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Everything posted by KoPVM

  1. Hi First time doing a bug report so if you need anymore information just let me know. I upgraded to 7.0.0-beta.2 and removed my array leaving only pool devices which are all zfs. Now when Fix Common Issues runs it is discovering that a disk1 folder is being created in /mnt. The folder is empty however even when it is deleted it comes back again. Minor issue and everything else has been working great! Thanks Jamie
  2. Thanks JorgeB, I think it might have been related to the docker networking changes. I have actually went back to the old method with macvlan and bridging enabled and everything seems ok. Common issues isnt reporting any of the call traces in the logs either so I think i'm all good and will just keep an eye on it. Any issues I'll reopen the post
  3. Hi, I seem to be having troubles accessing the web interface on the latest version of Unraid. I have been running it for a few weeks without issue and then just realised I cant access the webgui. A restart hasnt solved the problem either. I have attached my syslog file. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers syslog
  4. Hey Guys, Loving this update, hopefully it will fix the issue I have sometimes with shfs using a lot of CPU when my ZFS pool is being utilised. Now the only thing we need is to be able to set a ZFS pool as the primary storage without requiring an array device.
  5. The only solution I have found to the above problem is to bind the 2070 to vfio at boot. I have then created a small ubuntu vm which can be enabled to put the graphics card into low power states when it isn't being used on my windows vm. Might not be the most elegant solution but it appears to be working.
  6. Thanks for your reply. Yeah iI'll keep a close eye on it. Since i have removed the new RAM there hasnt been any further issues
  7. I think I may have solved the problem. I added more RAM to the system recently so I just did a memtest and it showed some errors. I then removed the 2 new sticks and from a quick test there was no more errors so it might just be a case of some bad RAM.
  8. Hi Everyone, I have been having a problem with my server where after a random amount of time I cant access the server via the webgui or ssh. I can sometimes still access plex which is running in a docker container when this happens. A restart seems to fix everything for a while. I have attached my logs from just after I have restarted the server. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. newunraid-diagnostics-20230418-1950.zip
  9. Hi, Thanks to this guide i have managed to get GPU transcoding working on my intel iGPU while also having an Nvidia 2070 installed using the HardwareDevicePath="/dev/dri/renderD129" in the preferences file. The problem I am having is after rebooting unraid it seems like the number of the graphics cards sometimes switches. ie the iGPU is now renderD128 instead of renderD129. Is there anything I can do to stop this happening? Thanks
  10. Hi Everyone, I was having the exact same problem as the original post. Removing the Core Freq plugin solved the problem.
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