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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I found the release that said to re-enter users and passwords: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=29096.msg260091#msg260091 This was one of the V5 releases. Ok, i didn't see this step when i went from 4.7 to 5rc11 in 2013! Not easy to follow all the instructions for a french guy. Thanks to your warning, I will soon make a clean install and probably get a new drive and convert my drives to XFS. Just have to find the time... But at this time, your last release works fine with my "old" config files. Good job dlandon. Merci. The way I made the change is a much better way of getting the users and a lot more robust. That's the way I like things. The good news is that you are now aware of some issues that will probably cause more problems. I do recommend that you change your drives to Xfs. I did some time ago and couldn't be happier.
  2. I found the release that said to re-enter users and passwords: http://lime-technology.com/forum/index.php?topic=29096.msg260091#msg260091 This was one of the V5 releases.
  3. Thank you for the passwd file. I can now understand why the user lookup in unassigned devices failed to get the users. It looks like you updated back in the V5 days when LT said that the passwd file had to be re-done. Better security I think. Needless to say, unassigned devices failed on that file format. I have implemented a different user lookup based on a built in user.ini file that will be more reliable to parse. I'll release a new version that will fix the user lookup.
  4. Here the output: games ftpjee ftpjee is a user, games not. All other user are not listed. That's the problem. Can you pm and send me the /flash/config/passwd file?
  5. It's probably a device serial number (identification) issue. Remove the historical device and let it be found again. I have removed them, should a reboot be required to have them found? I am not seeing them after rescanning disks. That should work. It looks to me like unraid is not recognizing the disk. Try a couple things. 1) Remove the unassigned devices plugin and see if the drive in question shows up in the default unassigned devices tab. 2) On the command line 'ls /dev/disk/by-id/' and see if the drive in question is showing up. If it does not show up in either case, unraid does not recognize it.
  6. It's probably a device serial number (identification) issue. Remove the historical device and let it be found again.
  7. Only one [Config] section but nothing after the last smb user. [Config] smb_security = "yes" smb_admin = "no-access" smb_fred = "read-write" smb_delphine = "read-only" smb_yohan = "no-access" smb_dune = "no-access" smb_marine = "no-access" smb_backup = "no-access" smb_hp8600 = "no-access" smb_ftpuser = "no-access" smb_ftpjee = "no-access" Go to a command line session and enter the command. cat /boot/config/passwd 2>/dev/null|grep :100:|cut -d: -f1|grep -v nobody You should see a list of your defined users. Post the output of that for me.
  8. Click on the 'Help' button then click on the 'Download" button and download the log. Then post it so I can review it. here is the log file : i only want to mount and share the WD disk, i don't use the ST disk. Go to the command line and get a copy of this file: /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/BACKUP_DD.conf and post it. This will show the read and write privileges of the share. I don't understand : "invalid users = @users" => I enabled SMB Security in the Plugin settings and set R/W for me and Read-only for an other user! What that means is that unassigned devices does not think you have any valid users set. Check the settings in the Unassigned Devices Settings. I did a little testing and can't reproduce the problem. If it continues for you, give me more information on your user settings. Edit: I've added a log error message for this so this situation will be seen easily. Here a screenshot of my user settings in Unassigned. I use "fred" acces After many testing it's very strange: - if i set Read/write for the last user (ftpjee) i lost all acces to the share - if i disable SMB security i have Read/Write access - if i return to my user settings i have again read only acces I removed the plugin and installed it again but there is no change... Take a look at the /boot/config/plugins/unassigned.devices/unassigned.devices.cfg file at the section marked '[Config]'. It should look something like this: [Config] smb_security = "yes" smb_admin = "read-write" smb_home = "read-only" smb_guest = "no-access" nfs_export = "yes" common_cmd = "" destructive_mode = "enabled" Make sure there aren't duplicate entries and only one '[Config]' section. Let me know if you see anything that looks out of the ordinary. Post the '[Config'] section with the users set to where it fails and I can test on that.
  9. Click on the 'Help' button then click on the 'Download" button and download the log. Then post it so I can review it. here is the log file : i only want to mount and share the WD disk, i don't use the ST disk. Go to the command line and get a copy of this file: /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/BACKUP_DD.conf and post it. This will show the read and write privileges of the share. I don't understand : "invalid users = @users" => I enabled SMB Security in the Plugin settings and set R/W for me and Read-only for an other user! What that means is that unassigned devices does not think you have any valid users set. Check the settings in the Unassigned Devices Settings. I did a little testing and can't reproduce the problem. If it continues for you, give me more information on your user settings. Edit: I've added a log error message for this so this situation will be seen easily.
  10. Yes. Hasn't changed. Let unraid format the drive when it is added to the array.
  11. Click on the 'Help' button then click on the 'Download" button and download the log. Then post it so I can review it. here is the log file : i only want to mount and share the WD disk, i don't use the ST disk. Go to the command line and get a copy of this file: /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/BACKUP_DD.conf and post it. This will show the read and write privileges of the share.
  12. Click on the 'Help' button then click on the 'Download" button and download the log. Then post it so I can review it.
  13. Version 2016.01.24a is available. There are two changes: Extraneous logging about sharing the device when sharing is off have been removed. Changed spin status check. Spin status will be checked at all times unless the disk is not mounted and there is no script file.
  14. Not important to me to get that specific script to work because as I said Maybe I should clarify that. My old script is still running and writing to that disk and it was launched by your new plugin. It is successfully writing 2 of my shares to that empty disk with rsync. Yes that is what the old plugin did, but my script is currently still running and the Unmount button is displayed and enabled. Does it have anything to do with Run in Background? If you have a script that is running, then you are good to go. I copied the script from the op and pasted it into a device script and it worked fine. Yes, when you run the script in background the Mount button will change to Unmount while the script is running. When it is finished, it will switch back to Mount if your script unmounts the drive.
  15. When a disk is not mounted it is now showing as spun down, when you unmount a disk does this plugin tell the drive to spin down then? Also when unRAID gets started up from a powerdown state I am assuming the hard drive that is unmounted is spun up at the very beginning, so does unRAID spin down disks by default that are unassigned after a period of time? The spin down status is a little misleading now because one of my drives is currently pre clearing but shows as being spun down, when it clearly is spun up. The only time a disk is issued the spin down command is when it is first mounted with unassigned devices. I don't think unraid does anything with unassigned disks. The reason that the spin status is not shown when the drive is unmounted, is that some disks respond to the 'hdparm' command by spinning up. The reason I did this in unassigned devices is so a person could have a 'hot spare' that would never be spun up. I worked on a change where the disk would never be checked for spin status, but it got way too complicated and messy. I may re-consider and implement the no check for spin status in a different way.
  16. The script works fine for me. Mount the drive and share it. Verify that you can write to it. Is the drive read only? These are log entries that should not be there. The drive was not shared, but it looks like it was shared because of the errant log entries. I'll fix that in the next release. While the script is running, the "Mount" button will show "Mounting". As a test, comment out the rsync line and put a 'sleep 30' line in the script to sleep for 30 seconds. Then mount and unmount on the gui and plug the device in and out to see if it is working. This will tell you if the script is working. The rsync may be causing a problem.
  17. Version 2016.01.24 available. The biggest change is 'SMB Shares' is now called 'Remote SMB Shares'. You can now mount NFS shares to the 'Remote SMB Shares'. Some cosmetic changes and behind the scenes robustness added.
  18. With the current progress being made on this fork, (and the current state of all of the moderator comments on gfjardim's OP) what I'm thinking about doing is this: once this plugin has its beta tag removed, then I'll probably blacklist gfjardim's version to remove it from CA completely. (Especially since I'm beginning the thought process on the plugin/docker app sanity check for installed apps within CA) I think that would be a good idea. It would prevent confusion when someone sees two listed in ca, or misses the updated one.
  19. Release 2016.01,23 is now available. There are some notable changes in the last few versions of unassigned devices. Mounting Windows disks Some have reported that Windows disks cannot be mounted because Windows is hibernating or was not shutdown properly. I have found that a Windows 10 disk will not mount because of the new partition layout. If a ntfs disk cannot be mounted read/write, unassigned devices will mount it as read only. I believe the most common use in this situation is to just read some files off of a ntfs disk so this will at least let you read the disk. If you want to write to the disk using ntfs, you'll have to fix the disk first in Windows or re-format it. Drive Spin Ups It has been reported that disks that are not mouned are being spun up when accessing the unassigned devices page. If memory serves me well, LT had this issue in an early beta version of 6.0. It appears that some disks when queried about their standby status to check if the drive is spinning, will actually spin up at the 'hdparm' command. What I've done is to remove the 'hdparn' status checks if the disk is not mounted. The spin status will show as spun down and the temperature will not be reported if the drive is not mounted. SSD Temperature SSD drives report their temperature as "Airflow_Temperature". Unassigned devices should now read SSD drive temperatures. SMART Reports You can click on the spin status of a mounted drive and see the SMART report for that drive. Caution: there are additional features for disk settings on a separate tab for array drives. This does not apply to unassigned devices drives and you should not try to use them. I do not know what will happen if you do. I suspect they will just be ignored. I will work with bonienl and see how to deal with this situation. Add SMB Mount I added back the hosts lookup. It seems that it was not using nmap after all. The hosts lookup uses 'nmblookup'. I still have issues with it on my network. I only get the host of the server and nothing else. Most have reported it working, so I put it back in. I suspect that I have a setting on my smart switch that is preventing it from working.
  20. Just updated to the new webgui and with the unassigned devices plugin installed, the webgui created the default unassigned devices page so there is now the default one and the unassigned devices plugin page. I had to uninstall the unassigned devices plugin and reinstall to clean it up. Any suggestions on how we can make this update work cleaner?
  21. You are welcome. I just happen to be slow at work right now and had some time. gjjardim actually did a nice job, I just found there were some small issues to fix.
  22. How to remove NMAP package manually? cd /var/log/packages removepkg nmap-6.40-x86_64-1
  23. I couldn't get it to work right on either of my servers. That's why I gave up. It is really no big deal to type in the host name.
  24. I don't have the time or resources to invest in bleeding edge. Once LT sorts it out, I can probably pick it up from there.
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