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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I am implementing Nvidia GPU support into my Zoneminder docker and having an issue with the driver version. I am installing cuda and cudnn version 10.2 and compiling support for the GPU in a module called 'opencv'. I do not have a Nvidia GPU so I depend on users to provide feedback. ndivia-smi reports driver version 440.40, but cuda wants to install nvidia utils for 440.33. I can get the compile to work by forcing cuda-10.2 to be installed. This is fine for the moment, but when I do an apt-get update, cuda wants to update the 440.33 driver which isn't installed, so it fails. I have no idea what triggers the 440.33 driver, when the 440.40 driver is installed. Any ideas on where I can go to get an answer? I can carry on this conversation via PM if desired.
  2. I don't know how to change that. Ask the devs.
  3. Run in safe mode and then run diagnostics. Your first post said you were running in safe mode and UD was not installed. Your diagnostics showed both of those things were not correct. How can we help you with inaccurate information? Just posting one log entry is not very helpful.
  4. I'm thinking you've got memory issues. Try rebooting. If it comes back test your memory?
  5. I'm confused. You are using UD and you also have the preclear plugin installed. These two work together when preclearing disks. preclear.disk.plg - 2020.01.17b unassigned.devices.plg - 2020.02.02 These plugins won't be installed when running is safe mode.
  6. This whole process is pretty technical, I don't expect the average user would want to undertake this, but good suggestion. I have added a check on available space to the script.
  7. There is a new docker building that supports Nvidia GPU support for ES hook processing. This is documented in the first post. You need to do some technical work to compile a custom opencv to support your Nvidia GPU. You will also need to install the Nvidia plugin and set it up for your GPU. NOTE: It takes a lot of docker image (at least 15GB free) and a LONG time to compile opencv. Another feature of the new docker is updates of ES will automatically be done when the docker is restarted. A new docker does not have to be built for a new release of ES. I do not have a Nvidia GPU and can offer no support except for the script to compile opencv. I will modify the compile opencv script as issues come up.
  8. Is there something UD can do to correct this? Update UDEV rules? Haven't done anything with UDEV lately so I don't remember much about it.
  9. I think the issue is not that the partition could not be deleted, it appears it was deleted. The issue as I understand it is that after deleting the partition, the format button would not show until preclear was deleted. Background update?
  10. Don't know. Preclear adds some logic to UD to remove the preclear script when the X is clicked. Not sure which has the issue. If you are not actively preclearing disks, it's best to remove the plugin to prevent any interference.
  11. Other than notifications of the Recycle Bin being started and stopped, those log entries are not from the Recycle Bin. Appears to be network issues with wsdd.
  12. When you hover your mouse over the 'X', what does it say? Remove the preclear plugin and see if the partition can be removed.
  13. Don't edit that file. Make the change in the Options of the UI.
  14. Read the first post on changes to Zonemnder 1.34.
  15. Turn off OPT_CAMBOZOLA in options. It has been removed from the docker. It is no longer necessary. Nothing changed in Unraid, Zoneminder changed.
  16. The docker with cuda support is building now. You need to install the Nvidia plugin and set up the docker for cuda support. Read the first post for instructions on how to set up cuda.
  17. You need to post diagnostics in order to get any help.
  18. Turns out this is not as easy as just turning on a switch in the objectconfig.ini file. Opencv has to be compiled properly for gpu support, and nvidia support added to the docker. Not sure how to work it all out right now.
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