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Everything posted by NotYourAverageDev

  1. After updating your Authelia to v4.33.1, You'll probably see an error "Can't continue due to the errors loading the configuration" To solve the issue, edit the configuration yaml file, and add a new encryption_key key under storage. storage: local: path: /config/db.sqlite3 #this is your databse. You could use a mysql database if you wanted, but we're going to use this one. encryption_key: you_must_generate_a_random_string_of_more_than_twenty_chars_and_configure_this Hope this helps
  2. Can you check the config for appdata mount? i also had the issue, but my app data was configured like this (default value) /mnt/cache/appdata/claimav However this is supposed to be from the user shares. Update the path to /mnt/user/appdata/clamav or choose appdata folder manually, rather than using the default value.