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Everything posted by Slowrider8

  1. Occassionally, I'll get some errors in my syslog that I can't really decipher. They can occur all together over the span of a few hours every few minutes. I usually go days without any happening. I took an excerpt from it unraid errors.txt. I can't really tell if my unraid has specific problems relating to this, but it seems like the errors shouldn't be there. I did have an issue the other night however where my unraid shares became completely unresponsive, the CPU usage maxed out at 100 and then the webui became unresponsive. I also have issues with shutting down or restarting my server, it seems to go through the whole process of shutting down, the webui becomes unreachable, but the server never actually turns off, forcing me to hard power it off (which unraid recognises as an unclean shutdown). Not sure if this has any relation either. shutdown problem.txt I've attached my diagnostics file. tower-diagnostics-20230426-1413.zip
  2. I stopped the rebuild, updated and restarted the server, then started the array and rebuild again and now the disk has been properly mounted, no formatting required. Thanks
  3. If by emulated drive you mean the previous one, then it was mountable before. I just noticed the update after checking the forums and the update checker hadn't told me there was one available yet so I am still on 6.11.2. I guess this could well be the problem. What's the best option from here? Cancel rebuild, update unraid and then just format the new drive and count myself lucky there wasn't any data on the old one?
  4. Hi, I am attempting to switch out a drive in my array with a different one. The old drive is totally empty, besides the 27.9GB of "file system stuff". I'm only replacing it because I want to make sure I don't to have matching HDDs running in my array in the future, there was no particular failures or anything on the old one however. I followed the steps here: https://wiki.unraid.net/Replacing_a_Data_Drive and the parity rebuild has started, but there was no point where I was told to format the new drive. The array devices list now says "Unmountable. Unsupported partion layout" for the new disk, and the format optin has come up in array operations. The parity rebuild has got past that first 27.9GB and is flying through the 0s now so it won't take too long but have I messed up by not formatting the new disk beforehand? Or once the rebuild is complete should the disk come back as mountable? Also since the old disk was empty, would there be a problem with formatting the new disk now anyway? I assume it would just need to do a parity rebuild/check again? I've also just discovered that were was a new update to do with formatting >2tb drives, and I'm still on 6.11.2. Could this be a related problem?
  5. Hey, I've been trying to set up a way for Unraid to send a command to the docker whenever it goes through something like appdata backup that restarts dockers, so that I can cleanly shutdown the Minecraft server first and not lose any data. I'm a beginner to dockers so I don't really understand how exactly the parsing commands through works. I assume I have to do something like "docker exec -it binhex-crafty" followed by a path and the /stop command but I could be misunderstanding. How would I specify the path/the specific servers to shut down? The commands might be Crafty specific but I can't really find any details on what they are. Thanks in advance.
  6. I set up this docker and it seems to work mostly fine with letting me connect to my server and it's dockers from anywhere, except seemingly for Plex. It would try to load but give me a could not connect error eventually. I found out the only way to fix this was to set my unraid server up as a subnet router providing its own LAN address, then everything worked as it should. I'm not sure why though Plex doesn't work without this change, and I'm concerned it won't let me share access to the Plex server to anyone else as according to tailscales documention, sharing quarantines the user into not having access to subnet routed devices. Any insight into why this might be happening?
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