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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I would require another table to manage and there is limited space on the UI for another switch to enable/disable the passed through section. Right now I don't see enough need for this feature. It is somewhat of a corner case.
  2. The php warning doesn't make any sense because that is not the file UD is referencing in the settings page. The warning doesn't prevent UD from working and can be ignored for now. I'll do some more research and see if I can make sense of it.
  3. Your remote server is offline or not responding to a ping: Apr 18 09:10:35 kimbie-server unassigned.devices: Remote Server 'KIMBIE-NAS01' is offline and share '//KIMBIE-NAS01/Downloads' cannot be mounted. Apr 18 09:10:35 kimbie-server unassigned.devices: Running device script: 'KIMBIE-NAS01_Downloads.sh' with action 'ERROR_MOUNT'. Apr 18 09:10:36 kimbie-server unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//KIMBIE-NAS01/Media'... Apr 18 09:10:52 kimbie-server unassigned.devices: Remote Server 'KIMBIE-NAS01' is offline and share '//KIMBIE-NAS01/Media' cannot be mounted. If the server doesn't respond to a ping, UD thinks it is offline. You can tell on the web page because the ball next to 'SMB' is gray and not green.
  4. Post a screen shot of the UD page showing the SMB shares so I can see why the mount is grayed out.
  5. Sounds like the background task that gets the share sizes might have stopped working. Maybe the logging will work now.
  6. That log is for all samba operations including the recycle bin. Recycle bin file deletes are not being logged, but I don't see anything wrong in your setup.
  7. Not going to happen any time soon. It's not really necessary any longer with the latest versions of Unraid, and there are a lot of higher priorities than a native preclear. The new UD Preclear handles pre-clearing disks nicely and is more native to Unraid than the earlier versions of preclear.
  8. You didn't answer the question about how you are mounting the NFS devices. Fstab? You need to post a diagnostic when the issue comes up, not after a reboot.
  9. Please post your diagnostics zip file. How are you mounting the NFS share?
  10. I don't see in your last diagnostics where the media2 share had any issues or unmounted. What is unmounting? The UD share or a docker having an issue?
  11. Only iif 'Legacy Mount Point Compatibility?' is set to 'Yes', but '/mnt/rootshare' is never symlink'd. The user is cross sharing rootshares between two servers.
  12. Your rootshare mounted with UD will be at '/mnt/rootshare/...', not '/mnt/remotes/...' or '/mnt/disks/...'. All other remote shares will be at '/mnt/remotes/...'. Any UD mounted disks will be at '/mnt/disks/...'.
  13. Something you are doing is creating '/mnt/rootshare/user-pool.9900kmegashare': Apr 15 09:15:46 9900K unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//9900K/mnt/user/'... Apr 15 09:15:46 9900K unassigned.devices: Mount ROOT command: /sbin/mount -o rw --bind '/mnt/user/' '/mnt/rootshare/user-pool.9900kmegashare' Apr 15 09:15:46 9900K unassigned.devices: Successfully mounted '/mnt/user/' on '/mnt/rootshare/user-pool.9900kmegashare'. Apr 15 09:15:46 9900K unassigned.devices: Adding SMB share 'user-pool.9900kmegashare'. Apr 15 09:15:46 9900K unassigned.devices: Mounting Remote Share '//NAS1/Media2'... Apr 15 09:15:46 9900K unassigned.devices: PHP Warning: mkdir(): File exists in /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/include/lib.php on line 1918 UD is failing when it tries to create the mount point.
  14. I'd say the enclosure is presenting the disk as a 12TB disk because that is what it originally had.
  15. Install the enhanced syslog plugin and enter this into the "Syslog Filter" dialog and click "Apply": "Close unmatched open for" That sould keep those messages from showing up in the syslog.
  16. With very little information when doing an onlne search for a solution, probably not. You could set up a log filter to just ignore the log entries if everything works as it should. No. Root shares are SMB only.
  17. The best way to handle this is with a User Script. Enter the following commands in a User Script set to run "At First Array Start Only". # Wait for 10 minutes sleep 600 # Auto mount all UD remote shares /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/unassigned.devices/scripts/rc.unassigned mount autoshares If the shares are already mounted, UD will not attempt to mount them again.
  18. Your disk was unmounted by ntfs-3g: Apr 13 18:16:16 Medserver unassigned.devices: Adding partition 'sda1'... Apr 13 18:16:16 Medserver unassigned.devices: Mounting partition 'sda1' at mountpoint '/mnt/disks/flashbackup'... Apr 13 18:16:16 Medserver unassigned.devices: Mount drive command: /sbin/mount -t 'ntfs' -o rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 '/dev/sda1' '/mnt/disks/flashbackup' Apr 13 18:16:17 Medserver ntfs-3g[24979]: Version 2017.3.23 integrated FUSE 27 Apr 13 18:16:17 Medserver ntfs-3g[24979]: Mounted /dev/sda1 (Read-Write, label "", NTFS 3.1) Apr 13 18:16:17 Medserver ntfs-3g[24979]: Cmdline options: rw,noatime,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,umask=000 Apr 13 18:16:17 Medserver ntfs-3g[24979]: Mount options: rw,nodiratime,nodev,nosuid,nls=utf8,allow_other,nonempty,noatime,default_permissions,fsname=/dev/sda1,blkdev,blksize=4096 Apr 13 18:16:17 Medserver ntfs-3g[24979]: Global ownership and permissions enforced, configuration type 1 Apr 13 18:16:17 Medserver ntfs-3g[24979]: Unmounting /dev/sda1 () Put the disk in a PC and see if there are any issues with the disk. Do a file system check. I see nothing in the log that indicates why it unmounted. You'll need to reboot before you put the disk back in the server. UD still thinks the disk is mounted.
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