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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. Hi! Anybody having this issue after the latest update? Solved! I had to clear cache and cookies.
  2. I was following the guide to install Ghost using MySQL and I have a couple of questions. Port 3306 in my case is used with MariaDB for other service. Ghost recommends to use MySQL (https://ghost.org/docs/faq/supported-databases/) so I'd like to consider this suggestion. Thus, I had to install MySQL, but on port 3307. However, in the installation instructions, for the Ghost, it says: "Next set the Database User, Database Password and Database Name. We set these up in the first section. If you setup your own MySQL installation then you should know what these values are." I tried using "localip", "localip:3307", "http://localip", "http://localip:3307". I don't know which one is correct. After that, I tried with all of them, and in all cases the Ghost container starts and stops immediately. The logs state: Error: URL in config must be provided with protocol, eg. "http://my-ghost-blog.com" at Object.checkUrlProtocol (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.62.0/core/shared/config/utils.js:44:15) at Object.loadNconf (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.62.0/core/shared/config/loader.js:56:16) at Object.<anonymous> (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.62.0/core/shared/config/index.js:3:25) at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1256:14) at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1310:10) at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1119:32) at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:960:12) at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1143:19) at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:121:18) at bootGhost (/var/lib/ghost/versions/5.62.0/core/boot.js:454:18) According to the tutorial, I followed this step: "The URL can be set to the URL that you wish to access Ghost from. Leave this blank if you are only running this locally." I left it blank, but I also used http://localip and localip. I'm uncertain if the change in the port for MySQL is related to the error. Any help is appreciated! Thanks
  3. No worries. I also installed CA&Backup to have a backup of my appdata folder. I appreciate your work, so no hard feelings over here.
  4. Thank you for your reply! Sorry, but it has been a busy week over here. How can I change the container path? Do I have to use the console for the container and look for a specific file? I tried to look for more info, but I couldn't find anything related . ------ My bad. I had to click the edit button in the container, specifically in the Upload_Path. I was over complicating things. After doing that, I don't see any files so it means I lost everything I uploaded. In my case, it doesn't really matter as I keep a backup. Any suggestions for future update to avoid this issue?
  5. Thank you for your assistance @FunnyPocketBook. I did have a a previous version installed before, so I believe than can be the problem. I tried to look for the attachments in my host path (`/mnt/user/appdata/firefly-iii/upload/`) but I think I'm doing something wrong as there are no files in there, even new PDFs attached a couple of hours ago (see the image below). Btw, I don't mind loosing the attachments as I also use Paperless-ng (another nice app from here) for backing up PDF. However, I'd like to avoid this issue in the future. Thank you for your comments!
  6. Hi, first I want to thank you the people behind the docker version of Firefly III. I've been using it for three months so far and I loved the fact that I can also attach the receipts of most of my transactions. However, I can't recall from what version I'm having the following issue. When I try to open an attachment uploaded from a previous version I get error 500, but if I attach the a receipt in the current version I can access it with no problem at all. It seems to be that all the attachments from previous versions are under this error 500. As I'm not literate enough, I'll provide as much data as possible: 1. Screenshot of the error is attached. 2. Log of a successful receipt that I can access: - - [20/Apr/2021:00:19:02 -0400] "GET /attachments/view/37 HTTP/1.1" 200 147085 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/87.0" 3. Log of a receipt that gives me an error: [2021-04-20 00:16:28] local.ERROR: Exception is: {"class":"FireflyIII\\Exceptions\\FireflyException","errorMessage":"Could not find the indicated attachment. The file is no longer there.","time":"Tue, 20 Apr 2021 00:16:28 -0400","file":"\/var\/www\/html\/app\/Http\/Controllers\/AttachmentController.php","line":247,"code":0,"version":"5.5.8","url":"http:\/\/\/attachments\/view\/32","userAgent":"Mozilla\/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:87.0) Gecko\/20100101 Firefox\/87.0","json":true} [2021-04-20 00:16:28] local.ERROR: Exception when mailing: Mailer [] is not defined. [2021-04-20 00:16:28] local.ERROR: Could not find the indicated attachment. The file is no longer there. {"userId":1,"exception":"[object] (FireflyIII\\Exceptions\\FireflyException(code: 0): Could not find the indicated attachment. The file is no longer there. at /var/www/html/app/Http/Controllers/AttachmentController.php:247) Any suggestion or comment is going to be appreciated Thank you!
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