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Everything posted by pyrater

  1. basically what the topic says. Kinda looking for info on why..... I am currently using 802.3 alb due to not having a smart switch but would rather use smb multichannel. I assume its just drop into the extra conf spot to enable.. ref: https://linustechtips.com/main/topic/864034-problem-setting-up-samba-multichannel-connection-and-achieving-2gbit-trasnfers/
  2. Thanx PWM i think this method you suggested is going to work out great =) Got 3 TB last night from 11 - 7
  3. Nice! thanx man im gonna try the plugin you suggested and add the timeout command to my script above. why do you have the delete option? so it doesnt check files that you have deleted from the source?
  4. Im thinking of doing transfers from 11pm to 7 am every night until its complete. Anyone see any issues with this? Run from source server: ssh-keygen -t rsa ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub [email protected] cd /usr/local/ nano rsync_script #!/bin/sh rsync -e 'ssh -p 22' -av /mnt/user/Data ctl X chmod +x rsync_script crontab -e 00 21 * * * /usr/local/rsync_script 0 7 * * * root killall rsync Mostly got the info from: https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-set-up-auto-rsync-backups-using-ssh/
  5. S80 can you hook me up with the command to do the compares between servers? I would like to run that after the data is copied to make sure nothing was borked in the process. Currently im using rsync -av --info=progress2 -e ssh Data/ [email protected]:/mnt/user/
  6. Will rsync account for broken pipes / files if i set it up to run from say midnight to 5 am over and over until all the data is copied? that way its usable in the day and not killing the network while im on it.
  7. What is the best way to do this? Enable parity or just do a pairty sync once data is copied? Use Rsync over ssh or windows explorer or teracopy?? any best practices for this or am i overthinking it? I kinda just want to disable pairty copy the data at 125 mb/s and the redo pairty ....seems fastest but other threads state that this may result in data corruption that you will not know about.....
  8. I know preclear basicly writes 0s to the entire drive and smart test checks the drive IAW the mfg specs. So which is better and why?? AKA if unraid has smart test built in why even bother with preclear and just run a long test on a new drive?
  9. NVM it got the weird IP from the windows VM doing DHCP / NAT
  10. Jon, i dunno where that address even came from. I did mistype it it was actually though i didnt set it and its getting it somewhere. I assume its in the network settings of br0 and unraid.... Either way thats on the wrong side of the issue. The issue is with the lan side.
  11. I built a small NAS server (u-nas 810A) to take with me all over the world as i tend to travel to places with multiple crappy internet connections (100-200 kbps) . I am trying to do a fairly weird setup so if anyone can help i would greatly appreciate it. This may be a bit confusing so thank you for sticking with me, here goes: Windows VM Running Speedify (software) with 4 passthrough wifi Cards and 1 virtual NIC shared on br0. This VM takes the 4 wifi cards and does packet based bonding over a VPN connection to a speed server located elsewhere in the world. (this works fine) I have this connection shared out to the network using hotspot max (software) and its creating a dhcp server on the br0 in the 192.127.x.x range. So far this all works. Untangled router VM This vm has 4 RJ45 ports via external PCI-e card which has been passed through and a virtual nic on br0 The external or wan port (192.127.x.x) is set to be the virtual nic on br0, this works and pulls an ip from the windows VM and untangled can ping the internet though the wan port to the virtual adapter to the windows vm through the bonded connection. everything is good SO FAR. The issue is with getting untangle to serve lan clients. I have the RJ45 port 1 set to internal and dhcp serving on . However when i plug in a cat5 cable to any external device it will not pull an IP from the untangled VM. I see a correct ARP entry matching my MAC addy and the correct ip subnet that i set, however the laptop / pc will never actually get the IP. The unraid box has a network as such using an additional onboard RJ45 Default -> -> br0 I am at a loss, if you have any tips or thoughts please let me know. Basicly without the untangled VM up i will be unable to access unraid webgui, and the untangled webgui unless i use a local monitor and keyboard / mouse.
  12. Johnnie, you sir are the man. The gui option let me see what the issue was. Unraid moved my internal nic to Eth4 but did not move my config over. from eth0.
  13. Thanx johnnie!! i tried moving the cat5 cable but it didnt work. I however, didnt try the gui option. Ill try the GUI option and see if there is any additional details there. I will post back here tonight after work.
  14. I have unraid up and running no issue. However whenever i try to use an external nic card, the server no longer has a network connection. I am using this mother board https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157793 with the internal nic and i want to use this external nic for a VM router https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074C5DHS3/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Can anyone demystify this for me please.
  15. NVM googfu is strong You can open a terminal and run grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo. Then open a second terminal tab and run a loop like while :; do :; done. In the first terminal, run grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo again. You should see one of the cores has a higher frequency now:
  16. how can i check to make sure my i5 8400 is using turbo boost up to 4 ghz when using dockers such as plex?
  17. careful with these some of them will not work unless you tape over the 3.3. pin with some sort of tape. the white label 256 cache version i believe.
  18. I dunno if this is possible but, basically disable the parity for increased write speed and then at night calculate all the parity changes from the day. Dunno if this can even be done but it would save you from having to have a cache drive and while still giving the benefits.
  19. Is there a solution that would allow me to do a male usb -> male usb for my server to act as an external drive so i do not have to hook it up to a network to access the files??
  20. For my backup server i was looking to use one of the internal m.2 drive slots to install unraid on. Can you please confirm this will work as i am not sure how to obtain the guid for registration of a new key for it. https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA9Y13N30259&cm_re=m.2-_-9SIA9Y13N30259-_-Product Link for ref.
  21. Can someone confirm / shed some light on this for me. The way i understand it is: If the hard drive tries to write to a sector and is unable to do so so it just moves the data to the next sector. (hence reallocated). The big problem is when it tries to remap a sector and cannot read it (pending sector count). "When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks this sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area). This process is also known as remapping, and "reallocated"sectors are called remaps." "Current Pending Sector Count indicates the current count of unstable sectors (waiting for remapping). The raw value of this attribute indicates the total number of sectors waiting for remapping" So basically if you get reallocated sector counts and they stop or "normalize" then the drive is fine its just starting to show some age /wear. Where its a pending failure is when you get alot (100+) reallocated AND pending sector counts... correct??? Basically: Reallocted = I found issues and fixed them Pending = I have issues i cant fix or havent fixed yet. So when do you pull the drive? Isnt the point of parity to be able to handle a drive failure? Do you pull it when it fails or before.... why..? The data is going to the parity and the drive so there is no risk of loss correct? For example i have dual parity so i can handle 3 drives dying at once before i lose data...?
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