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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. UD can format the disk for you. Click on 'Help' on the UD page and it will tell you what to do to format a disk. You can post on the VM thread about your VM issue and someone there can help you. This is a common issue with some VM installations. I have done a Windows 10 and Windows 7 VM install on 6.1 and did not had any issues. I think most issues are with device pass through. There are instructions on the 6.2 b18 post that explain how to revert back to 6.1.9.
  2. It sounds like the disk may have gotten corrupted. Does the disk mount in 6.1.9 if you revert back? I've not heard of anyone having any compatibility issues from 6.1.9 to 6.2 with btrfs. I don't know what you can do to fix a btrfs disk that cannot be mounted. I don't feel comfortable with btrfs yet, and don't have any experience on the tools available to fix a non-mountable btrfs disk. You should probably reformat the disk and copy your backup of the VM vdisk image back and move on.
  3. gfjardim, can you update the ownCloud docker to When I converted to 6.2, I had previously updated within ownCloud on 6.1.9 to and it caused me some issues when the docker was re-installed as part of the update to 6.2. It reverted the version to and ownCloud complained about that. Took me a while to sort it out.
  4. New version (2016.05.03) is available with nvme support. I have no way to test so hopefully someone with a nvme disk can give it a go and let me know how it works.
  5. This: nvme0n1 259:0 0 477G 0 disk UD does not recognize this type of drive. I can add the nvme device to UD as a beta feature, but I have no way to test it because I do not have any nvme disks and have no plan on acquiring one. You would have to try it out and let me know what problems come up.
  6. Yes there is a workaround and that is to mount it manually in the go file like below. #Mount the intel 750 nvme mkdir /mnt/nvme mount /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/nvme You also have to partition and format it if you haven't already done that. More info in this post by dAigo But this still doesn't let me create share on it, meaning VMs cannot be run off from it. Why don't you mount it as a cache drive and run your VMs from there? Because I already have SSD for a cache drive. Adding M.2 to that pool would bottleneck its performance. Also, running vms off from cache feels a bit wrong. Why would storing vm/docker data be considered a cache task. Running VMs and Dockers from the cache is the recommended mode of operation for unraid and is not wrong. I have two VMs and 5 Dockers running off an SSD cache drive with no problems. One of the VMs is a Windows Media Center computer serving extenders and recording TV shows at the same time without any issues with performance on the SSD cache.
  7. Yes there is a workaround and that is to mount it manually in the go file like below. #Mount the intel 750 nvme mkdir /mnt/nvme mount /dev/nvme0n1 /mnt/nvme You also have to partition and format it if you haven't already done that. More info in this post by dAigo But this still doesn't let me create share on it, meaning VMs cannot be run off from it. Why don't you mount it as a cache drive and run your VMs from there?
  8. UD issues an idle command to disk drives that will put it to sleep if the drive responds to the idle command. It should go to sleep unless it is busy. Why does a disk have to be spun down for the server to go to sleep?
  9. This: nvme0n1 259:0 0 477G 0 disk UD does not recognize this type of drive.
  10. Only /dev/sd* and /dev/hd* devices are recognized by UD. What is the device designation of the nvm disk? I don't have any to work with so I cannot check.
  11. Because of the constant log messages from CA about cron, I reverted back to the previous version by getting a .plg file from a backup and installing manually through the plugin install. Your package management is not allowing me to remove CA and revert back to a previous version because the latest package is installed and prevents an older version from installing. I had to manually remove the older package versions before it would install. This problem has been discussed and you should find a way to clean up the package(s) when updating/removing CA. In my plugins I don't use packages because of this problem. I use a tarball instead of a package so the packages don't stack up.
  12. Getting these messages in the log: Apr 29 05:32:01 MediaServer crond[1571]: failed parsing crontab for user root: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/scripts/backup.php &>/dev/null 2>&1 Apr 29 05:53:11 MediaServer crond[1571]: failed parsing crontab for user root: /usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/scripts/backup.php &>/dev/null 2>&1 This is happening after the CA auto updated last night.
  13. Or hit the "Help Button" when in UD's settings UD has gotten to the point where there is a lot of functionality and is not as intuitive as I'd like because it does so much. It would go a long way if those struggling with the basics would read the first two posts before asking questions. I will look at adding/improving those posts and adding to the help to try to minimize the confusion. It appears people are jumping in and expecting to click a few things and be off and running. Unfortunately, it is not that easy and UD has different functionality based on the status of a disk and whether or not it is mounted. I gave up on inline help along time ago for my project (and your project may be more complicated than mine) and just wrote a manual that the inline links to. (Although TBH I have no idea if anyone has ever read it) People don't read manuals. They just click on things and if that doesn't work for them right away, they post a question on the blog. I put time into the tool tips and I swear people don't bother to read them either. "What is that damn yellow line that keeps popping up?"
  14. Or hit the "Help Button" when in UD's settings UD has gotten to the point where there is a lot of functionality and is not as intuitive as I'd like because it does so much. It would go a long way if those struggling with the basics would read the first two posts before asking questions. I will look at adding/improving those posts and adding to the help to try to minimize the confusion. It appears people are jumping in and expecting to click a few things and be off and running. Unfortunately, it is not that easy and UD has different functionality based on the status of a disk and whether or not it is mounted.
  15. The document looks like it is actually in the recycle bin, so at some time the document was deleted with samba.
  16. The cron only runs if you specify excluded shares. It will not run otherwise and there is no difference in the recycle bin operation if not specified. There have been some bug fixes. You should update. You will have to be on the latest version to get any support.
  17. Click on the device serial number and click the red x to delete the preclear file and then format the disk. It will then be mountable. EDIT: Once it is mounted, you'll see it in /mnt/disks/.
  18. When I click on the partition name, it takes me to the contents via the browse share function. What am I missing to be able to rename it? It has to be unmounted to change the name.
  19. A new version of Recycle Bin is available. I have implemented the feature to exclude shares from the recycle bin. The way it works is that you specify the share(s) to be excluded and once an hour, a cron is executed to remove any deleted files from the share. There is no clean way with the SMB recycle bin capability to exclude a share. The recycle bin is implemented globally and can't be implemented on unRaid on a per share basis. The only way to keep the recycle bin empty on a share is with the hourly cron. If a share is on a hard disk, the hard disk may potentially spin up every hour to remove the deleted files. If you use cache_dirs and there is nothing to be deleted, the disk will probably not spin up. Only user shares can be excluded, not disk or cache shares. EDIT: I'm working on the disk and cache share exclusions and it will be in the next release.
  20. In order to format a disk, you have to delete all partitions on the disk using the red-x. Then the format button will appear. I know this "now" - but it was not logical... By the way: I activated the SMB-Share - but i cant see it in Windows - where can i find it? There is no way to give the share a name??? If you think about it, it makes sense that you can't format a disk unless it has no partitions on the disk. It's too easy to make mistakes without this check. Click on the disk serial number, then click on the partition name and rename it to the share name you want. The share won't show up unless you turn on the share switch for the disk and SMB shares is enabled in the UD settings. If you hover your mouse over the active areas on the page, you will see a tool tip describing its operation. This should help you with how UD works.
  21. In order to format a disk, you have to delete all partitions on the disk using the red-x. Then the format button will appear.
  22. In the Settings tab you'll see a UD settings at the bottom of the page. Enable Destructive Mode and you can remove partitions and format disks.
  23. It only refers to Linux. Will I run into problems if I use NTFS with Windows VM? In my experience, it is a Linux issue and not related to Windows VMs.
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