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Everything posted by jakami99

  1. Not sure if I still can help you but here is my config. Make sure you have the path for the DB right: If the container crashes over and over again, you should check the logs for the reason. It could also help, to remove the container, remove the "traccar" folder from your "/mnt/user/appdata" and reinstall it while providing the path as mentioned I hope you get or got it running
  2. Ass a path, where the container container path is /opt/traccar/data and the host path is /mnt/user/appdata/traccar/data This way your database won't get deleted after a restart
  3. The traccar Docker container is missing a important path. The /opt/traccar/data folder should be mapped to appdata, since it contains the database. Even tho a dedicated MySQL-DB is recommended, it is not good that the testing/default db gets deleted whenever the container gets updated.
  4. Hi Thanks for this project, awesome work. Oddly, I get no Geolocations on the dashboard, but ip-api is enabled. I get the following error in the logs: (redacted IP) W0117 22:44:56.159426 1 client.go:60] Failed to obatin the geohash of 180.xxx.xxx.xxx: Get "http://ip-api.com/json/180.xxx.xx.xxx": dial tcp connect: connection refused. Manually accessing the website works fine tho (same IP)... EDIT: The "" made me curious, and I checked my pihole. Weirdly, ip-api.com was on a blacklist and my current pc wasn't using pihole. Whitelisted it and now everything is working
  5. Okay, thanks. After I edited the unassigned device to "slave option" I had no "unresponsive dashboard" anymore, funny enough this issue started about the same time I started using an old drive for torrenting since I don't need parity on these files and don't want my good drives to be occupied 24/7. Especially because torrenting leads to bad latency, since it needs lots and lots of small file parts. Thanks so far, even tho there was nothing specifically that helped If this issue occurs again, I will kindly say so. Cheers!
  6. Is this an issue that might be related to my current issue?: Jan 14 23:03:01 UNRAID-1337 root: Fix Common Problems: Warning: Docker application qbittorrent has volumes being passed that are mounted by Unassigned Devices, but they are not mounted with the slave option
  7. Thanks, I took a look at the provided links. Sadly, nothing related to my issue. The whole troubleshooting guide had nothing about the webserver in general. And for the second resource: I am directly accessing Unraid via the clear IP without SSL over the internal network and/or over the Nginx Reverse Proxy, which was never an issue before. Will still take a look at it and hope to get more info here. Are there troubleshooting steps for the web server I may ask?
  8. 48 hours later and again... Don't get past logging in. I really have no idea how to troubleshot this. Keeping the server in safemode for hours is complicated and if it doesn't happen, there is no way for me how to tell which the cause is. Are there any debug modes for the internal webserver of unraid? Anything I could test with tools like curl? Are there any extended logs for nginx, other then the error.log in /var/logs/nginx? Could a reinstall in the usb help?
  9. Netdata looks pretty okay, the only warnings are the following. I am not sure if this is just a symptom, or the root cause. Either the cause or maybe a symptom of the issue.
  10. Sadly it's happening again, login site perfectly works, but logging in or having a valid cookie leads to infinte loading and no HTTP answer to the GET. In "/var/log/nginx/" is only an "error.log". I hope the diagnostics include the non-error nginx logs. unraid-1337-diagnostics-20240109-2033.zip
  11. I have really no idea what is going on, but I want to disagree. There were no steps that can lead to a conclusion, that this was not the software. I got multibit ECC, which is pretty new. But memtest could be a step for the future, if this issue consists. Will take a look at the nginx logs, when this is happening again. Since the login site was working perfectly, but the /Main dashboard wasn't, it might be a plugin, that tries to load.
  12. I will restart without safe mode now and just hope, it won't stop responding again... Thanks tho
  13. Anything I can do, now that I am in safe mode? Unsurprisingly the dashboard is working, it will take a while, until I know if this error still occurs. As I mentioned it always takes some time for the Dashboard to become unresponsive.
  14. Rebooted into safemode unraid-1337-diagnostics-20240108-0209.zip
  15. Thanks so far! Thanks for your patience. I disabled docker, Array is not on autostart and is not started, that is way I couldn't disable VMs. I am rebooting into safe mode right now.
  16. Currently, my Array isn't started, so both are stopped. Is there a specific step I am supposed to check afterward? Safemode is triggered via the boot option with a keyboard and a monitor, right? Is there any way to troubleshoot without this step? I try to circumvent (as long as possible) to leave Docker and my VMs so long offline, as it takes for the Dashboard to become unresponsive,
  17. Hey, just found time to test everything again. The Dashboard was still not reachable, since I haven't rebooted since this post, since I had no time. The weird thing is, that it takes some time, until it stops responding. I am not sure, what I should expect, other than a working Dashboard. 20 minutes later: Currently, I am uninstalling some unnecessary plugins, hoping, that this could fix the issue.
  18. Different Browser, Incognito-Tab, accessing directly instead trough Reverse Proxy,... Nothing changes the habit of the Dashboard Setting up a monitor and a keyboard is not easy right now, might try this later. I have the feeling that the dashboard is not fully down but just super slow. Sometimes I get the favicon or the logo at the top, most of the time it times out. So no plain 404, just something weird going on.
  19. Hey, my Unraid-Dashboard suddenly doesn't want to load. After logging in, the browser just keeps loading over and over. Found nothing interesting in the logs in my eyes. The last uncommon thing, I changed, was adding a "Unassigned Drive" for Torrenting. Dashboards from Dockers and all VMs are fine and up. The USB Stick is maybe 1 Year old and was brand new. So no idea what is causing this. I attached the logs. Which I collected by running "diagnostics" and scp'd them over to my local machine. I just hope, that someone can help me, thanks in advance! ❤️ dashboard: unraid-1337-diagnostics-20240104-2111.zip
  20. Hi! For everyone wondering, the container is broken due to permission. Sadly, there are no new releases, even tho the issue was fixed. As stated in this issue dezhao made a fixed docker container 3 years ago. I really hope, that this project will still get developed and get a new release in 2024. Edit: There are new Releases, sadly they don't get pushed as "latest" The developer should tag new releases with latest or create a "nightly" tag... To get the newest updates: Change the Release-tag in the Settings from the original one to: twiddly/happypandax:1.0.0-alpha
  21. It seems that you have to set privileges to the folder szurubooru-api is using (if not changed then /mnt/user/appdata/szurubooru/data) chown -R 1000:1000 /mnt/user/appdata/szurubooru/data I had the issue where I couldn't see the pictures. One clean install later and the above command solved it for me ^^ 6AM now 7AM Edit: I finally got my last issue solved. Surprisingly, it is also important to change the path for the client to the same folder as the API...^-^ 7AM now, but everything seems to work now ^^
  22. +1 Same issue here when trying to fully empty my cache drive containing appdata/docker-files. Also, the mover is super slow, barely above 100 KB/s… (I am using the unraid tuner plugin)
  23. Weird, after a restart and reconfiguring, I got it working, thanks a lot for the hint in the right direction Had "Device Mapping" at first, even tho i needed "Port Mapping"
  24. Thanks for your really quick answer. I did the following steps: - Uninstalled "libirt hotplug" - shutdown the vm - removed the usb from the vm - followed the instructions for installing the USB manager and the serial plugin: This sadly leads to these two errors: and in the syslog a huge amount of logs (~20 per second) Edit: Even restarting Unraid didn't fix the issue. But the syslog is not full of this weird log on the second screenshot, but the first one remains.