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Everything posted by HIGHFLIII

  1. I deleted two pages files and two folder in the plug in folder on a separate computer without going through the gui. I restarted the system and it came back doing the same thing.
  2. I recently updated to the most recent stable OS. After the update, I saw an "updating 3rd party pugins" at the top. I decided to let it run for a day. After I came back I still saw the same thing. I dont have very many plugins since I just want my NAS to run as a PLEX server with radarr and sonarr. I also have been having connection problems (sudden but quick dropping of connection, remote plex server offline, etc...) so I double checked my mtu is at 1500 and i was using ipvlan instead of (macvalian?) for connection. I changed the connection form ipv4 only to ipv4 and 6. after my safe reboot, the webgui does not come up anymore. the script seems to go through the whole thing but i caught it saying it didnt detect the lan i think. I am not a pro at remember computer stuff but i am fairly OK just not good enough for script or anything like that. I am trying to stabilize my connection AND more importantly get the webgui back up. I was able to disconnect the flash and get the syslog from it i believe. answers? i was also thinking of wiping the settings clean but not wiping the drives or backup. any ideas about that too? syslog-20240407-202444.txt
  3. I almost forgot I also have an unmanaged network switch that has been working fine that manages 4 connections. My other devices can connect to each other just fine
  4. Here's the short of it. - I am not very experienced in scripts or coding - Connection drops which notifies me through Discord then reconnects less than a minute later - switched to the ip option instead of macvlan - syslog says something about bond0 Tips?plexserver-diagnostics-20240211-1132.zip
  5. i figured it out. had to stop array, go to cache settings, enable user assignment, start array and then go to appdata share to change it
  6. i get that but this is what I have. the option to change the primary storage is there but it is greyed out and unselectable
  7. i still cant figure out how to switch back to the cache for my appdata share. It was once on the cache primary storage but to get rid of the warning symbol shown on the appdata share, I changed the primary to the array option. now Fix Common Problems is saying that it is wrong so I am trying to change it back but it has the drop down "cache" option for primary storage greyed out and unselectable. I am lost on what to do and I cant figure it out by the forums. am I doing something wrong? I posted diagnostics. plexserver-diagnostics-20240125-0554.zip
  8. I ended up taking off an XMP profile in the bios which I believed was increasing performance. I am currently running dual stick and it has not collapsed once. but i do have a second set of DDR4 on standby just in case this happens again. IDK what causes sticks to fail. This is the first time I have had RAM fail on me for any computer I have built. I hope this helps and thank you all involved
  9. I have this problem as well. it first started with my Plex having a constantly sorrupt database. I became frustrated and tried wiping plex and its appdata and config ( i am also newish). After going in and trying to reinstall a fresh docker for Plex, it now says the docker image is corrupt. I tried downloading an ark server to see if it did the same thing to which it did. now I am looking to wipe all of my dockers and start from scratch but still retain all my movies and tv shows (50tb might i add) and just work on remapping the dockers after their install. but now I am currently running into "Unable to write to Docker Image" and now im stuck. I will post my diagnostics. plexserver-diagnostics-20240124-0707.zip
  10. I haven't lowered the clock rate but so far, adding additional information, after I uninstalled the two new sticks, I proceeded to test each stick individually on one DIMM socket each. After memtest each stick on one slot, only one of them came up with no errors and a PASS. So I too the good one and moved it over to the other slot (just to test the slot) and memtest said the stick was good again. So now I have to either figure out why one of the new sticks is failing OR I have 2 old sticks that failed AND 1 new stick that failed so I have to buy another set of 2x16 sticks DDR4. I wonder if you can use memtest as a reason to get covered by warranty?...
  11. Alright so here is an update. My old RAM (in previous pictures) is the 2x16 G Skill Ripjaws DDR4-3600 with CL16-19-19-39. My new RAM is 2x16 Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO SL DDR4-3600 (idk CL) I started by unplugging one old stick from the PC and ran memtest. It identified over 80k errors on the stick that remained. I swapped the same slot with the previously unplugged stick and ran memtest. I got one error with the message "FAIL" being delivered. I took the new sticks and installed both of them in the old sticks place. I ran memtest again expecting a clean run but I'm only 20 minutes in and it is at 150k errors and growing. Is it common for new RAM to fail so easily? Is there a factor I am missing?
  12. I'm not sure if this is THE problem but it is definitely a problem. Do yall think this could have caused the freezing I reported before? What causes this? My system is about a year old
  13. ok I'll give it a try and report back. i turned on my NAS again and it has been performing its automatic parity check for an unclean shutdown but after i got back today, it is reported to have been down and unable to be connected through Unraid Connect. so, it sounds like it just failed. Once again, I will check doing your recommended methods and report back if it is all good
  14. I was able to do that and now i have two logs. i hope this is the correct thing to post. syslog-previous syslog
  15. Hey Unraid community, I am having a problem with my unraid operation. I currently have a set up involving many pathways between unraid and 2 external computers (one downloads and one converts with handbrake). I am trying to set up the systems to request through overseerr, download, manually convert, then move the file to a plex folder to play through any device. The problem I am encountering is the unrid system crashes or locks up (no display, no reaction, unraid connect says its connected but no GUI access). this results in having to unclean shutdown my unraid server and that is very scary especially when it is currently going through 50tb of parity check in a day or so and wont complete. i thought it was the network switch i use but it looks like the network connection either fails then reconnects OR maintains connection for other devices during the freeze of unraid. I am at a loss at why the whole system fails. i have logs i believe i did correctly of before and after the crash but I havent posted them because I think they have personal info. any ideas? Edit: i posted a PDF of my layout. I think it is great BUT if you have any tips or small changes, LMK. I dont have much coding experience so i may need a dumbed down version. Zenithicus Server Setup.pdf
  16. If this is the solution, how did you remove the old docker image to replace it with a new one?
  17. I am also wondering how long mine should last. Does it stop and say PASS? Should I just restart the system? It says it's been running for 62 hours and at the bottom it says pass complete yet the program still is running. It's on test 10 as well
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