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  1. Yea, the documentation scattered all about the place is more of a hindrance than a help. That video is older than dirt. I'm gonna create controversy but here goes. This has always been an issue with me and Linux. You have to look in 8 million places to get answers... alot of times the people answering are straight up pricks. And alot of times the info is outdated and won't help. So, you have to take an educated guess as to what you think might work and throw the hail mary. It is one thing that has kept me from embracing linux all along. You either get misleading infomation, or an asshole who wouldn't give you the info if you held a gun to his head. I also don't understand why people keep embracing these technologies that are so out of date it's laughable. Why would I want to use the klunky way to document things on github? Hell, github itself is klunky as hell. All it does it make me see red, wear me out and get like I am now... frustrated. oh well, I'm done. Gonna go figure this out another way.. like usual.
  2. Geeze .... I'm all for being cheap (I'm retired on fixed income), but dang, this is a business with folks trying to make a living. I think for what you are getting UnRaid is an absolute steal. Try drinking a few less beers a week or something like that. I only wish my car insurance or internet bill was this reasonable. And heck for one bag of groceries you can upgrade to Pro..... You can't open a support case with M$ for that.
  3. Mine too. I'm using Avast and I went in and disabled "Network Inspector". So far after a few hours nothing has showed up. I've already had 66 invalid login attempts just today before I disabled it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will resolve this issue.
  4. Thanx. I'll have to remember to click the advanced view slider. Wish it would just stay on but I guess not. That worked great.. you da man!
  5. nevermind I visited your github page... now I understand... I hope .... these are environment variables right?
  6. What do you mean by post args section?
  7. Thanx for the response! I did investigate the REGEX thing. oh boy it started giving me a headache. You could earn a masters degree trying to figure that stuff out! I tried to find a way to change the defaults when clamav starts up but apparently the configure script is just not there with the unraid version. It looks like from the standard clamav documentation your supposed to be able to run this script, but it did not exist in my docker. Here is what I ended up coming up with ..... clamscan -r -i -z --exclude=\.iso --detect-pua=yes --alert-broken=yes --alert-broken-media=yes --alert-encrypted=yes --alert-macros=yes --alert-exceeds-max=no --max-dir-recursion=300 --max-recursion=300 -l /var/clamav.log /scan I noticed that your version of the regex uses the ^ symbol, which I took from the documentation to mean DOES NOT MATCH. Like I said the regex stuff is not very friendly at all. I just used the \.iso figuring the chances of running into a file that has .iso in the filename and not the extension are pretty slim. I found it annoying that I can only get clamav to scan up to a 4 Gb file. It does seem to find stuff that other av's do not so I'm happy with that.
  8. Anyone know how to get clamav to not scan .iso files. I would like to use it from the command line and not write a mile long script. I have tried --exclude=*.iso and ?.iso but neither one worked. If I have posted this in the wrong spot. please excuse me. I tried doing a search for this but when it returns 10 plus pages... what is the point of a search. This forum software kinda sucks.
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