Joe L.

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Everything posted by Joe L.

  1. no. You can only include or exclude top level directories using -i or -e To do anything else requires a bit more effort in using the -a option to include direct options to the underlying "find" command. that is described here Joe L.
  2. Oh, you can only cache top level directories? Is there any way to alter the code to search down the tree? I have no idea about the plugin version of cache_dirs, but the command-line version I wrote has a complete description of how to use it in the first post in the thread. It specifically says in that post: By default, all top level folders on the disks and everything under them in sub-folders are scanned. If you only want a subset of the top -level folders scanned, you can supply an "include" list using the "-i include_dir" option. Again, it may be repeated on the command line multiple times. If using the "include" feature, only those directories included are scanned. There is no need to use an exclude as well, unless you use a wild-card for the include directory and the "include" wild-card matches more than you want cached. (The include and exclude options work on top-level folders only. It DOES search down the directory hierarchy, you are using the -i option incorrectly, as already described, just use cache_dirs -i "Media", or, use the -a option to add more complicated pruning rules as described in the "find" man page for "-prune" And yes, you can change the script to do anything you want. Just call it something else, so it does not get confused with something I wrote and distributed. I have nothing to do with the plugin version of cache_dirs. It was not created by me, but the author of it did plagiarize my work. For advice on it, contact them. Joe L.
  3. Ahh, I see that now. What is the current version of MyMain? I couldn't find it listed anywhere except for the 4-10-11 date in the About section. Regardless of the version string bjp999 set, the SVN "revision" number is the best guide to the release you have compared to what is available for download if you click on the check for updates button on the user-scripts page. As you can see in my screen capture, revision 262 is the latest for "07-unmenu-mymain.awk" Joe L.
  4. Thanks Have you tried looking in the "About" tab on unMENU. Each plugin module has a revision number and most have a version number too. It looks a lot like this: unmenu.awk: Version 1.6 Revision: 270 Joe L.... with modifications as suggested by bjp999, mvdzwaan, and many others Plug-in-modules 07-unmenu-mymain.awk: 1.54 - changes for myMain 4-10-11 release, contributed by bjp999 - preclear support - Revision: 262 08-unmenu-array_mgmt.awk: 1.2.4 - fixed path to md.c to detect NOCORRECT mode - Revision: 250 09-unmenu-disk_mgmt.awk: 1.7 - fixed "mount" command to get file system type even if disk is apparently not spinning (where temp = "*" or "") - Revision: 232 10-unmenu-links.awk: 1.2 Fixed increment of link counter - Revision: 7 15-unmenu-disk_perf.cgi: 1 - improved css by zoggy - Revision: 7 15-unmenu-network_perf.cgi: 1 - improved formatting by zoggy - Revision: 190 16-unmenu-syslog.awk: Version: 1.0 - modified by bjp999, Use common routines to generate enhanced syslog viewer - Revision: 178 17-unmenu-syslog.awk: Version: .9 - added css class to fieldset - mvdzwaan - Revision: 7 18-unmenu-lsof.awk: Version: .1 - Joe L. - Revision: 7 20-unmenu-usage.awk: 1.0 - Revision: 7 200-unmenu-smarthistory.cgi: 1.1 - added tests for directory, file, and php - Revision: 7 25-unmenu-dupe_files.awk: 1.2 deal with appostraphe in file name - Revision: 7 29-unmenu-sysinfo.awk: 1.6 - Added -l option to free to show "low" memory. Joe L. - Revision: 271 30-unmenu-file_browser.awk: 1.1.6 update allowd disk array to have members greater than disk15. - Revision: 234 40-unmenu-iso_share.awk: 1.2 Added formatting of "ls" date/time string to allow consistent parse of file path - Joe L. - Revision: 236 50-unmenu-user_scripts.cgi: .5 - Added css for submit button - mvzdwaan - Revision: 171 600-unmenu-file_edit.awk: .2.1 Fixed error out of "ls" when directory does not exist. Joe L. - Revision: 119 99-unmenu-myMain-Config.awk: 1.0 - Part of myMain 12-1-10 release, contributed by bjp999 - Revision: 246 99-unmenu-utility.awk: 1.54 - changes for myMain 4-10-11 release, contributed by bjp999 - smartctl support - Revision: 246 990-unmenu-wget.awk: 3.0 Added 64bit compatible flag to packages. - Revision: 246 999-unmenu-unraid_main.awk: 1.2 Joe L. -- Added code to detect presence of /etc/unraid-version and change main URL accordingly - Revision: 244
  5. You'll need to supply the output of smartctl -A /dev/sdX | grep -i temperature and smartctl -d ata -A /dev/sdX | grep -i temperature (where sdX = the three lettter drive name of one of the disks in your array.) to assist in diagnosing the issue. Odds are high the first will show a temperature and the second will not.
  6. no, unless something changed, unRAID has never used the readme.txt file for the version number.
  7. Attaching a copy of your syslog will help us to determine what "write" activity failed. Joe L.
  8. type: ls -l /boot and report back what is printed. It sounds like you removed more than what was expected on the flash drive. Also... you can start unMENU manually (since it does not seem to be running based on your "ps" command output) by typing; /boot/unmenu/uu To update unMENU to the latest, you can type on the command line: cd /boot/unmenu unmenu_install -u -d /boot/unmenu Joe L.
  9. also note that the /dev/sdX device names are assigned to the drives every time you reboot in the order in which the drives spin-up and initialize. DO NOT ASSUME THE DEVICE NAMES WILL ALWAYS BE THE SAME. On reboot, they frequently will be different with similar drives (initializing in nearly identical time) Make note not of the device names, but of their model/serial numbers as you make your disk assignments. ( The unRAID software uses the mode/serial numbers of the drives when assigning them to slots in the array on current versions of unRAID and used disk-controller port IDs in older versions of unRAID... until it was discovered on some motherboards the disk-controller-IDs too were assigned differently on reboot. ) Joe L.
  10. Sometimes, luck is on your side. It was another forum member who created the new 64bit compatible unMENU package for ssmtp-mail. He tracked down the fixed openSSL package when he created the unMENU 64bit compatible ssmtp-mail .conf file used by the package manager. The 64bit unMENU ssmtp-mail package was created after the patched openSSL slackware package was already available, so he used it instead of a buggy version. The 32bit ssmtp-mail package in unMENU used an openSSL library prior to the heartbleed bug being introduced, so it too is safe from this bug. Many who use unMENU on 32bit systems may not even be aware of these 64bit compatible versions in the unMENU package manager. If you are using the newest unMENU release, they are not shown to you on a 32 bit system, and if you are using an older unMENU release, you've not downloaded them. The current unMENU package manager knows if you are on a 64bit OS and will only present 64bit compatible packages for installation if you are on a 64bit unRAID. (they do not see any of the 32bit packages unless it detects one is marked to install on reboot, and it only then allows you to mark it to not re-install on reboot.) Presently, the compatible packages include 64bit apcupsd to interact with an APC brand UPS (or one using their protocol), the 64bit ssmtp-mail package to enable outbound e-mail alerts, and the "64bit C-compiler" if you are advanced enough to compile your own source code. Exactly... there is a risk with any add-on. Responsible authors will supply fixes as soon as vulnerabilities are identified. Joe L.
  11. This is incorrect. See here: That list of "colors/status" in the wiki is out-of-date and incomplete. As already described, Orange=data on cache drive, not yet moved to data drive by "mover" process. Edit: as I've learned by reading more of this thread, orange also has other meanings, depending on the disk involved. Joe L.
  12. Joe L.

    unRAID Pop Quiz

    1. a c 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. a I drink my coffee without milk or sugar. Joe L.
  13. Not directly. The re-construction has nothing to do with files or the file-system. It is simply bits and bytes across all the disks. The file-system corruption needs to be addressed, but it can wait. It probably had nothing to do with the disk "write" failing to the disk that was disabled. Lastly, a "red-balled" disk maybe perfectly OK. It could be a loose/intermittent power or SATA cable/connector to it, or a loose/intermittent drive tray connector.
  14. Correct. Once a disk has had a failed "write" to it, it will never go back into service by simply re-seating the cables/connectors, even if they were the cause of the write failure. It will stay"disabled" (red) until... It must either be re-constructed onto itself, or another drive, or you must force it back into the array by setting an entirely new disk configuration. See the wiki for details.
  15. I would let the reconstruction continue, then run a file-system check on disk3. (/dev/md3)
  16. yes, you can type: -t /dev/sdX also, when complete the prclear reports are saved in the /boot/preclear_reports directory however... Unless you were running the script under "screen", it stopped as soon as the connection via telnet dropped.
  17. This topic has been moved to User Customizations. [iurl][/iurl]
  18. This topic has been moved to User Customizations. [iurl][/iurl]
  19. To keep it from being updated, add another line in it (anywhere) #AUTO_UPDATE = NO
  20. unMENU has a setting you can add to the unmenu.conf file that will force it to use the IP address. Simply add a line to unmenu.conf that looks like this: MyHost=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX where XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX= your IP address of your server. As far as the images requiring a password, use the package manager and install the "Image Server" and set it to re-install on reboot. unMENU will then use it instead of the unRAID emhttp to serve the images and not require a password.
  21. Seems to be working on my machine! Good find on the x64 bit repo. I'll let a few others try it, and if all looks well, I'll add bwm-64 to the google.code release_list for unMENU. Again, thanks to all who are helping/testing and keeping unMENU's package manager .conf files up to date for 64 bit unRAID. Joe L.
  22. Yes, thanks to cassiusdrow for pointing out the problem so precisely! Joe L. - It is indeed a simple fix, just need to add one line. Under the line (should match the line numbers cassiusdrow identified) ... if ( a ~ "diskNumErrors" ) { delete d; split(a,d,"[.=]"); disk_errors[d[2]]=d[3]; } add the line ... if ( a ~ "rdevNumErrors" ) { delete d; split(a,d,"[.=]"); disk_errors[d[2]]=d[3]; } the code is virtually the same in unmenu.awk and unmenu.base.lib.awk since I "borrowed" the routine from you so many years ago. (Had hoped at one time that unmenu.base.lib.awk might become a shared module between unmenu and myMain. You might consider it at some point in the future.) This fix is now in place in the files on google.code and available for download by using the "Check for updates/Install Updates" buttons. You'll need to also use the restart unMENU button after you install the new changes as the changes will not be used until you re-start unMENU. I've also updated the clean-powerdown package to the newest version and added 64 bit packages for apcupsd, ssmtp/mail, C-compiler, and screen. (all recently contributed by archedraft and Thornwood) Have fun. Joe L.
  23. Thanks for the bug report. I'll take a look at it this weekend if I get a chance. Should be an easy fix. I just need to make it look for the alternate label if the first does not exist. Joe L.
  24. Yes, I update the unMENU "release_list" file that has the file names and their affiliated checksums, and then upload the new "release_list" and the new/updated .conf files to my google.code svn archive. The rest is handled by the buttons on the user-scripts page. With newly posted/contributed .conf files I usually wait a few days before adding them as kinks get worked out by people installing them on their servers. Should have your newly contributed .conf files in place for automatic download/install this weekend if I can find the time. Joe L.
  25. Me too... but I am biased. Not too bad for a collection of awk/shell scripts pretending to be a web-server. Joe L.