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Everything posted by gfjardim

  1. I think I fixed this, please update and test please.
  2. Done. It's in my repo/Community Applications as CUPS. This will work out of the box with LAN capable printers. unRAID doesn't have USB Printer drives by default so, to take advantage of local USB ones, you must overwrite your /boot/bzimage file with this one (unRAID 6.0.0 -> http://bit.ly/1HZsFfL) and reboot your server.
  3. Being really busy, but will take sometime tonight to play with this.
  4. First thing to verify is if your script is executable. Then, verify if your Notification system is operational. Please see if this helps debugging: docker exec -ti Transmission /config/<your_script>.sh
  5. The problem always was those who doesn't use fixed IP address, relying only in the NETBIOS name. If the IP changes, you have to recreate all containers...
  6. Yes, inside /config folder, for example. A user asked me why his ssmtp script was failing, and I wrote this for him. got it, so for transmission, you'd call this say torrent-done.sh , make it executable and then in the transmission webui call it as an action when torrent is completed. Exactly that. Obviously, you can adapt it to Deluge, NZBGet etc...
  7. Yes, inside /config folder, for example. A user asked me why his ssmtp script was failing, and I wrote this for him.
  8. Hi guys, This is just a script I wrote to help the usage of unRAID notifications from inside a docker container (Transmission, in this example): #!/bin/bash UNRAID_ADDR="" UNRAID_PASS="pass" # Available Channels # # 1 = notify using browser-popups only; # 2 = notify using e-mail only; # 3 = notify using browser-popups and e-mail; # 4 = notify using agents only; # 5 = notify using browser-popups and agents; # 6 = notify using e-mail and agents; # 7 = notify using browser popups, e-mail and agents; CHANNEL="2" curl -d "cmd=add" \ -d "e=Transmission: Torrent Done" \ -d "s=Download of Torrent ${TR_TORRENT_NAME} finished on $TR_TIME_LOCALTIME" \ -d "i=normal ${CHANNEL}" \ -u "root:${UNRAID_PASS}" "http://${UNRAID_ADDR}/webGui/include/Notify.php" Hope you enjoy it.
  9. Hi ikosa, welcome to the docker world! It wouldn't work because the namespace where Transmission run is different of the namespace unRAID runs. Think namespaces as bubbles, isolating files from each other. In this case, from your Transmission docker container perspective, you don't have ssmtp nor it's configuration file... EDIT: Apparently, you can use unRAID's notification system. I'll look into that and keep you posted. EDIT2: See the example here: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=40765.0
  10. Or add a verification on yours: if [ "${ACTION}" != "ADD" ]; then exit 0; fi
  11. Yes, that's why the default script uses the variable ACTION to know witch action it's performing: case $ACTION in 'ADD' ) // do your stuff here echo "Added" ;; 'REMOVE' ) // do your stuff here echo "Removed" ;; esac
  12. Your only mistake was the use of bash script; that language is difficult to work with. The PHP core is the best thing we did. Now it makes coffee, fry eggs, cleans the kitchen....
  13. Hi Squid. Sorry for the absence, but things are getting busier in my life, and I had to prioritize some projects. Took a look at the new plugin and I'm really impressed. Well done my friend! It's beautiful. Keep up the awesome work!
  14. When unmounting, the script run in the foreground even if the "background option" is checked. Doesn't make sense trying to unmount a drive while a script is running, does it?
  15. This could be challenging, since someone may wish to preclear a drive using an USB external enclosure.
  16. Neither do I. Try using -D option and see if it works without SMART. Running preclear_disk.sh -d /dev/sdo Give the same help screen as running with nothing at all. Did you try the uppercase -D ? The documentation say this will disable SMART report.
  17. Much better than my hack. Options integrated into the plugin dialog. Thanks. One thing I noticed is the Mail dropdown spells cycle like this: cicle. This is what you get when you let brazilians code plugins for you.... We don't use Y in portuguese words.
  18. Neither do I. Try using -D option and see if it works without SMART.
  19. I'm just waiting for a couple of new drives so this is a great idea trurl. Have you contacted the original script authors to see if they'd consider adding it to their scripts as that's a great functionality! The original scripts have an optional email (you can see this at the end). Since the plugin is not setting this option (don't know if it works with the built-in email) I just stuck that at the end and didn't bother with making it optional. I'm sure the original authors can handle this better than me. They haven't really been much (or any) involved with this plugin. Hopefully preclear in the GUI will be another built-in eventually. Already done: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=13054.msg376095#msg376095 There's a version hosted here: http://bit.ly/1G44UhZ . This version have fast post-read and notifications enabled. You can add this with this command: wget http://bit.ly/1G44UhZ -O /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/preclear_disk.sh readvz is already downloaded by the plugin.
  20. Confirm, duplicate entry gone, but the 2.2tb issue is still there. Areca connected drives are not working with this plugin, they must be started from the command line. Because the Areca doesn't respond to smartctrl, the preclear script asks twice for you to press "Yes" before continuing the preclear. This different response confuses the plugin, and it appears to never start. Here is the first response at the command line. Pre-Clear unRAID Disk /dev/sdo ################################################################## 1.15 smartctl may not be able to run on /dev/sdo with the -d ata option. however this should not affect the clearing of a disk. smartctl exit status = 2 smartctl 6.2 2013-07-26 r3841 [x86_64-linux-4.0.4-unRAID] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-13, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke, www.smartmontools.org Read Device Identity failed: Invalid argument A mandatory SMART command failed: exiting. To continue, add one or more '-T permissive' options.$ Do you wish to continue? (Answer Yes to continue. Capital 'Y', lower case 'es'): Can you try running preclear with -d areca and see if it works?
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