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Everything posted by HrzM

  1. Same problem on 6.10.3 pallas-diagnostics-20220805-2255.zip
  2. Cezanne Generic VBIOS. Dumped from 5600G. 5600G.rom
  3. Added diagnostic file to first post. I tried a fresh Windows-Installation, still same problem.
  4. Late reply. Same Problem. I edit /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/tasmotapm/status.php and add the number of channel to the array, looks like this: $json = array( 'Total' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Total']['0'], 'Today' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Today']['0'], 'Yesterday' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Yesterday']['0'], 'Voltage' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Voltage'], 'Current' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Current']['0'], 'ApparentPower' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['ApparentPower']['0'], 'ReactivePower' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['ReactivePower']['0'], 'Factor' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Factor']['0'], 'Power' => $data['StatusSNS']['ENERGY']['Power']['0'], 'Costs_Price' => $tasmotapm_costs_price, 'Costs_Unit' => $tasmotapm_costs_unit ); On http://IP_OF_YOUR_DEVICE/cm?cmnd=Status%208 you seen the number of the channel you need.
  5. Hello. I updated to 6.10.0-RC2 GPU, now i can only use two of my three displays. If i try to ativate the third scrreen in Windows 10, i got am error message "The display settings could not be saved. Please try a different combination of display settings." What i tried: - new Virtio-win-software/drivers - new Nvidia-drivers - other "Machine"-version (latest i440fx aviable) - vbios-file I downgraded to 9.2. i can use all three displays working. GPU is a Nvidia 1080Ti. Any Ideas? pallas-diagnostics-20220227-0301.zip
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