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Everything posted by jonitfcfan

  1. I don't know whether this is a bug or if it was designed this way, but I noticed when I rearrange my dashboard after updating to 6.12 the changes seemed to get lost after the first time I logged out and closed my browser window. Maybe it's because I was browsing in Private Mode in my browser at the time (which I do quite often), it seems to work fine in regular browsing. Is there a way to save changes onto the server instead of using a cookie (which I'm guessing is what Unraid currently does)? That way, even if I cleared my cookies on my computer for whatever reason, the changes wouldn't be lost.
  2. OK I've worked out the Telegram part, just need to know the bootup part...
  3. I'm wondering if there's a way to trigger a script which will send a Telegram notification when the server has booted, e.g. "unRAID server has booted" or similar. Just something to let me know that unRAID is ready to access if/when I had to shutdown/reboot the server. Any ideas?
  4. OK I've got everything mostly working, but I can't get Nextcloud going. For some reason, after reinstalling from previous apps with all the same settings as before, I get an 'internal server error' message when I browse to the login page. I copied all the appdata over from the old server beforehand but it doesn't seem to be working. So far everything else seems to be working, just need to finish copying over the rest of my data.
  5. I've just installed Audiobookshelf and set it up with its own static IP address on my network, and I can access it both internally and externally (via DNS hostname) through a web browser. While the Android app connects fine if I add the LAN IP, it won't connect via my external hostname. All it says is 'Failed to ping server' when I try to add it. I've tried both over WiFi connected to the same network, and over my data connection. Could it be because I'm accessing this through a reverse proxy (HAProxy) and trying to connect via HTTPS, or is there something else I should check? EDIT: Rebooting my phone seemed to fix it. Weird...
  6. Thanks for replying... Correct I only use one NIC My current server boots via UEFI and my new one should too, but that folder name change trick is useful to know I'll give this a try once I get all the parts together for the new server (still waiting for a few parts to arrive at the time of writing)
  7. Not sure if this has been mentioned here before, but I just noticed something weird when browsing apps with this plugin: if I hover the mouse over the 'Info' button without clicking it, it sort of 'auto' clicks it and opens the info panel after a few seconds. I tried this on different computers with different browsers to check it wasn't just me and they all do the same thing. Is this intentional or could there be something else causing this on my end?
  8. Yes Unless you want extra output that -P or --stats doesn't already give you, you probably don't need the -v (or --verbose) flag I don't think the order of the flags normally matters
  9. Replace each drive one at a time? That's what I would do, then you'd still have at least one parity drive active while the new one gets (re)built. Unless someone else has a quicker/easier way to do this...
  10. If you care about retaining the Linux file permissions/ownership you can do what dlandon said (I use EXT4 myself on my external drive). Otherwise you could modify the rsync command so you don't get the above errors. Instead of this: rsync -aP [source dir] [destination dir] (-a on its own is the same as -rlptgoD) you could do this: rsync -rltDP [source dir] [destination dir] This removes the flags that otherwise tell rsync to retain the Linux file permissions/ownership.
  11. As per title I'm slowly getting new parts to build a new server to replace my existing server. Nothing wrong with the current one, I just feel like changing it over (I'll repurpose the current one once I get the new machine going, I have some stuff in mind for it). I'm not planning on taking any hardware from the existing server to put into the new one, except the USB drive onto which unRAID is installed. As I understand it the licence is attached to the USB drive rather than the server hardware, so my plan is the following: Stop my Docker containers Sync any changes to files/appdata onto my external USB drive via web UI terminal Shutdown current server Remove unRAID USB from current server Insert unRAID USB into new server Boot up new server, check main unRAID settings have carried over (change if needed) Format/configure new drives accordingly Copy data from external drive to new drives Reinstall & start my missing plugins/Docker containers Check plugin/Docker container settings have been carried over (side thought: where are plugin settings stored?) Profit(??) Am I doing this right?
  12. OK that makes more sense, I'll enable that option and wait. Thanks for the help. [EDIT]: Yep it worked, thanks again.
  13. But it says "do not overlap with autoupdate" underneath that. I thought perhaps it meant "do not enable this option if any container has been set to autoupdate below", as if the two options somehow would conflict.
  14. For some reason my Docker containers aren't updating automatically with this plugin. I get the notifications to say whenever a container has an update available but it doesn't update itself. Not sure if I've configured something wrong here... Currently it's the qbittorrent and postgresql containers that have an update on my server.
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