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Everything posted by omygoodness

  1. Here you go. Fresh diagnostics from 6.10.0 Plex is running for 4 hours now and everything is fine. nas-diagnostics-20220520-1412.zip
  2. @ich777 So I did upgrade to 6.10.0 right now and it works... I didnt change a thing. Blacklist is still there. HW in Plex is working. I will leave it for few hours and will see if it crashes but for now everything looks fine. Maybe you need some additional logs? I will send you everything that might help to solve this issues.
  3. I am using 12400T and maybe T model is different than regular 12400. I have no idea why it works... But everyone on regular 12400/12500/12600 have issues Yes I am using UEFI but I am not 100% sure. I didnt check BIOS settings for 2 months now. I remeber I selected UEFI support when I was creating USB drive. I didn't check 6.10.0 yet. I will give it a try.
  4. @ich777 Plex is still working in the background. Maybe logs will tell you more. nas-diagnostics-20220520-0909.zip
  5. @ich777 Do you need whole zip or specific file? When you asked I started movies playback on Plex for 24h with HW on in a loop on 3 devices. No single crash so far. Plus I had no crash since I started using Unraid.
  6. In my case most of plays are direct too but I can switch to HW anytime. I was suprised to see that people have so many issues with 12th gen. My guess is that might be a problem with E-cores. 12400T has only P-cores and it is working fine.
  7. I did restart it today because of RC8 update but I was running for 30+ days with those settings and not a single crash
  8. /dev/dri is there and I can see igpu: I can add it to VM but Plex HW transcoding is still using CPU unfortunately
  9. Hey, I did quick test on RC8 with GVT-g but I got something like this:
  10. I was asked in different topic to share some steps which might help someone. I am using i5-12400T and I managed to run Plex HW without any issues on 6.10.0-rc3, rc4, rc5. What I did: Created /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf and added blacklist i915 Rebooted chmod -R 777 /dev/dri Installed Intel GPU TOP plugin Passed /dev/dri into Plex docker container Done I did update to rc8 today and it stopped working so I restored rc5 and everything is working as expected.
  11. After updating from 6.10.0-rc5 Plex HW transcoding stopped working on 12th Alder Lake (i5-12400T - only P-cores) I did exact same steps as on rc5: 1. Created /boot/config/modprobe.d/i915.conf and added blacklist i915 2. Rebooted 3. Installed Intel GPU TOP plugin 4. Passed /dev/dri into Plex docker container I have no idea what was changed but after rollback to rc5 everything is working fine again. Any ideas?
  12. @feraay Yep. If you need any help just let me know.
  13. Upgraded from RC4 on Alder Lake Platform. Everything works. No problems with Plex transcoding at all.
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