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Posts posted by sparklyballs

  1. 1 minute ago, SavellM said:


    That kinda sucks, any way you could make an image with a config that people can pull new images from unifi?

    Or we have to wait for you guys everytime? 



    we have no plans to do that and given the mess that is the supposedly stable 5.7 it's just as well we don't mess with 5.8 which i should remind you is unreleased 

  2. 15 hours ago, deusxanime said:

    As far as my previous post, I'm manually installing nodejs every time I restart the docker (along with a couple other things I'm already installing for my post-processing script), so I've at least gotten around that until it is included in the container. FYI, in case anyone is wondering how to do that:

    /sbin/apk add nodejs --update-cache --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community/ --allow-untrusted

    I have another question though as well... Lately my SR always has "There is a newer version available (you're NNNNN commits behind) — Update Now" at the top. Even after a new container update comes out, it seems we are still behind. Should the container include those updates when it gets updated? Can or should I manually update SR using the "Update Now" link? Will that break the container if I do so? I also assume any time the container gets updated, it will reset that again and I'd have to update SR manually again?


    It just seems like this container is getting further behind and I'm starting to wonder if I should switch to a new one. I don't think I've seen a dev answer any posts on here in months. Being this is linuxserver.io, I usually assume that it is pretty well supported and frequently updated, but I wonder if that is still the case? I still see updates to the container itself so I assume not, but the lack of posts on here and unresolved issues is making me start to wonder.



    given that the total number of commits since the repo began is only10618 i'd say the "you are 10000 commits behind " is utter nonsense



    as @CHBMB has already stated our images are rebuilt every friday and there has been a release since then so we are 1 (with no zereos) behind so we are not "getting further behind" by any stretch of the imagination



    and as for us not getting back to you etc there are a bajiliion threads in this forum and the way that newly replied to threads get pushed to the top it's easy for us to miss something

  3. 1 minute ago, binhex said:


    ahh right, interesting you had the same/similar issue with sonarr, to this day i don't have that env var in for sonarr, and so far no reported issues of disconnect/reconnect issues, but hey i guess my image doesn't get the same sort of interest as the LSIO one, so maybe it is an issue and i just don't know about it :-).


    ok well its painless for me to include the env var, so for now i will add it in, im assuming this is something that is required for lidarr going forward and this isnt just a temporary hack right?. 



    i would treat it as a permanent thing until someone says otherwise as i'm not aware of it causing any issues and you don't need to make a folder or touch a file or anything

    just having the ENV alleviates the problem 

  4. 28 minutes ago, binhex said:


    Thanks sparklyballs i appreciate you posting that, any chance of some more details (link to issue?) as im not 100% clear of the current problem (i don't use lidarr myself) and want to ensure any changes to my code fix whatever the issue is.




    all of the conversation took place on discord with one of the lidarr team reporting the problem directly to us from issues from users in their discord thread


    basically without the variable in the js console of browsers it reports 500 errors and signalr disconnect/reconnect loop


    we had a similar issue with sonarr few years back https://github.com/linuxserver/docker-sonarr/issues/3

  5. 13 minutes ago, ChaOConnor said:

    Hi!  I messed up my IMDB list was putting folders under /opt/radarr and now my Radarr docker is filled up and causing my docker file to fill.


    Is there a way once I'm bash'd into the Radarr container to move all the directories from /opt/radarr to /movies where they should have been created if I had set it up properly?





    you mean you've actually downloaded movies into /opt/radarr ? 


    do you have /movies as a mounted volume ? 

  6. 6 hours ago, Hoopster said:

    Looks like you are not alone:




    I'm not sure updating the docker is wise right now.  I'd rather have a controller/firmware that works with fewer features than one with flaky wireless and more (buggy?) features.


    5.7.20 appears to work without issue for some, but, with my luck, I'd be in the "it hosed my wireless network" camp.


    i restored appdata backup from before updating to 5.7.20 and after many tries eventually got my wifi back up and running and the controller connecting to the AP


    once again glad labelled it unstable lol

  7. 1 hour ago, yippy3000 said:

    Looks like 5.7.20 is now on the downloads page.


    Will the docker be getting the 5.7.x track soon or are you staying with the LTS stream only which could mean being stuck on 5.6 for a while (I am waiting for some features in 5.7)?



    i am waiting for my wifi to come back after updating to unstable (5.7)


    2 hours and counting lol


    YMMV but i think unstable was the right label after all

  8. 1 hour ago, Dephcon said:

    @sparklyballs are you staying on 5.6.x LTS or moving over to 5.7.x Stable whens it's ready?



    we build whatever is current on the actual unifi downloads page


    on 3 occasions they've released "stable" builds only to have to pull them so we're well beyond once bitten and i would say we're chewed in that regard


  9. 1 hour ago, mikeyosm said:

    Docker Image is fine. Like I said, no issues with my other dockers.



    if /mnt/user/appdata/tautulli is as it looks to be on they array then sqlite will not usually work and having your plex data on the array too is like waiting for it to be corrupted too


    use a disk ie /mnt/diskx

  10. 15 minutes ago, Dieseldes said:

    Sorry to be a pain guys but in getting nowhere with this on my own. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Should I remove the docker and try again or any suggestions? Thanks!

    Sent from my Moto G (5) using Tapatalk



    updating with existing appdata from a different image is a nightmare and not something we recommend and certainly not something we support 

  11. 17 minutes ago, mikeyosm said:

    root@localhost:# /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/dynamix.docker.manager/scripts/docker run -d --name='tautulli' --net='host' -e TZ="Europe/London" -e HOST_OS="unRAID" -e 'TCP_PORT_8181'='8181' -e 'PUID'='99' -e 'PGID'='100' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/tautulli':'/config':'rw' -v '/mnt/user/appdata/PlexMediaServer/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Logs/':'/log':'rw' 'tautulli/tautulli'



    that's not our image

  12. Just now, 1812 said:


    I just downloaded the most current directly from minetest for windows 10 and it gives the same error:


    2018-03-12 14:20:07: ACTION[Server]: Server: A mismatched client tried to connect from



    So.... every client version they provide is evidently not up to snuff?



    their server version appears to have got ahead of any client release


    to which end we're testing building tagged releases as far back as  0.4.13

  13. 5 minutes ago, 1812 said:


    except that the client is the most recent version.... 



    dependant on whether you are pulling from the standard ubuntu repo which is 0.4.13 or the ppa stable which 0.4.16 or the ppa unstable which is 0.4.17 (the version we are building from master)


    so as you can see there is every possibility that it is the client that is not keeping track



  14. On 11/03/2018 at 2:05 PM, 1812 said:

    so, this doesn't work. appears abandoned and no longer updated. should be removed from community apps @Squid


    the app is updated every week and built from master and this childish post isn't helping anyone


    the client in fact is not keeping up with the build of the server and not the other way round

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