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Everything posted by gfjardim

  1. Have you tried to run this? udevadm trigger --action=change
  2. Pretty much. Will update it soon. If you use the VM plugin, there's a known bug that render containers unreachable. I will update this container soon, just in case.
  3. So are you sure it doesn't appear on the webui? Honestly, I don't see why it doesn't appear. I'll investigate this further.
  4. I contacted Joe, but no word yet. If he complains about this, I will withdraw the plugin. But honest, I don't see why he would do that, since I'm not stealing code or trying to take credit for his work. I never claimed this plugin do preclear disks, only that it is a frontend to his script. I'm hoping he will enjoy it.
  5. I have just tried this. A sata drive inserted into an external esata bay, or an internal sata bay, is not recognised. However, a usb drive is recognised and mounted automatically. This also applies to the new preclear plugin which, I presume, is using similar code. This makes the preclear plugin somewhat less useful. I used to be able to hot-plug a sata drive and preclear it. This no longer seems possible - I suspect that this is due to changes in the unRAID drive handling code. Please, you both, send me the output of ls -lah /dev/disk/by-id. If you can, please point me out the drive you're hot plugging. Thanks.
  6. Will try to add it, since I based this script on Joe L. version, not bjp999 one. Will run a diff and see what I need to change. Done. It was easier than I think. A good diff tool is capable of doing magical things... Thanks garycase! Hope you enjoy it.
  7. Will try to add it, since I based this script on Joe L. version, not bjp999 one. Will run a diff and see what I need to change.
  8. Hi guys, this is a simple plugin that allows users to clear their disks before add them to the array. The main characteristics of this plugin are: Modularity: can be used standalone or in conjunction with Joe L. or bjp999 scripts; Ease of use: with a few clicks you can start a clear session on your disk; Integration: you can always access the plugin under Tools > Preclear Disk menu. If you have Unassigned Devices installed, you can start/stop/view preclear sessions directly from Main > Unassigned Devices. All dependencies included: you don't need SCREEN to run a preclear session in the background; all jobs are executed in the background by default, so you can close your browser while the preclear runs. You can install it directly or via Community Apps. Q & A: Q) Why Joe L. or bjp999 scripts are not included? A) I'm not authorized by Joe L. to redistribute his script, so you need to download a copy from the topic above and put it under /boot/config/plugins/preclear.disk/ renaming it to preclear_disk.sh if necessary. bjp999 modifications are unofficial, so I decided not to include it by default. A) the bjp999 script is now included by default. Q) By default, I see a "gfjardim" script always available. Why? A) Since I'm not authorized to redistribute Joe L. script and the recent slow support by the author, I decided a major code rewrite in the script was needed. The new script is being actively supported, compatible with unRAID notifications, is faster than bjp999 script and has a cleaner output so users can easily visualizes what's going on with their disks. Q) I want to use one of the older scripts(Joe L. or bjp999) in conjunction with notifications. Is that possible? A) Yes. I've made some adjustments on both scripts so they become compatible with unRAID notifications; Joe L. version can be found here and bjp999 can be found here. A) the bjp999 script is now included by default; it includes support for Unraid notifications. Q) Is there any howtos available? A) gridrunner made a awesome video explaining why preclearig a hard disk is a good idea, and how you can accomplish that: Q) The plugin asked me to send some statistics information. How does the statistics report system work? Is it safe? Is it anonymous? A) To better track the usage of the plugin, a statistics report system was put in place. The main goals I intend to archive are: know number of disks that gets precleared; fix any silent bugs that gets reported on the logs; know average size of disks, their model, their average speed and elapsed time we should expect from that model; success rate; rate of disks with SMART problems; This system is totally optional and users will get prompted if they want to send each report. It is also safe and totally anonymous, since all data is sent to Google Forms and no identifying data is exported, like disks serial numbers. Detailed info can be found here. The statistics are public and can be found here. Q) How can I download a copy of the plugin log? A) Please go to Tools, then Pleclear Disk, and click on the Download icon: Q) Which are the differences between Erase and Clear? A) The Clear option uses zeroes to fill the drive; at the end, the drive can be added to the array the array immediately. The Erase All the Disk option uses random data to wipe out the drive; the resulting drive can't be quickly added to the array. If you want to add if after erase, you must select Erase and Clear the Disk. Troubleshooting: Q) After Zeroing the disk, the Post-Read operation fails saying my drive isn't zeroed. A) When zeroing the disk, the script uses a zero filled data stream produced by the pseudo-device /dev/zero. If a Post-Read fails just after a Zeroing operation, chances are that you have bad RAM memory, or less frequently bad PSU, bad cables or bad SAS/SATA card. Please run some rounds of MEMTEST on your machine to test your RAM modules. Q) A Pre-Read operation failed and I see Pending Sectors on the SMART report. A) Pending Sectors will lead to read errors, and the Pre-Read operation will fail. To force the hard drive firmware to remap those sectors, you have to run a Preclear session with the Skip Pre-Read option checked. Q) I've lost communication with the webgui, can I manage preclear sessions from the terminal? A) Yes, you can. If you lost communication with the webgui or want to use the command line interface to manage your preclear sessions, you just need to type preclear on your terminal to start/stop or observe a preclear session.
  9. It depends of what services/steps you need your plugin to precede/supervene. LT just postponed VMs and Docker init from disks_mounted to started. I think I will do it for my VirtualBox plugin as well. What is the equivalent unmounting state? When does LT stop the VM and Docker? stopping_svcs event.
  10. It depends of what services/steps you need your plugin to precede/supervene. LT just postponed VMs and Docker init from disks_mounted to started.
  11. Sort of. How did you get your disk to mount @ /mnt/vmdisk with this plugin. Take a look into the OP demo video, 0:37sec.
  12. Just issued a new version, see if it helps in your case.
  13. Just removed all my mount commands in the "go" file and started using this plugin to manage my VM disks. All I can say is bravo! This makes life so much better. Yes, it does. Tom was very helpful and receptive about this. Remember to thank him.
  14. FAQ updated: Q) Is this plugin suitable to mount a disk that can be used to store VMs or Docker images? A) Right now (v6 beta15), there's a race condition between those services and this plugin. LT will postpone Docker and VMs to a latter event, so there won't be any problems. I'll keep you posted about this. PS: Since unRAID v6.0-rc1, it's safe to use a disk managed by this plugin to store VM's and Docker images.
  15. Guys, the good news is that I have a working Preclear plugin. BUT since that thing could be dangerous, I'm asking some volunteers to proper test it, specially people who have test servers, so any malfunction couldn't result in data loss. If you're interested, please send me a PM. Thanks. By the way, these are the options I'm supporting right now: Anything missing?
  16. I have something working using tmux instead of screen. Just don't know if I add preclear to this plugin or make another one.
  17. [glow=red,2,300]UPDATE:[/glow] 2015.05.15 - Fix: not removing missing disk configuration - Fix: add trim/discard to SSD mount options (XFS/EXT4 only) - Add: show preclear status - Upgrade: NTFS-3G to 2015.3.14
  18. Did you want real time trim like mount with discard option? Or just use fstrim in a cron job like in that trim thread. I keep reading different opinions on trim but I just went with the daily cron. Honestly, I'm fine with either option. From my internet reading on discard vs fstrim it didn't seem like there was a clear winner. Currently I am using discard with my SSD mounted with my "go" file, just because it is set up once and forget (I suppose setting up a cron job would be setup once and forget as well...) My goal is to try and make my unRAID server as "vanilla" as possible so I would prefer not to use my "go" or make a cron job. It would be great if a plugin would take care of all it for me (and hopefully this plugin get added as part of the base GUI). Will be added on the next update.
  19. I was thinking, displaying the preclear status, like myMain, is easy enough to add, so it will be included in the next update.
  20. I'm testing it. Will run for a few days before I release it.
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