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Everything posted by dlandon

  1. SNAP is incompatible with unraid V6.1 and will not work. Attached is a modified plugin I created to install the last version of unassigned devices that works for me. Copy this file to your flash drive, then go to the Plugins->Install Plugin tab and select the 'unassigned.devices.plg' on your flash. This will install the 2015.09.19 version and won't try to update to the later versions. I don't know what features the later versions offered. I think gfjardim was rewriting some things and left them half done. This is the best I think we can do until gfjardim returns to update unassigned devices. I am not interested in picking up yet another abandoned plugin, but if gfjardim does not return, I may move this version to my own github repository so users can at least have a version that works. We'd have to see how it goes from there. unassigned.devices.plg
  2. Since these error messages appear in the plugin's own log, not the general syslog, I suspect most users never see them. But for me at least they are a major problem and for now I've had to uninstall the plugin. I'd like to ask others to check their /var/log/unassigned.devices.log please. I have not been able to update from the 2015.09.19 because of this issue and some other outstanding issues that prevent me from mounting and using my backup drives. gfjardim doesn't seem to be active right now, so I wouldn't expect an update to the plugin. Ah, I see. So it is a general problem with the current version. I was beginning to think it was peculiar to my setup and that of a few others. Is there any way I could install the older version? Is it archived somewhere? It is archived, but you'd have to create a modified plugin to install the older version and not the latest version.
  3. Minor error that only happens during install. Was going to wait til the next update to issue the fix I know. I just don't like to see those messages because it can alarm the uninitiated and cause extra support effort that is not necessary.
  4. The last update gives an error message on the console: "rm: cannot remove '/usr/local/emhttp/plugins/community.applications/AppStore.page.bak': No such file or directory"
  5. Since these error messages appear in the plugin's own log, not the general syslog, I suspect most users never see them. But for me at least they are a major problem and for now I've had to uninstall the plugin. I'd like to ask others to check their /var/log/unassigned.devices.log please. I have not been able to update from the 2015.09.19 because of this issue and some other outstanding issues that prevent me from mounting and using my backup drives. gfjardim doesn't seem to be active right now, so I wouldn't expect an update to the plugin.
  6. Look in the unassigned devices log and see what it says about the partitions. You can view the log by clicking on 'Help' and then reading the help instructions. I've tried to mount Windows 10 partitioned disks and it has been unsuccessful because of the recovery partitions from what I remember.
  7. I understand. Having a reliable backup power source for unraid is pretty important.
  8. Your ups status is missing the nominal power setting so unraid cannot calculate the load. It should look like this: NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts NOMPOWER : 865 Watts This is from my Back-UPS BX1500G. It is a UPS firmware issue. The UPS is not reporting the nominal power. It's very curious though that it reports the time left on the battery so it knows the nominal power. I want to think about this for a bit, but I think the answer is for bonienl to add another parameter setting in the dynamix apcupsd plugin built into unraid for nominal power that would be used if the UPS does not provide a value. That way the load level could be determined and displayed. What confuses me is that in my screenshots I was also missing nominal power, but it was calculating load percentage.... The load % comes from the UPS: LOADPCT 34.0 Percent This is shown on your screen shot of the UPS Details. It is not calculated. It's no longer being shown which was what's confused me... The load % will come from a current sensor in the UPS. Is this unit new? If so then maybe you should consider an RMA.
  9. I don't know the internal workings of the apcupsd daemon, but there is a remote possibility that the problem is in apcupsd. I was under the impression that the status was just taken from the ups and not processed in any way. Maybe there is a glitch in the status returned that confuses apcupsd.
  10. I see what you are saying. That's guite strange. So now whenever you look at the ups status, you don't get the load %?
  11. Your ups status is missing the nominal power setting so unraid cannot calculate the load. It should look like this: NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts NOMPOWER : 865 Watts This is from my Back-UPS BX1500G. It is a UPS firmware issue. The UPS is not reporting the nominal power. It's very curious though that it reports the time left on the battery so it knows the nominal power. I want to think about this for a bit, but I think the answer is for bonienl to add another parameter setting in the dynamix apcupsd plugin built into unraid for nominal power that would be used if the UPS does not provide a value. That way the load level could be determined and displayed. What confuses me is that in my screenshots I was also missing nominal power, but it was calculating load percentage.... The load % comes from the UPS: LOADPCT 34.0 Percent This is shown on your screen shot of the UPS Details. It is not calculated.
  12. The UPS is not reporting enough information for unraid to determine the missing values. The load % is missing. There isn't much that can be done to address this except another UPS.
  13. Your ups status is missing the nominal power setting so unraid cannot calculate the load. It should look like this: NOMBATTV : 24.0 Volts NOMPOWER : 865 Watts This is from my Back-UPS BX1500G. It is a UPS firmware issue. The UPS is not reporting the nominal power. It's very curious though that it reports the time left on the battery so it knows the nominal power. I want to think about this for a bit, but I think the answer is for bonienl to add another parameter setting in the dynamix apcupsd plugin built into unraid for nominal power that would be used if the UPS does not provide a value. That way the load level could be determined and displayed.
  14. The current version in unRaid is 3.14.13. Dan, was it updated recently to account for these problems? I'd been posting about my UPS in another thread only a couple of days or so before this issue... As far as I know it has been that version since being included in V6 during beta testing. For those of you having issues, go to a terminal session and type '/sbin/apcaccess > /boot/apcstatus.txt' and post the the apcstatus.txt file so I can look at it. This will tell us if the issue is with the apcupsd not giving the missing parameters, or with unraid having an issue with processing the data. Be sure to tell me which parameters you seem to be missing.
  15. It's actually the match "checksum" that is marking the lines, but those should be marked as system, not minor issue. "checksumming" should be checked first and it should be marked as "system" according to the original unmenu matching file. I'll fix in next release.
  16. Post diagnostics so we can see more detail.
  17. I have multiple [global] sections in mine, one of which is managed by recycle bin. [global] security = USER guest account = nobody public = yes guest ok = yes map to guest = bad user [global] domain master = yes preferred master = yes os level = 255 [crypt] path = /mnt/crypt valid users = Rick write list = Rick force user = root create mask = 0711 directory mask = 0711 browsable = no guest ok = no #vfs_recycle_start #Recycle bin configuration [global] vfs objects = recycle recycle:repository = %P/.Recycle.Bin/%S recycle:directory_mode = 0777 recycle:keeptree = Yes recycle:touch = Yes recycle:touch_mtime = Yes recycle:versions = Yes recycle:exclude = *.tmp recycle:exclude_dir = .Recycle.Bin #vfs_recycle_end Thanks. Looks like I can just paste in the smb local master code after recycle bin. Yes. Don't add anything between #vfs_recycle_start and #vfs_recycle_end or it will be removed when recycle bin stops/starts.
  18. I believe you need to enable the 'External Storage support' app. Go to the 'Not Enabled' apps and enable it.
  19. Files have to be added to ownCloud through the gui. ownCloud keeps a database of the files added and deleted. You can't just point to a folder and expect ownCloud to incorporate those in the database.
  20. may i ask why you don't update the release notes every time you make a change? thanks I'll take it out of beta in a few days and then start posting release notes then.
  21. Update with RobJ modifications incorporated. You will need to go to the settings page and click default to get the colors set to default or remove and re-install the plugin. Further suggestions welcome. EDIT: RobJ, I've attached the latest match file and would appreciate you reviewing and making suggestions. syslog_match.zip
  22. Gentle reminder that the "done" button is still broken. It should send the user to http://tower/Settings. Also there needs to be a scroll bar across the bottom of the log window/frame to be able to read long lines without maximizing the browser The Done button works for me. The slider is there, you just have to scroll down to see it. I'm not sure I can do much about that.
  23. Be sure you have the latest version and go to the settings and click on default that will load the default colors. I've changed the colors several times because I saw the readability issue in earlier color selections. Are you using the dark Dynamix theme?
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