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Everything posted by michael123

  1. Thanks I seems can't find it on Amazon, will look again
  2. Hello I am building a new machine, and looks like I bought a wrong type of memory I have X11SSH-F motherboard My CPU is Xeon E3-1270 V6 The manual says "Up to 64GB Unbuffered ECC UDIMM DDR4 2400MHz; 4 DIMM slots" Is it strictly required to use a ECC memory? I struggle to find 4 pieces of ECC Unbuffered 16GB memory Can I use a non-ECC? I already spent 800$ on the registered memory :-( Please help thanks,
  3. Hi Just understood today the meaning of Unlimited plan.. For the users of Crashplan here, what is your upload speed during backups? thanks,
  4. Hi Need help: I want to replace the fans on my old MD-1510/LL box, that's a Lian Li PC-A17B case There are 3 fans there, are these 12cm fans? Will these fit? https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1285801-REG/corsair_co9050067ww_hd120_rgb_individually_adressable.html
  5. @Lev Understood but then why do you need unRaid? unRaid is about simplicity, easy of recovery, ability to mix different disks.. Don't you lose something in a way? Would FreeNAS be a better choice when performance is a main factor?
  6. @Lev It is really a monster, but tell me - why do we need a RAID controller for unRaid machine?
  7. Sure, I will update the forum, but it will take few weeks. I understand now the community is the basis for unraid :-(
  8. I hesitated ordering 9400-16i as it is quite new and wasn't sure about support.. Then I saw already discontinued 9300-16i is sold for 30% more than its retail. I looked for 9201-16i card. It is a card from 2011, but supposed to be sufficient for SATA3 anyway. I contact Benchmark Technologies that are considered the best retailer for these things on Amazon. They could not tell me what's the firmware version installed there, when I asked about manufacture date, they said it might be 2013 or 2015. So I pulled the trigger on Adaptec 1000-16i above, bought it yesterday from newegg. I saw here on the forum that it is supported in unraid 6.3 and later.
  9. On a second thought, SATA3 is limited to 600 MB/sec anyway, and I have no plans to put anything expensive like SAS drives into unRaid
  10. That might be an overkill, but even given your proven recommendation somewhat I hesitate buying 7-old card for a box, which I hope will serve me for next 8 years Maybe spend 200$ more for future-proofing on Adaptec HBA 1000-16i 12Gb/s -? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0187UOUDW/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1 I saw it is supported by unRaid 6.3
  11. Should I put the 9201-16i into "IT" mode? What about firmware?
  12. Nice. Do you know if these are the cables I need to connect the drives? https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01BTEYLEQ/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A21TE5CLHZDYA7&psc=1 Do you think that 0.5m will be sufficient?
  13. Nice, that's the drives I have as well. Today I have roughly half of this And the bottleneck is basically in the drives themselves, right?
  14. I usually buy from Amazon, I saw Benchmark Technology sells now How fast is this card? Did you have a chance to benchmark it?
  15. @Lev I have an old box bought directly from Lime maybe 9-10 years ago. I have 15 drives chassis, so I wanted to get a new supermicro X11 board, and add 16-port (internal) adapter so I could live happily for next 10 years. As it is unraid, I just need an HBA "plug-n-play" (but not "plug-n-pray"). Disks are SATA3, except for the m.2 cache drive, which I will mount directly to the motherboard. Do you know anything I can plug in, connect the wires, and forget under unraid -?
  16. This one seems to me cheaper https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816118273&cm_re=9400-16i-_-16-118-273-_-Product and passively cooled (?)
  17. Thanks for the comprehensive answer. 9300 is hard to get now from 'normal' resellers, in most places it is out of stock. While on the other hand 9400 is very new, and also hard to find. I've seen it on newegg however What did you buy? 9300?
  18. Or it is too risky.. and I should stick to the 'end of life' 9300-16i ? Will/can existing driver in unRaid support the new Broadcom 9400-16i ? thanks,
  19. I am back to what I had prior to Windows 10 upgrade - on my home PC I can now access unRaid by name, but on my office laptop I still can't Local Master Browser sometimes my home workgroup, sometimes I see domain from my work. I read these days that Microsoft are going to drop SMBv1/Cifs support from next major upgrade, what does it mean to us?
  20. Frank1940 First, thank for your dedication to resolve the issue Yes, I do have a plug-in (isn't the one that tells me what is the current domain?) RE - friends, I wrote they have Synology, not unRaid. Synology, Qnap - nobody experiencing these issues. So, you say I should have these lines - [global] preferred master = yes os level = 255 ntlm auth = yes
  21. My friends have simple Synology boxes, they never had any issues with accessing the shares.. B.T.W.
  22. should I remove then these lines from the SMB Extra - [global] preferred master = yes os level = 255 Where should I add the SMB config lines ("ntlm auth = yes" )? I want to emphasize again that I don't have any security and I don't want to, the only user I have on unRaid is a default one 'root' without password
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