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Posts posted by Mainfrezzer

  1. 52 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    Please keep in mind that this can also be an issue with the disk since it seems like it fails when it tries to download the new files.

    The container all run on the same ssd.

    The container that threw the error is #1

    #1 didnt update, but did download and update all the gamefiles, that were supposed to be updated.
    #2 just started fine and worked fine, same with #3 

    (all container run of the same shared files)

    I only noticed because the version of that server was wrong, while the others were fine. And then i did the digging. seems to be a steam related issue since i did find alot of github mentiones of it. Pinning it to a singlethread did work (threw another error but idk why that came up since i dont use any workshop content). Ultimately i did deleted all steam files and started anew.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 21 hours ago, Mainfrezzer said:

    Ive just noticed following syslog. First time ive seen that

    Has been the Ark variant. Might be worth keeping an eye on. since it killed all running docker that used that image

    I did find out what caused itmhmm.thumb.PNG.66717847fcb8f6bc1d0b749b006899c1.PNG

    Bit odd that this particular container threw the error while the other ones, using the same files(this one is the update hub etc), worked fine.

    So far i havent been able to get this particular container running properly again but im working on it.

    *Took the axe approach, working again^^

    • Like 1
  3. 58 minutes ago, sasbro97 said:

    Ok it didnt helped. 2 days and logs are shown as 100%. I try to pull out the bluetooth adapter but I don't think it is the only reason.

    the nginx logs are very miniscule compared to the well over 100000 entries of your bluetooth issue within the first couple scrolls of the log. the nginx logs only appear if there is a browser session running, so if no one opens the webpage, its gone.

    Regarding the nginx crash itself. it does seem to be browser dependent. On Microsoft Edge, it looks like this


    If im on my Android Phone and use Chrome, i absolutely cant get the Webui to work properly at all. The Terminal is broken, the Log popup is broken. The page freezes horribly and i get worker exit message, as you do.

    I havent gotten around to test it with Firefox yet. it might fare better, but the only real solution is a downgrade to 6.11.5 or wait for 6.12.4.

  4. A quick and dirty fix is to disable the sata ports in the bios or just shutdown the server, unplug enough sata cables, fire the system back up, upgrade and then re-enable the sata ports / plug the cables back in.

    Alternatively, just boot the usb key on a different pc and upgrade that way

  5. Docker stoppen. In den Docker Einstellungen das "Docker directory:" löschen. Docker starten, die Apps(Docker-Container) aus dem Community App Store wieder installieren. 

    Man kann Docker selbst nicht einfach 1:1 über verschiedene Dateisysteme kopieren. XFS benutzt overlay2, Btrfs irgendwas und zfs benutzt zfs.

    Der Appdata share beinhaltet die permanenten Daten, die wichtig sind. Alles im /system/docker ist absolut verwerfbar (bis eventuell auf die Netzwerkkonfiguartionsdatei)

  6. 3 minutes ago, ich777 said:

    This is not the first time I see this, however it should not kill all Docker containers which are using that image but I'm not sure how you mean that.


    I do have to correct myself, It didnt "kill" the running containers, i just checked the logs and it roughly happend at the exact time a update was distributed by steam. Still very odd since been runing fine for ages. Who knows what Gabe did.

    • Haha 1
  7. Ive just noticed following syslog. First time ive seen that


    Aug 14 20:10:42 Magnon-Box kernel: IPC:CSteamEngin[23103]: segfault at 4 ip 00000000277e677a sp 0000000029bb18e0 error 4 in steamclient.so[27600000+2304000] likely on CPU 2 (core 2, socket 0) Aug 14 20:10:42 Magnon-Box kernel: Code: 5b 5e 5f 5d c3 8d 76 00 8d 87 d0 0b 00 00 89 44 24 0c 8d b6 00 00 00 00 8d 2c 76 c1 e5 03 8d 04 2a 8b 48 14 80 79 2d 00 74 66 <8b> 48 04 83 f9 ff 75 3e 8b 40 08 89 f1 89 c6 eb 15 8d 74 26 00 90

    Has been the Ark variant. Might be worth keeping an eye on. since it killed all running docker that used that image

  8. Schon merkwürdig. Der Schreibtest fehlt übrigens noch


    3 hours ago, alturismo said:


    root@AlsServer:~# dd if=/dev/zero  of=/mnt/vms/testfile  bs=2G  count=1  oflag=dsync
    0+1 records in
    0+1 records out
    2147479552 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 1.36872 s, 1.6 GB/s
    root@AlsServer:~# ls -lah /mnt/vms/test*
    -rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 2.0G Aug 14 16:26 /mnt/vms/testfile
    root@AlsServer:~# rm /mnt/vms/testfile



    • Like 1

  9. A search on google would have done wonders.

    This seems to be the most recommended answer "You might well find that you need to enable USB Legacy Storage and USB Legace Devices in the BIOS first." Also mentioning of disabling usb3 were found.



    *it would be quite ridiculous if you couldnt get usb boot to work while i have a core2quad system here thats fully capable of doing so.

    • Upvote 2
  10. 19 minutes ago, alturismo said:

    wenn du mit IPVLAN glücklich bist, bleib dabei ... mit 1 Docker ist es auch tatsächlich egal ;) da gibt es nichts zu "springen" ;)

    Zum Glück lief macvlan ohne Probleme. Einzige Problem war in 12.1 oder 2 das mit dem unmount.

    Ging mir ja ursprünglich auch nur um den DNS Server, der Rest muss ja jetzt nicht auf br0. Wenn man keine VMs laufen hat spart man sich den ganzen Quatsch mit br0 ja eh grundsätzlich.

    **wenn die Fritzbox Implementierung von Wireguard nicht absolut fürn Hintern wären, dann könnte man tatsächlich die br0 Container einfach mittels VPN zum Lan tunneln, mit ihrer eigenen Lan Adresse. Aber ja, AVM muss ja immer nur halbgare Sachen liefern

  11. On 7/22/2023 at 8:24 AM, Jochen Kklaus said:

    Erreichen will ich, dass ich die Docker auf IPVLAN umstellen kann. Und ich war der Meinung, dass die Fritzbox und der DHCP Server von ihr Probleme damit hat. Also wollte ich einen anderen DHCP Server verwenden. War vermutlich zu einfach gedacht 🙂


    Man kann ganz simpel Docker auf IPvlan umschalten und die lokalen IPs des DNS-Dockercontainers via DHCP in der Fritzbox bekannt geben. Damit hat absolut kein Client Probleme. Selbst die Fritzbox kommt damit klar*. Allerdings ist es wichtig ne IP zu vergeben die nicht in der DHCP Range ist, da die Fritzbox ja nix von dem Client weiß.

    * Jetzt kommt der Witz an der Sache. Seit dem 7.50 release ist die Fritzbox nicht mehr in der Lage fe80: Adressen aufzulösen, also für die Fritzbox selbst müsste man die ULA Adresse oder GUA eintragen, wenn die denn auch auf den lokalen DNS Server gelenkt werden soll.

    Ich hab mit AVM jetzt fast nen halbes Jahr geschrieben und die kriegen es nicht auf die Kette das Problem zu erkennen bzw sogar zu beheben. Die sind seit einigen Wochen sehr still und ich hoffe die fixen das sehr bald.

  12. Weiß nicht wie 12.3 sich zurzeit verhält, das Hauptproblem "damals" war dass Unraid echt Probleme macht wenn der NIC nach dem Start von Docker etc hinzukommt. Ganz lustig wird es wenn man ipv6 verwenden will, weil Docker spielt da nämlich nicht so gerne mit (sofern man keinerlei statische IPs bzw Präfixe hat). War ein Glücksspiel. Habs auf Proxmox verschoben gehabt. Da musst ich wenigstens nicht Nanny spielen :D

  13. https://forums.unraid.net/topic/78993-solved-how-to-create-a-virtual-nic-for-internalisolated-use-only/

    Weiter unten in dem Thema wird erläutert wie man Docker den Virtuellen Nic verwenden lässt. Ist ordentliches Gefummel.
    Viel Glück mit PFSense, OPNsense hatte mir weniger Kopfweh bereitet.

    (Persönlicher Ratschlag basierend auf meiner Erfahrung. Es ist wesentlich einfacher, so lange man nur Webservices braucht und zufälligerweise eine Fritzbox hat, nen USB to Ethernet Adapter zu besorgen. Die Dockercontainer auf den USB NIC zu legen und dann bei der Fritzbox ins Gastnetz zu werfen. Cloudflare ist da tatsächlich auch ein ganz nützliches Tool, da man ja keine Ports freigeben kann, allerdings ja wunderbar raus kommt :) )

    • Like 1
  14. On 8/3/2023 at 12:30 PM, Fantomm3 said:

    Hi, I have installed powertop and have it auto-tune at every boot via go file, all my tunables report "good" but In not able to get passed C3, and even that is only possible with my array stopped, I have a 4790k and with array stopped currently its sat at 120w 


    Any help would be much appreciated, my electricity bill is killer being in the UK


    2023-08-03 11_29_18-Tower_Dashboard.png

    tower-diagnostics-20230803-1135.zip 147.42 kB · 0 downloads

    Ive had to enable something extra on my asus z97 board to get it to go to c6, which is the lowest you can achive on the package. 
    Aggressive Link Power Management in the Sata settings and various pcie power savings L0sL1s or something, would have too look where exactly that was.

    This is not guarantee that it will work afterwards. Compontents could be a factor aswell. Like cheap ssds preventing the whole system from going to c-states at all or a pcie card that doesnt support any power saving features.

    Got the 4690k system to sub 20 watts idle tho.

    (forgot to mention, same applies to USB devices. I got a rouge Razer mouse which misbehaves for example. USB SSDs/HHDs same as internal, if they dont support powersavings, rip.

    Having a monitor plugged in does skew some things too. I got a system where i can leave a VGA plugged in and the system just idles fine but then theres a system that throws a 5 min tantrum until it finally powers down because it finally realized theres no actual image displayed. Digital outputs should work better but who knows)

  15. Ive noticed that in 6.12.X the dashboard stopped updating itself every 4-5 minutes, ive poked a bit around and by chance i uninstalled the Connect Plugin and the issue has gone away.

    After the plugin removal, it did just stop for a second but caught up after throwing a bit of a fuss in the log

    (It does seem that there is another underlying issue but removing the connect plugin did extent the times between those "freezes" quite significantly)

    unraid api.PNG


    I did forget to mention, prior to messing with the unraid-api and subsequently removing the plugin, the "freezes" or what you want to call the dashboard stop refreshing itself, had absolutely 0 entries in the log. It just stopped updating.

    Im currently looking to find the culprit of the underlying situation. Ill update accordingly, was able to recreate the behavior on a different machine.

    It seems to be one (or all) of the unassigned devices plugins. after removing it, plus and the preclear, the nginx logs have vanished.
    Another one appeared but this time it took a really really long time until that one happend.

    Still peculiar why connect plugin hid the nginx logs.

    The dashboard still does seem to freeze on the "test machine" im down to a handfull of plugins. 

    In the meantime the dashboard has been running just fine on the main machine with all plugins active(minus connect plugin cause that one is like a clock) so far. theres something fishy going on with 6.12.X^^

    Im did remove dynamix filemanager on the test machine and it didnt stop updating yet. The main machine still has been updating the dashboard, it did auto refresh itself a couple of times alongside the aformentioned nginx logs. But now am at a point where troubleshooting it takes way too long of a time to check for it.

  16. 2 hours ago, ryanakata said:

    I see people having docker issues, for what it is worth, I had it on both of my systems every day on any 6.12 release with macvlan.


    I moved all dockers to br1 on a second nic and there's been zero crashes in a week or so now.  I think that fixed it.   I'd use IPVLAN but my ATT gateway is weird with port forwarding based on MACs rather than IPs and everything breaks.

    Good to know. Have to give that setup a try aswell, once i get my hands on another long ethernet cable.

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