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  1. Awesome work on PalWorld docker! Curious if multiple saved world are possible? Currently I see the 0 in ~Pal/Saved/SavedGames, is there a way in the console to create another save/world? And if not, to restart I just delete the "0" folder, correct?
  2. Per their faq : "We will provide the tools to create these servers yourself at launch." Release is tomorrow. So I will look at it then. I understand what you are saying though about making sure the parameters are correct. Ill comeback if I hit any roadblocks. I appreciate all that you do though! I have used you craftopia, valheim, v-rising, and corekeeper servers in the past and never had any issues!
  3. No, the game doesn't release until tomorrow, but I noticed someone was already asking if someone was going to build one and I though I might try to spin one up on release. From your github, it looks like a game server files are downloaded from steam based on the "Game_ID" that is entered in the docker template. Does a tagless PR not work in this case?
  4. Is making a custom server based off one of your tag templates as easy as changing a few -env variables? For example: If I have used your craftopia server previously and I want to make a palworld server tomorrow, in unraid can I just: 1. "add container" 2. Choose craftopia as template and change the name of the container to "palworld" 3. Remove the tag from the Repo (eg: ich777/steamcmd:craftopia) 4. Change the serverfile path name to /mnt/cache/appdata/palworld/ 5. Input whatever the Game_ID: for the palworld server is? (Ill find out when it is released tomorrow) 6. profit? I am assuming that since craftopia and palworld are by the same developers this might work? I have other custom servers I have made this way in unraid like a "yuzu-multiplayer" and a "RTL_433" server, but those are forked from dockerhub and used as is. This would be different because I would be trying to modify a tag from one game to another. But based on your github and dockerhub and the use of "ENV GAME_ID=template" that this could work? But I am asking just for clarification sake, since I wont be able to test it until tomorrow, and If you know it wont work, then I might as well find out now. lol Thanks!
  5. Has anyone been able to proxy this docker with NGINX and an SSL cert? I am trying to put this container behind Authelia; however, Authelia requires the proxied site to have an SSL cert ... Unfortunately, once I add a cert to SearXNG (using the built in letsencrypt) I get a browser error of "TOO_MANY_HTTP_REDIRECTS" ... my other dockers don't have an issue with this, just SearXNG. Is there a redirect in the docker that I should know about and change?
  6. Any /config mappable options (like pwa icons) that you know of?
  7. Sorry, just got back from dinner and was able to do some more testing. I set the env variable "NO_START_ZM="1"", then started the MySQL server and it was fine. When I start zoneminder I get an error: execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Logger.pm line 627. and execute failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111) at /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl line 325. So, I went to those lines and this is what they say: Logger.pm Line 610-634 610 my $sql = 'INSERT INTO Logs ( TimeKey, Component, ServerId, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL )'; 611 $this->{sth} = $ZoneMinder::Database::dbh->prepare_cached($sql) if ! $this->{sth}; 612 if ( !$this->{sth} ) { 613 $this->{databaseLevel} = NOLOG; 614 Error("Can't prepare log entry '$sql': ".$ZoneMinder::Database::dbh->errstr()); 615 return; 616 } 617 618 my $res = $this->{sth}->execute( 619 $seconds+($microseconds/1000000.0), 620 $this->{id}, 621 ($ZoneMinder::Config::Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} ? $ZoneMinder::Config::Config{ZM_SERVER_ID} : undef), 622 $$, 623 $level, 624 $codes{$level}, 625 $string, 626 $this->{fileName}, 627 ); 628 if ( !$res ) { 629 $this->{databaseLevel} = NOLOG; 630 Error("Can't execute log entry '$sql': ".$ZoneMinder::Database::dbh->errstr()); 631 } 632 } # end if doing db logging 633 } # end if level < effectivelevel 634 } zmpkg.pl 320 321 # PP - First, make sure default exists and there is only one 322 my $sql = 'SELECT `Name` FROM `States` WHERE `Name`=?'; 323 my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql) 324 or Fatal("Can't prepare '$sql': ".$dbh->errstr()); 325 my $res = $sth->execute('default') 326 or Fatal("Can't execute: ".$sth->errstr()); 327 I am not sure what these lines are telling me, this is above my head unfortunately
  8. Good Afternoon! I just updated my zoneminder docker and now I am getting permission denied errors, and I am not sure what changed within the docker to affect permissions. I am still on 6.9.2, and I know that 6.10 and up introduced docker permission issues. Im curious if that is the issue here. Does any of this make sense to anyone? EDIT: So, since I was getting permission denied, I went ahead and let the docker run with privilege to see how it would respond, and now I am getting this DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Lost connection to MySQL server during query at /usr/share/perl5/ZoneMinder/Logger.pm line 627. DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111) at /usr/bin/zmpkg.pl line 325. Mar 6 14:40:29 713ba0e3f727 zmpkg[1108]: ERR [Can't execute log entry 'INSERT INTO Logs ( TimeKey, Component, ServerId, Pid, Level, Code, Message, File, Line ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NULL )': Lost connection to MySQL server during query] Mar 6 14:40:29 713ba0e3f727 zmpkg[1108]: FAT [Can't execute: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (111)] ZoneMinder failed to start *** /etc/my_init.d/40_firstrun.sh failed with status 255
  9. Good Afternoon... I am having an issue with the Valheim Server, I would like to use the Valheim +, but I cannot seem to get it to connect. If I use the stock Game with the Stock Server... everything connects fine, but as soon as I enable Valheim + on BOTH my Game and Server. It fails to connect. After some digging, I found that I may need to activate a beta branch due to a recent patch that broke some things in game. I can do this fairly easy in steam for the game, but how would I go about enabling the beta branch in STEAMCMD in unraid for the server side? Specifically "default_old Previous stable" Is there a place where I can add the option in the valheim docker settings? or somewhere in the STEAMCMD appdata folder? Thanks EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out... It was in the docker's settings all along, and I just had to append the -beta and branch to it... Now V+ works perfectly