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Everything posted by Kris6673

  1. Good grief that was quick, you're a machine! Thanks again!
  2. Heya, thanks for making the plugin, its great! I think i found a bug with starting with folders expanded in the Docker view. It does not show the combined resource, and i cannot collapse the folder again. I can expand other folders, but after they have been expanded, they cant be collapsed again. I have attached a picture of the error, can i give you any debug logs and if yes, how?
  3. System is stable now. Both pairs of RAM were okay separately, but together in the same system, they broke stuff. Very strange, but nice that it works now Thanks for the help, all of you!
  4. I sure hope not, but it's a possibility. Memtest failed with over 10.000 errors. MemTest86.logI'm gonna test both pairs of RAM individually and in different RAM slots. It does say in the memtest log, that it could be the BIOS on the mobo that's bad. I sure hope it's not the memory controller on the CPU that's bad 😅
  5. I'll run the memtest a bit later today. In the meantime i tried booting to safe mode and running the sync again. This time it's only frozen in the party sync, the GUI is still fine. So this time i have actual relevant diagnostics! I cannot stop the parity sync and I had to do another hard reboot. syslog (3).zip kbkunraid-diagnostics-20220514-1538.zip
  6. Yeah tracking stuff like this down is pretty rough, especially if you dont have spare parts lying around I think taking out a pair of RAM sticks is the next step. After about 7 hours(longest time so far) it hung again, but this time with an error i have not seen before from the GUI. 500 internal server error. I could still ping it, but not SSH into it. I'm unsure if the parity sync was still running. There's actual entries in the syslog now too. syslog (2).zip
  7. I went for the parity sync, and the system hung after about 3 hours. Hard reboot and it's online again. Syslog seems to be empty from anything relating to the hang. I'll remove the i915 from my go file now and try to parity sync again. kbkunraid-diagnostics-20220514-0023.zip syslog (1).zip
  8. I see now. Thank you! I think it all went okay now. I have attached a log for all disks when i ran it. Do i go for the parity sync again now? xfs_repair_results.txt
  9. The first 2 disks just finished with this error: xfs_repair dev/sdc Phase 1 - find and verify superblock... bad primary superblock - bad magic number !!! attempting to find secondary superblock... .found candidate secondary superblock... unable to verify superblock, continuing... .found candidate secondary superblock... unable to verify superblock, continuing... ...........(for a long time) Sorry, could not find valid secondary superblock Exiting now. All disks have said the same at the start. I feel like i could be in trouble ^^
  10. I'll run that for all the disks. After is has run, ill try the parity sync again and report back with the results. I found out this is wrong. The first described hang, was the only one this CPU had. It just seems strange to me, it doesn't crash without the parity sync trying to run. I can run multiple transcodes with plex and unmanic without it hanging. And it was stable on the same kernel for almost a year with a CPU with the same iGPU in it.
  11. Hello there, I'm seeing issues with my server hanging randomly. It's happened a few times and om not sure what to do. My memory is not the best in the world, but i'll be as precise as possible. My setup is as follows: - Motherboard: Asus Prime Z370-P BIOS Version 3004 - REALTEK NIC - RAM: 2x Corsair Vengeance LPX 2x8 GB 3000 Mhz and 2x HyperX Fury 2x8 GB 3200 Mhz - GPU: iGPU UHD 630 - CPU: before 31.03.22:I7-8700 In Between: i3-8100 After 08.05.22 Intel i7-8700K - HBA: Dell Perc H310 flashed to IT mode - Power Supply: Corsair TX550 - Unraid USB: Kingston DataTraveler_3.0 64GB - Unraid version: 6.9.2 Both RAM sets are in different channels and are running stock speed, no XMP since with that enabled it wont POST. I use the iGPU for Plex and unmanic HEVC transcoding. syslog is mirroring to the USB It has acted strange and hung randomly a couple months ago but then i had a CPU die in the server, and thought that was the cause. The dead CPU was a i7-8700. This CPU threw CPU stall errors, and from what i can see, it's not now. I replaced the CPU with a i3-8100 and went on my merry way. It hung once or twice here too in the about 1,5 months i had it, but didn't think anything of it for some reason. First time(April 8 i think): All the GUI/Docker/SMB was unresponsive, but i could SSH to it. I couldn't force a reboot via the SSH, and a hard reboot was required. Parity sync seemed to crash it, but hard reboot, parity sync again and everything was fine. Second time(May 11): The GUI got a NGINX 502 error, a few docker containers were still running and accessible, like qBitorrent, NginxProxyManager and Plex. SSH worked too. I got diagnostics after the hard rebootkbkunraid-diagnostics-20220512-1704.zip A parity sync ran here IIRC, and i used this command to see that it was stuck: /root/mdcmd status | egrep "mdResync|mdState|sbSync" Third time(May 12): I turned off the docker service and ran the parity sync. All the GUI/Docker/SMB was unresponsive, no SSH this time though. This hang is the most recent one. Diagnostics have been collected after the hard reboot. kbkunraid-diagnostics-20220512-2027.zip One of my drives a showing value:188 SMART errors, and needs to be replaced but i can't get the system stable for the 20 hours required for a parity sync. I have done my best google-fu and searching on the forums. I have seen the possible solution of upgrading to 6.10-RC8 for the MACVLAN setting issue, but since the system is unstable I thought it might break while updating leaving me SOL. As described earlier I tried disabling the docker service to mimic the upgrade, not sure if it has the same effect. Could the mismatched RAM cause this mess? USB device fault maybe? I found someone having the same fault code with the kernel 5.8.X but the fix was upgrading to 5.9.X or higher. I'm quite overwhelmed, and I hope someone can point me in the right direction. Thank you for your time. syslog.zip
  12. Im not experiencing this either. I have 6 drives and 3 of them spin down, other 3 are spun up for other reasons.
  13. I restarted the whole Unraid server and started the docker without going into the UI and it didnt run this night.
  14. Deleted all cron jobs and restarted the container, and the job ran just fine. I'll restart my server and not touch the GUI and see if it still runs tonight, i'll report back the results
  15. Will do, want me to report back if it runs correctly tonight?
  16. Still didnt run. Sadly your fix does not seem to have worked. Can i do anything to help you figure it out?
  17. It didn't run at all, even after the update. Seems like the issue might still be there. I'll report back tomorrow if it still didn't run.
  18. Updated it. I'll not open the GUI and lets see if it runs tonight Thanks! Is there a changelog or something of the changes you made somewhere?
  19. If you need me to give you logs or anything else, please let me know i'll gladly provide! Thanks for at quick response!
  20. Hello ich777, Thanks for the effort you are putting into these templates for the community! I've been using your LuckyBackup for a bit of time now, and all throughout the time ive used it, i've been having issues with the cron jobs not running as expected. It seems like they work for a week and then just stop executing at all. It feels like it stops working if i dont open the GUI for too long, but thats honestly just my best guess. I'd check the cron log, but not sure how to get to it in the container. Is this something that has been seen before, and can someone give me a hand in getting it fixed? :) Thanks!
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