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Posts posted by fonzie

  1. 4 hours ago, bobbintb said:


    It shouldn't break the other containers. Each docker should have its own config directory. Try this:

    chmod 755 -R -f /your/sonarr/config/directory


    So if my Sonarr folder is located in an Appdata share, it would be:


    chmod 755 -R -f /user/mnt/appdata/sonarr


    where would I input this?

  2. My Sonarr has been working perfectly for quite some time now up until about an hour ago.  It stopped responding so I restarted it but I didn't have access.  I removed the docker and the image thinking that would do the trick, but it is still giving me an error saying:


    [Info] AppFolderInfo: Data directory is being overridden to [/config]
    [Error] PidFileProvider: Unable to write PID file /config/nzbdrone.pid

    and notably:


    [Fatal] ConsoleApp: EPIC FAIL!


    I uploaded the full log with more info in case it is needed.  How can I fix this?




    sonarr error.txt

  3. I've had my DuckDNS docker working for well over a year now, up until this morning.  I just upgraded my router from an Arris 6141 to an Arris 6183 and now I cannot get duckdns to link my url to my server. 


    I've checked and my external IP address is the same as before.  Everything else on my system is working (internet access, etc)


    What could the problem be?


    Sounds like you did some setup on the Arris before, that you haven't replicated now ... most likely you're not forwarding a port from Arris to the unRAID server running the docker.

    Sorry, I meant modem not router. I'll fix my original post.



  4. I've had my DuckDNS docker working for well over a year now, up until this morning.  I just upgraded my modem from an Arris 6141 to an Arris 6183 and now I cannot get duckdns to link my url to my server. 


    I've checked and my external IP address is the same as before.  Everything else on my system is working (internet access, etc)


    What could the problem be?

  5. I used to have DelugeVPN working perfectly with my IPVanish vpn provider.  They recently changed something so I went and updated the certificate for my vpn provider and now my Deluge won't connect to any peers.  I can post the docker log or any other information to hep resolve the issue.



  6. I have a drive that just finished the preclear script successfully and I want to mount it to my unassigned devices.  The problem is that I do not see that option.  Under FS (file system) it says precleared and the format button is greyed out.  I can only add it to the array if stopped or run another preclear on it.


    How do I format it to xfs so that I can mount it to my unassigned devices? Thanks.


    Edit: I found the answer.  You must turn on destructive mode from the settings page under Unassigned Devices.

  7. Might also be worth mentioning that recent versions of unRAID do NOT take the array offline to clear a disk. If you add a data disk to a new slot in an array that already has parity, it must be clear so parity will remain valid. It used to be that unRAID would take the array offline for this, so preclearing was invented. People still use preclear to test disks, but the clearing part isn't strictly necessary anymore, and in any case, a new data slot in a parity array is the only scenario that requires a clear disk.


    Are you saying that if I were to replace a failed drive with a new one, I don't have to run a preclear?  Can I simply "Verify all the Disk" on the preclear plugin to test the new drive and immediately start rebuilding?

  8. I want to temporarily put my empty NTFS Windows hard drive in my unRAID and set it up as an unassigned disk to quickly copy my media from my unRAID onto this disk.  Then I want to put that disk back into my Windows machine and have it read it.


    Is this the proper plugin to accomplish that?  If so, what are the steps to make sure this goes smoothly?


    The reason I want to put it directly in my unRAID machine for the copy is because my network transfer speed is too slow and I have a lot of data to copy over.



    I use this all the time to write NTFS drives. This plugin only mounts the drive so unRAID can access it, and possibly share it on the network. The copying part is up to you. Do you know how to do the copy?


    No, I do not know how to do the copy.  I would like some kind of command line to input so that unRAID will do the move for me.  I feel that this would be the fastest way.


    The only way I would know how to do it is by mounting the drive and then accessing it remotely through Windows Explorer, but that would defeat the purpose of mounting it in unRAID in the first place because Windows Explorer would work as the "middle man" and cause the copy to bottleneck.

  9. I want to temporarily put my empty NTFS Windows hard drive in my unRAID and set it up as an unassigned disk to quickly copy my media from my unRAID onto this disk.  Then I want to put that disk back into my Windows machine and have it read it.


    Is this the proper plugin to accomplish that?  If so, what are the steps to make sure this goes smoothly?


    The reason I want to put it directly in my unRAID machine for the copy is because my network transfer speed is too slow and I have a lot of data to copy over.



  10. I hadn't noticed there was a separate Subsonicbeta docker! thanks for the help guys.  Everything seems a-ok now.


    Side question:  The new subsonic just went from open source to closed source and lots of users had a negative reaction over at the subsonic forum with many saying they were cancelling their subscriptions.  What are the drawbacks and how bad is it really that it has gone closed source?  Has it changed anyone's mind here on whether they will use it as their music streaming service?  Sorry if off-topic. let me know and I can remove this

  11. Mind rebuilding the Subsonic beta image now that 6.0beta2 is out? Thanks!


    Done! Please visit the docker page for more info on autoupdates as well. This image will auto build from now on new release. You will no longer need to send me a request. Please feel free to do so if there are any issues, or if an image is not built within 8 hours of release.


    I'm confused as to how exactly I can set up autoupdates.  I checked the docker page: https://hub.docker.com/r/hurricane/docker-subsonic/ but I couldn't find any information on it.  I am a linux noob so I would appreciate any help.  Usually I just have the update button on my Docker page in unRAID but it says Subsonic is "Up-To-Date" even though it is running 5.3 and when I click the docker it says there is a new version available and gives me the link to subsonic's home page to download it.


    Edit: I looked around and stumbled on this page: https://hub.docker.com/r/hurricane/subsonic/#unraid


    I found the section on automatic updates and put it in the "go" file.  I opened putty and logged into root then pasted the same code as well:

    echo "0 2 * * * docker exec Subsonic update" | sudo tee -a /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root


    but I'm not sure if that is the right place to put it.

  12. I installed this plugin for two purposes: 1.) changing file system from reiserfs to xfs 2.) replacing cache drive without losing information


    Now after reading through this thread, I realize that this plugin is perfect for my first goal, but I don't think is capable of helping me out with my second goal.


    I don't see the ability to transfer anything from a cache share, so I'm assuming that's not possible.  I want to know what the easiest way of transferring all of my current files that I have running on my cache drive (appdata, downloads, etc) to a disk drive temporarily while I add a new cache drive and format it as xfs.  A plugin or docker would be best.  Using MC is a little too advanced for me and I don't really grasp command line very well.


    if unBALANCED can be used for this, please let me know how.  thanks.

  13. So looking at the diagnostics file it seems my cache is still throwing out erros, even though unraids file system check showed it was okay.


    What I want to do is replace my current 500gb reiserfs cache with a new 500gb cache formatted in btrfs.


    I want to transfer all the current files from my cache drive over to the new one so I don't lose docker settings, etc.


    First I need to gain write access back to my unRAID and then I'd like to know the steps to do this.  I noticed a plugin that was made for this...would it be a good time to use it?

  14. The never ending struggle!  It's been a few days since I got everything working, but yesterday my shares reverted to being read-only again!!!  I ran reiserfsck on all the disks and none of them came back with corruptions this time (not even the cache).


    Not sure what the problem could be now.  I have attached the latest diagnostics zip:



  15. woohooo I think I finally got it working!  I simply stopped the share and restarted it.  I can now create new files on the shares and I'm not getting any read only errors.  I was able to invoke the mover and all my cache contents are finally being moved over to the share without giving me any resistance.  Glad to be finally done with this nightmare.

  16. I went ahead and ran the NewPerms.  First I ran it only on the disk that I rebuilt.  I still couldn't add or delete files on my shares.  I then ran the NewPerms on my entire array, including the cache drive.  Still, I cannot gain write access to my shares.


    this was the output of the newperms


    processing /mnt/cache
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/cache
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/cache
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk1
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk1
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk1
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk10
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk10
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk10
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk2
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk2
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk2
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk3
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk3
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk3
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk4
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk4
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk4
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk5
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk5
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk5
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk6
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk6
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk6
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk7
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk7
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk7
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk8
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk8
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk8
    ... sync
    processing /mnt/disk9
    ... chmod -R u-x,go-rwx,go+u,ugo+X /mnt/disk9
    ... chown -R nobody:users /mnt/disk9
    ... sync
    completed, elapsed time: 00:39:15


    I'm running out of ideas.  Please help me, Obi Wan Kenobi...you're my only hope.

  17. Do I run the NewPerms tool to restore the write settings to my drives?  I know that it says only to do this when transitioning from an older version of unRAID, but I don't know what else to do and I need to gain write access back on my unRAID server. 



    This is the syslog when trying to create a new folder within the Never Been Kissed directory


    Feb 11 18:25:50 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Files changed, reloading.
    Feb 11 18:25:50 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Service group file /services/smb.service changed, reloading.
    Feb 11 18:25:50 media emhttp: shcmd (264): pidof rpc.mountd &> /dev/null
    Feb 11 18:25:50 media emhttp: shcmd (265): /etc/rc.d/rc.atalk status
    Feb 11 18:25:51 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Service "media" (/services/smb.service) successfully established.
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: shcmd (266): :>/etc/samba/smb-shares.conf
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Files changed, reloading.
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: Restart SMB...
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: shcmd (267): killall -HUP smbd
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: shcmd (268): smbcontrol smbd close-share 'Movies'
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: shcmd (269): cp /etc/avahi/services/smb.service- /etc/avahi/services/smb.service
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Files changed, reloading.
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Service group file /services/smb.service changed, reloading.
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: shcmd (270): pidof rpc.mountd &> /dev/null
    Feb 11 18:26:03 media emhttp: shcmd (271): /etc/rc.d/rc.atalk status
    Feb 11 18:26:04 media avahi-daemon[10926]: Service "media" (/services/smb.service) successfully established.
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:13 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:27:17 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: mkdir: /mnt/cache/Movies/Never Been Kissed (1999)/New folder (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:30:30 media sshd[3920]: Accepted none for root from port 50959 ssh2
    Feb 11 18:30:59 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: create_path: /mnt/cache/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009)/test folder /mnt/disk7/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) (30) Read-only file system
    Feb 11 18:31:12 media shfs/user: shfs_mkdir: create_path: /mnt/cache/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009)/test folder /mnt/disk7/Movies/(500) Days of Summer (2009) (30) Read-only file system

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