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Everything posted by monarc

  1. Moin zusammen, hat jemand eine Idee wieso meine eingebundene, externe Festplatte unter unassigned devices vorne grau ist und den Status unassigned hat? Alle anderen eingebundenen Laufwerke sind grün, solange sie nicht im Standby sind. Ist das so zu erwarten oder hat es einen anderen bestimmten Grund? Würde mich über die ein oder andere Rückmeldung freuen. Vielen Dank im Voraus. VG Marc
  2. Hi everyone, Trying to backup my Unraid Shares to a Synology NAS with Duplicati. Synology is mounted via Unassigned devices with NFS. Backup job is nothing fancy just around 800GB of data encrypted in 50MB blocks and everything else default settings. Backup job is running fine but I always get the following warning at the end. "2021-02-26 09:31:01 +01 - [Warning-Duplicati.Library.Main.Operation.FilelistProcessor-MissingRemoteHash]: remote file duplicati-b6ee2e638e03448d7b58103e0aa972613.dblock.zip.aes is listed as Verified with size 0 but should be 52418413, please verify the sha256 hash \"klbMHsDiDi6MtRgEH2PJRdSASOb8xs8xBLFN5DXXWqw=\" I have found a lot of stuff regarding this in various forums but nothing helped so far. Did someone else encountered this kind of warning and found a (easy) solution to this? Additional can someone tell me how to run list-broken-files (duplicati commandline) in the Duplicati docker container? Looking forward to any reply. Many thanks in advance and have a great day. BR Marc
  3. First of all a big thanks to@SpaceInvaderOne for his great work for the Unraid community. Great Videos, great help. 👍 Now my problem with connecting Deconz and ioBroker where I hope to get some help here. Deconz Docker (br0) is working fine with the Conbee II, ioBroker docker (buanet) is working fine (host, bridge and br0) as well. Running both dockers with br0 and fixed IP everything is working great, but as soon as I am starting to change the network type it is not possible anymore to connect the deconz docker to the deconz ioBroker adapter. Running both docker with br0 and fixed IP is that iobroker needs to communicate with other dockers (bridge) as well. Runnuing all my dockers with br0 and fixed IP can't be a solution as well. Why is it not possible to run the Deconz docker in "normal" bridge mode? Looking forward hearing back from someone. Many thanks in advance.
  4. Hi everyone, I just setup the OpenVPN AIO Client docker and from my point of view according to the logs everything is working fine. [info] Config file detected... [info] Setting variables [info] Set various ports to docker variables [info] Determine openvpn port from config file [info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file [info] Will connect openvpn on port=1194 proto=udp [info] Determine eth0 network for nftables [info] eth0 IP is in network [info] All variables set [info] Fixing configs [info] Torless build detected. Skip fixing torsocks + privoxy configs. [info] stubby fixed. [info] danted fixed. [info] tinyproxy fixed. [info] All configs fixed [info] Run stubby in background on port 53 [10:41:48.140781] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby/stubby.yml [warn] Your ISP public IP is * [info] Set up nftables rules [info] Editing base ruleset [info] Torless build detected. Removing tor + privoxy ruleset [info] Flusing ruleset [info] Config file detected... [info] Setting variables [info] Set various ports to docker variables [info] Determine openvpn port from config file [info] Determine openvpn protocol from config file [info] Will connect openvpn on port=1194 proto=udp [info] Determine eth0 network for nftables [info] eth0 IP is in network [info] All variables set [info] Fixing configs [info] Torless build detected. Skip fixing torsocks + privoxy configs. [info] stubby fixed. [info] danted fixed. [info] tinyproxy fixed. [info] All configs fixed [info] Run stubby in background on port 53 [10:41:48.140781] STUBBY: Read config from file /etc/stubby/stubby.yml [warn] Your ISP public IP is [info] Set up nftables rules [info] Editing base ruleset [info] Torless build detected. Removing tor + privoxy ruleset [info] Flusing ruleset [info] Added route via dev eth0 [info] Apply rules [info] Quick block test. Expected result is time out. Actual result is ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached [info] All rules created [info] Setting up OpenVPN tunnel [info] Create tunnel device [info] Allow DnS-over-TLS for openvpn to lookup VPN server [info] Connecting to VPN on port 1194 with proto udp... [info] Connection in progress, wait 10s... [info] Your VPN public IP is * [info] Block DnS-over-TLS to force traffic through tunnel [info] Change DNS servers to [info] Adding to /etc/resolv.conf [info] Allowing DNS lookups (tcp, udp port 53) to server '' [info] Done [info] Run danted in background on port 9118 [info] Run tinyproxy in background with no log on port 8118 WARNING: logging deactivated (can't log to stdout when daemonized) [info] Torless build detected. Skip running torsocks + privoxy configs. [info] Your VPN public IP is * Is there a way to check it from the docker cli. Looks like ping, traceroute, ifconfig and so on are not available. Any other idea to check if everything is working fine and the container is using the VPN to get to the internet for sure? Looking forward to you replies. Many thanks in advance.
  5. Perfekt, vielen Dank für die schnelle Rückmeldung. Dann bin ich ja mehr oder weniger "beruhigt".
  6. Hallo zusammen, ich bin gerade dabei mir mein Unraid Setup aufzubauen. Es besteht unter anderem aus vier 4TB HDDs, davon eine als Parity und drei im Array. Nun ist mir nach dem Erstellen des Arrays (xfs) aufgefallen, dass jede Platte direkt mal mit knapp 30 GB belegt ist. Gibt es dafür eine einfacher Erklärung? Ist das zu erwarten? Gruß, Marc
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