internal error: usb address needs device id


    I've searched the logs but I'm not really sure what I'm looking for?


    Thanks for your help :)

  2. On 6/30/2019 at 7:03 PM, itimpi said:

    Normally the sound is sent via the HDMI cable, but it shows up as different device when you list your IOMMU groups (normally in the same IOMMU group as the video.   In such a case both devices need passing through to the VM.


    How do I do/check this?


    Thanks :)

  3. Hi,


    I created a Windows 10 VM last month, but, I cannot get the sound to work. I've installed all drivers and tested the speakers on a separate system and work fine.


    What am I missing?


    I also have a blue-ray drive that I can't seem to link/get working?


    Any/all help is appreciated?


    Also: What's the best/easiest way to auto-backup unRAID and the VM?



  4. On 11/5/2018 at 7:06 AM, SpaceInvaderOne said:

    If you are dropping into the UEFI shell then it is most likely a problem with the install media.

    It is trying to boot but not finding any UEFI compatible media to boot from. This could be one of 2 things


    1. (most likely) that the win 10 media isn't UEFI compatible so doesn't boot.

    I have had old windows 10 images I downloaded a while back and they aren't UEFI compatible. So get a new image, try downloading Windows 10 directly from the Microsoft website here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10ISO 


    2. The VM template is trying to boot from the vdisk first. So the boot order means the windows 10 install media isn't being booted from. Its trying to boot from the vdisk and cant so dropping into UEFI shell. So delete the windows template that you are using now and start from scratch and start fresh to avoid this.


    This is exactly my issue at the moment. I've downloaded multiple copies of the Windows 10 ISO from Microsoft and none boot?


    The log doesn't really provide any help either. Any ideas?



  5. On 2/25/2019 at 7:36 PM, Hoopster said:

    Boot it and see how the system comes up.  It should be OK if all the disks are the same as before.  If you have an unRAID status email from the system before the upgrades, you can verify against that to make sure all disks (parity and data) are still assigned by serial number to the appropriate array slot.


    Something like this:


    Event: Unraid Status
    Subject: Notice [MEDIANAS] - array health report [PASS]
    Description: Array has 5 disks (including parity & cache)
    Importance: normal
    Parity - HGST_HDN728080ALE604_xxxxxxxx (sdh) - standby [OK]
    Disk 1 - WDC_WD80EFZX-68UW8N0_xxxxxxxx (sdg) - standby [OK]
    Disk 2 - WDC_WD80EFZX-68UW8N0_xxxxxxxx (sdf) - active 31 C [OK]
    Disk 3 - WDC_WD80EMAZ-00WJTA0_xxxxxxxx (sde) - standby [OK]
    Cache - SAMSUNG_SSD_830_Series_xxxxxxx (sdd) - active 28 C [OK]
    Parity is valid
    Last checked on Fri 15 Feb 2019 05:06:31 PM MST (7 days ago), finding 0 errors.
    Duration: 16 hours, 6 minutes, 30 seconds. Average speed: 138.0 MB/s




    I''m receiving errors:


    All disks are missing...


    How can I check that the hard drives are connected properly, or should I use 'New Config'?


  6. 11 minutes ago, dmacias said:
    14 minutes ago, Rick Sanchez said:
    The server is up and running but I can't access it via folders or the GUI.
    Any ideas?

    You're gonna need a monitor or configure your router to use the new mac address of the server and old ip address. Could try IPMI console too by connecting to the ip address of the bmc.


    Luckily, it's all plugged into a monitor etc :)

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