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Posts posted by fonzie

  1. I've been using DelugeVPN docker with IPVanish for over a year without problems.  I tried reinstalling it today and have had no luck.  Looking at the forum briefly, I'm seeing that the VPN provider being used must allow port forwarding.  I checked online and I don't think IPVanish allows port forwarding due to their NAT firewall.  Was there a change in the docker that broke IPVanish's compatibility?  Will I have to change my VPN service if I want to continue using this docker?

  2. I'm having issues with the scripts showing up in nzbget.  I've put the "videosort" folder inside the "ppscripts" folder within the nzbget config directory.


    I've also tried re-mapping the directory within the docker settings.  

    Lastly, tried to change permissions. 


    Not sure if I input the correct commands, however.


    Anyone have any tips on getting scripts to show up on my nzbget docker?

  3. I want to use the fast preclear with the preclear plugin in unraid 6.4 but I am not sure where in the flash drive do I move the file contents in the zip.  Also, what do I name the file?


    I follwed the insructions in the readme.txt but it still doesn't show up in the dropdown box as an option in the preclear plugin.

  4. 14 minutes ago, ashman70 said:

    Still having massive issues with Sonarr, had to hard reset my server again today because the docker was unresponsive and I can't unmount my array. Uninstalled it again, reinstalled it, its still downloading episodes but what gets copied to my other server is not the amount that is downloaded and as a consequence downloaded/copied episodes don't play properly because they are not the same file size as what was downloaded.

    I had similar issues in the past and I think I narrowed the incomplete files down to having my drone search  folder interval set too low. I had it check every minute for downloaded files. This would prompt a move to the TV share folder on files that were currently being extracted and as a result, incomplete. 

  5. Just now, CHBMB said:

    Wow, my post has crossed the space-time continuum. I replied to your post and mine has ended up first....... 


    haha no I deleted my original post to include your quote and by the time I had re-posted, your response was above mine.


    I hope this mysterious issue doesn't cause any more hiccups down the line.


    command permissions.PNG

  6. 4 hours ago, bobbintb said:


    It shouldn't break the other containers. Each docker should have its own config directory. Try this:

    chmod 755 -R -f /your/sonarr/config/directory


    So if my Sonarr folder is located in an Appdata share, it would be:


    chmod 755 -R -f /user/mnt/appdata/sonarr


    where would I input this?

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