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Everything posted by Cemion

  1. Thanks for help. By default no file generated, you must uncomment it in config.
  2. Guys, somebody know maybe where is something normal like plex, with 1 time payment becouse realy owncloud / nextcloud is shit. Then it didnt get new error, it lags
  3. Start the manual updater app. It work for me ./owncloud/occ upgrade https://central.owncloud.org/t/problem-upgrading-via-occ-command-from-10-1-0-4-to-10-2-1/20926
  4. Sorry but it shit app, it kill my proxy config. DONT use this
  5. The same question lol. Dont undestands why people didnt write it in description/comments... Not first app with same problem
  6. More info about you configuration in 3 point. What you mean in web? it avalible using domain or local ip adress?
  7. Run with postgresql14 postgres://USERNAME:USERPASSWORD@[DBIP]:DBPORT/DBNAME?sslmode=disable&connect_timeout=10 it avalible for me in Check log as i remember after connection i get error win config and change owner and group in postgres db psql -U postgres CREATE USER 'user' WITH PASSWORD 'Password'; CREATE DATABASE 'DBNAME' TEMPLATE template0 ENCODING 'UNICODE'; ALTER DATABASE 'DBNAME 'OWNER TO 'user'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE 'DBNAME' TO 'user';