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Everything posted by Hawkins12

  1. Hello and thanks in advance for your time. I was hoping someone would be able to clarify something for me as I am new to unraid but try to be educated. I just started my unraid server and began by pre-clearing 4 drives (2 - 8tb and 2- 4tb) for two cycles. All are brand new so I like the fact of stress testing. My first 4 tb finished both cycles after about 24 hrs or so and so I stopped array (i had one other 500 gb drive that I threw in for kicks) and added the drive. As expected, it was labeled "Unmountable". I selected to "Format" and clicked the "Yes I want to do this" button. The "Formatting" process seems to be taking an unreasonably long time in addition to pulling a TON of CPU capacity. In my example, my CPU reached it's critical temp with fans going full speed ahead. I am running an i9-10850K in a Supermicro X12SCZ-F board. What am I a missing here? What can be pulling so much CPU power when I have 32 GB of RAM installed. Happy to provide additional specs as necessary. *UPDATE* So after some time, the drive was finally added to the array. My observation is as follows: My current processes at time I added drive to the array was only the preclearing of 2-3 other drives (via the Preclear app). When I "formatted" the single 4 TB drive, CPU went to 100%. It then seemed to settle down for the rest of the formatting process. After some time, CPU usage spiked again to 100% reaching critical temp levels. After trying to manage fan speeds better and watching array, this seemed to be when the formatting was wrapping up and just before 4TB was successfully added to array. After formatting finished, temps came down but are still running somewhat high for the little processes that are occuring at the server level (presently 75 degrees C with fans running at 13000 RPM in a 1U chassis) with odd spikes in the threads with little server activity. What could be causing CPU spikes. I never thought I'd see unraid take 100% of a 10850K when doing "simple" disk tasks -- i don't even have a parity in there currently
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