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Everything posted by sparklyballs

  1. There's even a fairly basic piwigo plugin for kodi.
  2. it's in my repo now, it still needs work on permissions settings to fit in more with unraid and probably could do looking at by someone security savvy.
  3. Added piwigo (needs some work, and some assistance with permissions etc.., but it works) Important: needs to have a database and user with full privileges to that database setup in mysql/mariadb for this to work
  4. Went back to the beginning, ditched nginx as it was a PITA and went with apache instead. pushing a build to my private repo for some testing etc.... but on my standalone docker server, it loads plugins , facebook one for instance, although it posts the links on facebook as my local ip address which is no good, lol. i wouldn't recommend putting this on the internet though anyways as i'm no security guru, i was just testing stuff out. i'll push it to my normal repo for people to play with/improve a little later.
  5. it's not in my repo because it's not ready yet, not all dockers are equal, lol. i have a vm i build dockers in and it works like a charm there, as soon as i load the exact same thing with the exact same settings into unraid it spits out a load of nginx errors about not being able to define server name. Window on the left, my vm docker build area, used the same base files (copied them over from one server to the other), copy pasted the same build and run commands from one to the other, whatever i do with unraid side of things it just will not work and spits out this bollocks whenever i try to run it. i've tried it from the command line, from my private repo via template and it's always the same result whenever i try to run it on unraid. i give up because i can't tell what the hell is wrong.
  6. it's not in my repo because it's not ready yet, not all dockers are equal, lol. i have a vm i build dockers in and it works like a charm there, as soon as i load the exact same thing with the exact same settings into unraid it spits out a load of nginx errors about not being able to define server name.
  7. seems to be working, i can upload stuff to it, again not sure how to test imagemagick is doing anything though.
  8. I've got this far with piwigo running in nginx on a phusion 0.9.15 baseimage as per docker best practice, i'm not putting mysql in the same docker. i've added imagemagick in the image, not certain how to test that works.
  9. this was really helpful... https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/filesystems/9p.txt
  10. Had a little tinker about with this as it seemed intriguing. made a debian wheezy vm (have to select basic server utilities in tasksel) modded user nobody to uid 99 in the vm and ran what apps i had as user nobody and group users, chown'ed the apps install folder and config output folders to nobody:users, and chmod 775 added dfltuid=99 and dfltgid =100 to the mount option in /etc/fstab and it worked like a charm with all my files written with the right ownership to suit unraid.
  11. Getting in the last comment before this becomes a private party, lol , only joking. I could see the point of a devo only area, but i'd like to suggest again the possibility of a submission type deal where users can put forward dockers for possible inclusion in a central repo, provided it met certain criteria.
  12. I don't know if it's too much of a stretch, but if there were some kind of an "officialish" unraid docker repo i feel there should be some QC of sorts and a framework regarding paths and comments in the git etc... so if a dev does go walkabout it's easier for someone else to take over.
  13. The only 'problem' with this is that the user is (still) reliant on the docker creator to update the docker, and some people don't have the patience to wait for this to happen. Also, as we've seen with plugins, authors come and go, as life happens, so one day an author is likely going to disappear, and their docker won't get updated unless/until someone else jumps on it. It's a difficult thing to manage, for sure. Also - there is nothing that forces us to avoid "abusing the docker purpose" if our purpose is different. Docker is just a tool. Using that tool in a manner that is different to it's intended use does not validate the effectiveness of the tool. Using a free wooden paint stirrer as a shim is still a totally valid use of that tool. dockers though, if they are based on a mainstream baseimage are with a few quirks basically linux) so someone else picking up the reins of a dead docker is somewhat easier than a plugin, and as long as the git source isn't deleted, it can be forked.
  14. kind of an unraid "official" docker repo, nice idea and you could get apps that are as stable as is possible to achieve at the time. and everything all in one place makes for an easier user experience too. my personal tinkering stuff with dockers for myself aren't in my repo and won't ever be. should have a poll for most wanted dockers (if there hasn't been one already)
  15. Personally i forked some of the dockers on offer here to adapt them to my setup where i replaced VM's and wanted my existing data and folder structure to remain unchanged. i made my CP docker self update and run from git at start instead of a fixed version, (discovered the stable version had a different config file structure than the git version and my wanted list went screwy with the fixed version).
  16. for some apps (particularly things that are updated due to api changes etc... like CP et al) , i would agree that the ability to get updated to the latest version would be good, but for more stable apps i like the fixed version approach of dockers because of the stability.
  17. what you can do with kodi-send for instance...... issue this from the command line of your unraid box (or via telnet/ssh) to iniatate a video library scan. docker exec KODI-Headless kodi-send --action="UpdateLibrary(video)" change KODI-Headless if you gave your container a different name. commands available here (not all are going to apply to a headless instance) http://kodi.wiki/view/List_of_built-in_functions
  18. Added kodi-send to helix-headless and fixed annoying startup issues regarding scanning for plugins. unfortunately for the updates to work correctly you will need to delete the image and container and your current config files for this container. then repull the container, entering the variables as before.
  19. IMPORTANT INFO FOR EXISTING USERS UPDATING TO KODI HEADLESS HELIX VERSION RELEASED 28/12/14 Due to the change from running as root to running as nobody and in portable mode, the config file location has changed in the image. Update the container as you would normally, when the update is completed, delete the container, JUST THE CONTAINER , then click the reload info button on the docker tab in unraid readd the container and fill in the variables as before, this is to update the change in config file location in the image. you don't need to delete your existing config files, they will be reloaded when the container starts and the permissions of the files will be changed to nobody:users to better suit the unraid environment. new users don't need to do anything other than add the container from the template. you can tell if you're using the old pre-updated template by editing the container and seeing if the container volumes says /root/.kodi, if it does you're using the old version. new version should say /opt/kodi-server/share/kodi/portable_data
  20. Just launched rebuild of helix headless with less dependencies used, running as nobody in portable mode and config files with permissions nobody:users. should take somewhere between 1 and 1 1/2 hours to build over on docker hub. will update repo template to suit new build and any instructions if required because of the change of config file location within the image due to running in portable mode.
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