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Report Comments posted by bonienl

  1. There are some reports of people with similar issue and not being able to stop a container. Apparently a recurring issue since the introduction of 'containerd' and still present in version 17.12.1-ce. Some people downgraded to version 12.09 as a workaround.


    Here is a link

  2. May I ask everybody who had the Docker tab hanging to execute the below command (just copy + paste) and see if this succeeds.

    docker inspect --format='{{.State.Running}}#{{range $p,$c := .HostConfig.PortBindings}}{{$p}}:{{(index $c 0).HostPort}}|{{end}}#{{range $p,$c := .Config.ExposedPorts}}{{$p}}|{{end}}#{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}#{{range $c := .HostConfig.Binds}}{{$c}}|{{end}}' $(docker ps -a --format='{{.Names}}')


  3. 11 minutes ago, andreidelait said:

    I've used firefox and chrome yesterday. It crashed while using the Samsung TV.

    However as I mentioned there are users experiencing this without even having plex installed.


    It is also my believe that the issue is not related to a specific application, but a general communication issue (lots of applications use TCP to communicate).


  4. 6 hours ago, Bobat said:

    One local stream, so not particularly heavy traffic.


    Which browser are you using the view Plex streams?


    Microsoft browers are known to use RST (reset) quite often when something goes wrong in the communication, e.g. missing packet. Perhaps viewing with a different browser gives better results?

  5. Reading that link about the patch...


    The linux guys introduced at some point a patch to purge the TCP write queue when a TCP session is reset (RST), but forgot to reset the send part, which can result in a NULL pointer dereference.


    Sending a TCP RST command is quite common to restart a TCP session, can happen when for instance both parties get out of sync due to heavy and/or missing traffic and decide to start over again. Perhaps people experiencing the call traces see this happening when heavy downloading/uploading is taking place?