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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. I'm not a MAC guy and I don't know how finder works, but how are you trying to browse the share? By the share being browseable, or by accessing the share by //Tower/RecycleBin?
  2. I am trying to browse the folder in finder not the web gui.. Try setting the read only setting off in the recycle bin settings. Make the recycle bin read/write.
  3. I decided this makes sense and I've already done it.
  4. I've added a lot more information on how vfs recycle works and the operation of the plugin. If anyone feels there needs to be more settings to control the operation of the vfs recycle, let me know and I'll see if it makes sense for the wider audience. It's already been suggested that I allow the setting of minimum and maximum file sizes that would be put in the .Recycle.Bin when deleted. I'm not sure how valuable this would be. Another one I've been thinking of is to allow setting the files to be excluded.
  5. I assume you are saying that you cannot browse the files in the webgui using a MAC? Are you using Safari? The file browse is built into unRAID. Try to browse files on a disk by clicking on the folder with a magnifying glass all the way to the right of the disk information line and see if that acts the same way.
  6. I've just released a new version with some added Recycle Bin control and a browse feature. You will have to uninstall the plugin and re-install it for the configuration settings to work properly. The only reason you can't do an update is that the configuration settings won't be applied properly. I've take out the empty the trash when the plugin is removed so your Recycle Bin won't be emptied when you uninstall the plugin. Once I stop with the configuration settings changes, the update plugin will work and be a lot smoother. For now I think I am done with configuration changes. Sorry about all the changes, but I am learning as I go. There is new feature in the plugin. When the Recycle Bin has deleted files (trash can icon shows contents), you can click on the trash can and then browse the Recycle Bin contents from the webgui. I find this feature pretty handy and convenient. I changed the weekly cron task to remove files based on aged days. You set the number of days of deleted files you want to keep when the weekly cron runs. All deleted files older that aged days will be removed. Files are dated by when they were deleted, not by the original date on the file. I also added a button under the trash can that will remove files when you click on it based on the age days. This will allow you to remove older deleted files, but not have to empty the trash completely to remove older files.
  7. I'm glad it's all working for you. That whole thing was just weird.
  8. I am the user that was having the documento issue. I am sure that I was affected with the bug creating the smb-share file. Which it appears that you have located. I am not sure about the documento share. I still have not tracked down a reason for that to occur. Ian grateful for your work on this and look forward to trying it again later this morning.. The issue I had on my test server was from unassigned devices creating the Documentos share. It had/has nothing to do with vfs recycle. My earlier post wasn't clear about that and I wanted to set the record straight.
  9. I am the user that was having the documento issue. I am sure that I was affected with the bug creating the smb-share file. Which it appears that you have located. I am not sure about the documento share. I still have not tracked down a reason for that to occur. Ian grateful for your work on this and look forward to trying it again later this morning.. Let me know if it occurs again. If it does, please get me a copy of the /boot/config/smb-extra.conf.
  10. Yes, but he is convinced the vfs recycle plugin is what did it. I have unassigned devices on my test server and had the issue there with unassigned devices adding the Documentos share, but I don't see how the vfs recycle plugin could do anything to bring that in. The vfs recycle doesn't do anything with any shares. He says he has never had unassigned devices installed. Strange.
  11. I've just released an update that adds more security control over the Recycle Bin. I've added a switch to set the Recycle Bin as read only or read/write Now you can add additional Users to allow them access.. The 'admin' User always has access. You will have to remove the plugin and re-install it for the new settings to work properly. There is a user that posted on the V6.1.1 release post that the vfs recycle plugin created a "Documento" user share and it hosed up his server. Has anyone else had this experience?
  12. I'll ponder that. I've already added additional security options: Recycle Bin browseable or hidden. Read only/Read Write. Additional users allowed access besides 'admin'. I'm preparing another release for this evening. I think for the moment I will wrap it up and revisit it another time.
  13. I see the same thing. I believe that is beyond my control because it is handled by vfs recycle.
  14. I've just issued an update to the plugin that fixes several things and I've added more control over the Recycle Bin. The problem with botching up entries in the smb-extra.conf file should be fixed. I also added two new items to the webgui that give more control over the Recycle Bin. You can now select whether or not the Recycle Bin is browseable. You can modify the .Recycle.Bin parameters for more control over the Recycle Bin file structure. You will have to uninstall the previous version of the plugin for the new settings to work properly. The Recycle Bin will be emptied when you remove the plugin.
  15. It's supposed to append what is there, but there is a bug causing it to wipe out the settings. I have a fix. I am working on security settings and then I'll release a new version.
  16. That did hide it. I like that. I'm still looking for access control. The recycle bin can be accessed by "//Tower/RecycleBin". I will implement the hidden attribute.
  17. Thank you, dlandon, for your support and many thanks to Napryc for the bug report. It's all fixed right now, please update your plugins. You are quite welcome. I'm happy to help when I can, but I am not as good as you are with the php stuff. I struggle with the syntax.
  18. The part that vfs recycle inserts into the smb-extra.conf is from a file that is on the flash drive at /boot/config/plugins/vfs_recycle/config/smb-extra.conf. If you feel that you need to make your own customizations, you can make them there and they are copied into the /boot/config/smb-extra.conf. You can't rename the .Recycle.Bin file name in this file and expect the plugin to work. The .Recycle.Bin name is hard coded into the plugin rc.vfs_plg script that handles the start, stop, etc operations and the webgui php. I did some research and found this at the samba website: It seems that the default file for the vfs recycle bin is a dot file. The reason for that is that the file would be hidden to casual browsing. In the case of unRAID, I don't know why we can browse to that hidden folder, but we technically shouldn't be able to. The folder should be hidden but still accessible by the path //tower/.Recycle.Bin. I think on unRAID the .Recycle.Bin folder should not show when browsing. I would prefer it to be hidden so it does not show up to the casual browser on the network. Right now I have some security concerns. If a file is deleted by a spefific user, can other users see the files in the .Recycle.bin folder and potentially recover them without having the original user permissions? I think yes and this concerns me. I am going to post to LT and get some answers on the recycle bin share and the default permissions. I want to end up with the recycle bin operation as it is but be sure access to the recycle bin is not public.
  19. I submitted some changes to gfjardim in a pull request I worked on for the 6.1 compatibility. I did not work on the SMB mounts part of unassigned devices because I don't use it or understand it and it seems there are some issues there yet. gfjardim is aware of the issue and I'm sure he will get to it when he can. For the moment unassigned devices works except for some SMB mount incompatibilities in v6.1 that keep it from working properly.
  20. There is a problem with vfs recycle and its handling of the smb-extra.conf when unassigned devices is also installed. The line: include = /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/appdisk2.conf#vfs_recycle_start Should be: include = /etc/samba/unassigned-shares/appdisk2.conf #vfs_recycle_start When vfs recycle is disabled it is taking out the unassigned devices "include..." line and the unassigned devices share is disabled because it removes the complete line instead of from the #vfs... which is the marker for the beginning of the vfs recycle code in the smb-extra.conf file. I have a fix but I need to check it when I'm not so tired.
  21. The toggle switch on unassigned_devices controls the entry of the include in the smb-extra.conf. You may have to reset the toggles for those shares.
  22. Update from the older plugin? That won't work. The old plugin did not clean up well after itself and there will be a lot of stuff left over that can interfere with the new plugin. You would need to completely remove the old plugin and possibly manually remove all the old .Recycle.Bin directories from each drive and cache drive - although I think these would go away once they are empty and you do a reboot. Be sure that the smb-extra.conf file is deleted from /boot/config. Remove all remnants of the old plugin from your flash drive.
  23. I can browse the recycle folder with all my Windows 10 computers and a Windows 7 VM. What permissions did you change and what did you change them to?
  24. You're welcome. This one was kind of fun. I did have a bit of an issue with php and the new webgui methods. bonienl helped me and I got over the last hurdle.
  25. One of my initial concerns was that the cache was going to get loaded with deleted files and nothing would be moved off because of the .Recycled.Bin directory having a leading dot. Now that I understand a little better, I'm inclined to leave things alone for now. I undertook this project to update the plugin without fully understanding the vfs recycle functionality in samba. Now that I understand it a little better, I like it even more. With the vfs recycle being baked into samba in unRAID already, I'd like to think LT would eventually consider this as core functionality. This plugin is not much more that a webgui for the vfs recycle, much like the apcupsd plugin that was eventually included in the core.
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